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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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16. Meanwhile, as a pledge of heavenly blessings and as a sign of Our good will, We affectionately give Our apostolic blessing to you, venerable brothers, to your clergy, and to your people.
Interea, caelestium munerum auspicem ac benevolentiae Nostrae testem, Vobis, Venerabiles Fratres, Clero populoque vestro Apostolicam benedictionem peramanter in Domino
264. In earnest of these wishes, and as a pledge of Our fatherly goodwill, may the Apostolic Blessing, which We give in the Lord with all Our heart, descend upon you, Venerable Brethren, and upon all the faithful entrusted to your care, and especially upon those who respond with generosity to Our appeals.
Quarum optabilium rerum veluti auspicium, paternaeque voluntatis Nostrae pignus esto Apostolica Benedictio, quam vobis, venerabiles Fratres, et christifidelibus omnibus vigilantiae vestrae commissis, atque iis nominatim, qui admonitionibus hisce Nostris alacri voluntate respondebunt, peramanter in Domino
Meanwhile, as a pledge of heavenly gifts and a witness of our goodwill, with all our heart we give the Apostolic Blessing to all of you, venerable brethren, and to your flocks, and especially to the bishops, priests and all the faithful of the Ruthenian Church.
Caelestium interea munerum auspicem, Nostraeque benevolentiae testem, cum vobis singulis, Venerabiles Fratres, vestrisque gregibus, tum peculiarissimo modo Ruthenae Ecclesiae Episcopis, sacerdotibus universisque christifidelibus, Apostolicam Benedictionem effuso animo
With the deepest Christian love. We give to you, venerable brothers, to all your clergy, and to the faithful entrusted to your care, Our apostolic blessing, as a witness of Our special love for you and as a pledge of heavenly help and consolation.
Patrem denique misericordiarum ex intimo corde adprecantes, ut respiciat labores et dolores vestros, atque communibus votis propitius annuat, Apostolicam benedictionem, praecipuae Nostrae dilectionis testem, auspicemque praesidii et solatii caelestis, vobis Venerabiles Fratres, universoque Clero et fidelibus cuiusque vestrum fidei concreditis, peramanter in Domino
4 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.