full of care oor Latyn

full of care

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Charlton T. Lewis

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This conversion calls for a number of attitudes which together foster a spirit of generous care, full of tenderness.
Huiusmodi conversio secum fert varias consuetudines quae coniunguntur ad magnanimam et lenitate plenam curam exercendam.vatican.va vatican.va
Above all, it must be possible to pass from external activity to the demands of common life, taking care to insure full effectiveness to the elements of the strictly religious life.
Potissimum vero ab actione externa transeundum est ad ea, quae vita postulat communis; qua in re curae sit, ut in tuto ponatur plena efficacitas illorum veluti elementorum vitae religiosae, quae proprie vereque dicitur.vatican.va vatican.va
For that reason, when drawing up the statutes of the provincial and diocesan synods, Charles was most careful to provide preachers full of zeal and holiness to exercise "the ministry of the word."
Itaque Caroli studia et consilia provincialibus in Synodis ac dioecesanis eo potissimum fuere conversa ut concionatores fingerentur, qui in ministerio verbi versari sancte atque utiliter possent.vatican.va vatican.va
15. That is why We strongly encourage you to keep the schools in the fullness of the faith or to restore this fullness if necessary, and to bestow your cares on old as well as new schools, not only on primary schools but also on secondary schools and on colleges.
Quamobrem vos in primis vehementer hortamur, Venerabiles Fratres, ut scholis in fidei integritate retinendis, aut ad ipsam, si opus fuerit, revocandis sedulo advigiletis, sive quae a maioribus institutae, sive quae conditae recentius fuerunt, nec pueriles tantum, sed etiam quas medias et quas academicas vocant.vatican.va vatican.va
Faith gives them full knowledge of God's wonderful plan: they therefore have an extra reason for caring for the reality that is the family in this time of trial and of grace.
Qui, in fide admirabile consilium Dei perspicientes, ampliorem habent rationem cur familiae, qualis est reapse, consulant hisce temporibus angustiarum et gratiae.vatican.va vatican.va
The methods of an effective collaboration of the laity with your action will never be lacking if the priests will devote themselves with careful attention to cultivating the Christian people by means of wise spiritual direction and careful religious instructions, not diluted in vain discourses, but nourished with sound doctrine taken from Holy Scripture and full of unction and of force.
Neque enim viae ac rationes, quibus laici apostolicae vestrae actioni studium afferant, umquam deficient, si sacerdotes christianum populum excolere studuerint, sapienti quidem moderamine ac perdiligenti religionis institutione, quae sit non vaniloquiis redundans, sed e Sacris Litteris exhausta, solidaque flagrans pietate.vatican.va vatican.va
On this holy day, the liturgy takes us inside the Upper Room, where, with grateful heart, we set ourselves to listen to the words of the divine Teacher, words full of solicitude for every generation of bishops called, after the apostles, to take upon themselves care for the Church, for the flock, for the vocation of the whole People of God, for the proclamation of God's Word, for the whole sacramental and moral order of Christian living, for priestly and religious vocations, for the fraternal spirit in the community.
Nimirum sancta huius diei Liturgia nos in Cenaculum introducit, grato animo quidem ad audienda verba paratos, quae nobis divinus Magister facies, sollicitudinis plena videlicet erga Episcopos cuiusvis aetatis, post Apostolos ad curam gerendam vocatos Ecclesiae, gregis, vocationis universi populi Dei, verbi nuntiandi, totius temperationis sacramentorum simul ac morum vitae christianae, item vocationum sacerdotalium ac religiosarum atque fraterni spiritus in universa communitate.vatican.va vatican.va
These ancient stories, full of symbolism, bear witness to a conviction which we today share, that everything is interconnected, and that genuine care for our own lives and our relationships with nature is inseparable from fraternity, justice and faithfulness to others.
In his tam vetustis narrationibus, praeclaro symbolismo refertis, praesens mens iam continebatur: omnia implicari, atque certam curam nostrae sane vitae nostraeque necessitudinis cum natura, a fraternitate, iustitia et erga alios probitate separari non posse.vatican.va vatican.va
And, as a sign of this desired reconciliation, I think that there is no gesture more significant than that of renewing as a community – on the occasion of the priestly day of Holy Thursday, as happens in the universal Church, or on another occasion that might be considered more opportune – the profession of faith, as a witness to the full communion attained, for the edification of the Holy People of God entrusted to your pastoral care, and to the praise of the Most Holy Trinity.
