full of years oor Latyn

full of years

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Charlton T. Lewis

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Abraham was ninety and nine years old, when he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin, and Ismael his son was full thirteen years old at the time of his circumcision. .
Sed tamen haec singulari patientia milites ferebant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Peter and Paul: AAS LXX, 1978, p. 395), not indeed to praise himself but after fifteen years full of apostolic ministry to examine his conscience more strictly?
Praefecto vulnerato non dubitant nostri resistere et conversis equis hostem pellere.vatican.va vatican.va
The seven beautiful kine, and the seven full ears, are seven years of plenty: and both contain the same meaning of the dream.
Nox eadem necem Britannici et rogum coniunxit, proviso ante funebri paratu, qui modicus fuit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But at the same time this prayer is directed toward a precise moment of history which highlights the "fullness of time" marked by the year 2000.
Conditorem templi regem Aeriam vetus memoria, quidam ipsius deae nomen id perhibent.vatican.va vatican.va
Every Christian who receives the sacrament of Orders commits himself to celibacy with full awareness and freedom, after a training lasting a number of years, and after profound reflection and assiduous prayer.
Qui Avarico expugnato refugerant, armandos vestiendosque curat; simul, ut deminutae copiae redintegrarentur, imperat certum numerum militum civitatibus, quem et quam ante diem in castra adduci velit, sagittariosque omnes, quorum erat permagnus numerus in Gallia, conquiri et ad se mitti iubet.vatican.va vatican.va
In him who died and rose again for our salvation, the examples of faith that have marked these two thousand years of our salvation history are brought into the fullness of light.
Profugit inde cum paucis Lucterius nec se recipit in eastra.vatican.va vatican.va
In 1956, he was promoted to Joint Managing Director of the Park Royal company which oversaw the brewery; ten years later he was appointed Deputy Managing Director of Arthur Guinness and the following year was promoted to full Managing Director.
Massilienses tamen nihilo secius ad defensionem urbis reliqua apparare coeperunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Twenty years ago I asked you to collaborate full time as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Hanc si nostri transirent hostes expectabant; nostri autem, si ab illis initium transeundi fieret, ut impeditos adgrederentur, parati in armis erant.vatican.va vatican.va
Ps. 51:14) and of meeting God who is "rich in mercy" (Eph. 2:4), it is vital to educate future priests to have the virtue of penance, which the Church wisely nourishes in her celebrations and in the seasons of the liturgical year, and which finds its fullness in the sacrament of reconciliation.
Initium ferendi ad Vespasianum imperii Alexandriae coeptum, festinante Tiberio Alexandro, qui kalendis Iuliis sacramento eius legiones adegit.vatican.va vatican.va
Persons with full tax liability to Greenland are further entitled to an extra allowance of DKK 10,000 a year (2016 amount).
tutela templi freti, et impedientibus qui occulti rebellionis conscii consilia turbabant, neque fossam aut vallum praeduxerunt, neque motis senibus et feminis iuventus sola restitit: quasi media pace incauti multitudine barbarorum circumveniuntur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a period which is certainly distinguished from the period of childhood (it is precisely the time when one leaves the years of childhood), just as it is also distinguished from the period of full maturity.
Eorum impetum Galli sustinere non potuerunt atque in fugam coniecti multis amissis se ad agmen receperunt.vatican.va vatican.va
And the days of Isaac were a hundred and eighty years. And being spent with age he died, and was gathered to his people, being old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.
Id fieri posse, si suas copias Haedui in fines Bellovacorum introduxerint et eorum agros populari coeperint.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
These are the words spoken by the celebrant as he prepares the Paschal candle, which bears the number of the current year. These words clearly attest that "Christ is the Lord of time; he is its beginning and its end; every year, every day and every moment are embraced by his Incarnation and Resurrection, and thus become part of the 'fullness of time'".
neque enim socordia peccabat; nec occultum est, quando ex veritate, quando adumbrata laetitia facta imperatorum celebrentur.vatican.va vatican.va
The meaning of this rite is clear: it emphasizes the fact that Christ is the Lord of time; he is its beginning and its end; every year, every day and every moment are embraced by his Incarnation and Resurrection, and thus become part of the "fullness of time".
cur ergo olim parsimonia pollebat? quia sibi quisque moderabatur, quia unius urbis cives eramus; ne inritamenta quidem eadem intra Italiam dominantibus.vatican.va vatican.va
For the vocation, to which you generously responded fifty years ago, has been strengthened throughout these years and has received an honourable increase since, marked with the fullness of the sacrament of Orders, you became "the steward of the grace of the supreme priesthood" (Lumen Gentium, 26).
Eorum una, pars, quam Gallos obtinere dictum est, initium capit a flumine Rhodano, continetur Garumna flumine, Oceano, finibus Belgarum, attingit etiam ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum, vergit ad septentriones.vatican.va vatican.va
On the basis of this principle, the words which Mary spoke to the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple take on their full significance: "Your father and I...have been looking for you."
patres utrumque iussere: de Pisone inritum fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Just as the Word of God, the true Light, that "enlightens every man who comes into the world,"(1) wished to become man for our salvation and to dwell amongst us in order to show us His glory, "glory as of the only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth"(2) so also He deigned to live a hidden life for 30 years in the humble house of Nazareth in order to prepare worthily for His apostolic mission in prayer and toil, and to give us the example of every virtue.
Pompeius, qui castra in colle habebat, ad infimas radices montis aciem instruebat semper, ut videbatur, exspectans, si iniquis locis Caesar se subiceret.vatican.va vatican.va
The fact that in the fullness of time the Eternal Word took on the condition of a creature gives a unique cosmic value to the event which took place in Bethlehem two thousand years ago.
Quod hodie non est, cras erit, sic vita truditur. (Petronius)vatican.va vatican.va
And Gregory XVI. still more warmly favoured it and embraced it in the fullness of his paternal charity, since he, in his Encyclical Letters dated the 15th day of August, in the 40th year of this century, spoke of the same in these terms.: "We judge to be most worthy of the admiration and love of all good men this truly great and most holy work, which by modest offerings and daily prayers addressed by each associate to God is sustained, increased and grows strong, and which is occupied in maintaining Apostolic labourers and in exercising works of Christian charity towards neophytes, as well as in delivering the faithful from the attack of persecutions.
Sed fiebat aequitate decreti et humanitate Treboni, qui his temporibus clementer et moderate ius dicendum existimabat, ut reperiri non possent, a quibus initium appellandi nasceretur.vatican.va vatican.va
Episcopal Conferences should therefore be used to their full potential.263 Indeed, ''they have developed significantly and have become the preferred means for the Bishops of a country or a specific territory to exchange views, consult with one another and cooperate in promoting the common good of the Church; 'in recent years they have become a concrete, living and efficient reality throughout the world.'
Nec aliud infantibus ferarum imbriumque suffugium, quam ut in aliquo ramorum nexu contegantur: huc redeunt juvenes, hoc senum receptaculum.vatican.va vatican.va
We are moved by particularly affectionate and benevolent sentiments toward the Catholics of Germany, who are most loyally and obediently devoted to the Apostolic See and accustomed to battle generously and courageously on behalf of the Church. We therefore feel compelled, Venerable Brethren, to devote Our full strength and attention to the discussion of that issue which has arisen among them about workingmen's associations. Concerning this problem several of you, as well as qualified and respected representatives of both viewpoints, have already informed Us repeatedly during the past few years.
Quis enim invitum servare laboret?vatican.va vatican.va
21 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.