Atque veluti optatae huius reconciliationis signum, nullum arbitramur esse clariorem actum quam communiter renovandi — occasione data sacerdotalis diei feriae quintae in Cena Domini, quemadmodum in universali Ecclesia usu venit, vel alia opportunitate data aptiore considerata — fidei professionem, ut testimonium plenae communioni adeptae reddatur, sanctus Dei Populus aedificetur, vestrae pastorali curae commissus, atque Sanctissima Trinitas laudetur.vatican.va vatican.va
It is, of course, the proper function of the clergy to devote their care and energies to this great work; but the age and the country require that journalists should be equally zealous in this same cause and labor in it to the full extent of their powers.
Ista quidem curare atque in istis elaborare, munus est Cleri proprium idemque permagnum : sed tamen a scriptoribus ephemeridum et locus et tempus postulat, idem ut ipsi conentur, eademque pro caussa, quoad possunt, contendant.vatican.va vatican.va
Temples - splendors of art, rare monuments of glorious history and decorum which have been the pride of the nation throughout centuries - Houses of God and prayer over which the Catholic Church always had enjoyed the full right of ownership and which the Church by her magnificent title of particular merit had always preserved, embellished and adorned with loving care - even temples not a few of which were destroyed (and again We deplore it) by the impious mania of burning - were declared to property of the nation and placed under the control of the civil authorities who today rule the public destinies without any respect for the religious sentiments of the good people of Spain.
Etenim sacrae illae aedes — quarum non paucas scelesto incendiariorum furore absumptas iterum lamentamur — ut propria Nationis possessio denuntiatae fuerunt, ita iis obnoxiae factae sunt, qui, neglecta vel contempta catholica Hispanorum fide, rei publicae moderantur.vatican.va vatican.va
It is therefore necessary to take care that membership in these ecclesial movements does not endanger the charism or discipline of the Institute of origin,and that all is done with the permission of Superiors and with the full intention of accepting their decisions.
Curandum igitur erit ut ecclesiales motus suscipiantur charismatica servata proprietate et cuiusque Instituti disciplina,(233) Superiorum de licentia atque subsidiaria data condicione excipiendi eorum decreta.vatican.va vatican.va
Above all therefore they should foster respect for the person and for human life from conception to its natural end, in full conformity with the moral teaching of the Church.For this purpose they should set up centres of formationand cooperate closely with those ecclesial bodies entrusted with the pastoral ministry of health care.
Quapropter observantiam in primis personae ac vitae humanae a conceptione ad finem usque naturalem propugnent, plane consentientes cum morali Ecclesiae doctrina,(349) huius rei gratia sedes institutionis excitantes(350) et fraterno animo cum aliis ecclesialibus institutis operae pastoralis pro sanitate cooperantes.vatican.va vatican.va
Care must be taken that their content is sound, entirely pure, and in full harmony with the documents of the Church; today especially the style must be forceful and eloquent, so that he may be able to exhort . . . and to refute those who contradict. - Holiness of life without which knowledge puffs up and does not edify, consists not only in good and honorable habits, but also in that body of sacerdotal virtues which makes good priests exemplars of Jesus Christ the eternal High Priest. . . .
Vitae sanctitas, qua dempta, inflat scientia non aedificat, complectitur non solum probos honestosque mores, sed eum quoque virtutum sacerdotalium chorum, unde illa existit, quae efficit sacerdotes bonos, similitudo Iesu Christi, summi et aeterni Sacerdotis...vatican.va vatican.va
Venerable brothers, the persuasion that the thought of the Church regarding the veneration of praise, gratitude and love due to the most blessed Virgin is in full accord with the doctrine of the holy Gospel, as it was more precisely understood and explained by the tradition of the East as well as of the West, stirs in our spirit the hope that this pastoral exhortation of ours for an ever more fervid and more fruitful Marian piety will be received with generous acceptance not only by the faithful entrusted to your care, but also by those who, while not enjoying full communion with the Catholic Church, nevertheless, together with us, admire and venerate the handmaid of the Lord, the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Son of God.
Cum autem persuasum habeamus, Venerabiles Fratres, hodiernam Ecclesiae doctrinam de cultu - animi laudantis, grati, amantis indicio - beatissimae Virgini tribuendo plane cum Evangelii doctrina convenire, quam definitius sive Orientis sive Occidentis traditio interpretata est et explicavit, animus Noster ad spem erigitur, fore ut pastoralis haec adhortatio Nostra ad ardentiorem usque actuosioremque erga Mariam pietatem fovendam generosa voluntate excipiatur, non modo a christifidelibus vigilantiae vestrae commissis, sed ab iis etiam qui, etsi plena cum Ecclesia catholica communione non fruuntur, nihilominus una nobiscum ancillam Domini, Mariam Virginem, uti Filii Dei Matrem, tolunt ac venerantur.vatican.va vatican.va
15 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.