give ear to oor Latyn

give ear to

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Charlton T. Lewis

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10. These things being so, then, venerable brethren, as at the beginning of Our pontificate We, on whom the guidance of the whole Church now lies, pointed out a place of refuge to the peoples and the princes tossed about by the fury of the tempest, so now, moved by the extreme peril that is on them, We again lift up Our voice, and beseech them again and again for their own safety's sake as well as that of their people to welcome and give ear to the Church which has had such wonderful influence on the public prosperity of kingdoms, and to recognize that political and religious affairs are so closely united that what is taken from the spiritual weakens the loyalty of subjects and the majesty of the government.
Quae cum ita sint, Venerabiles Fratres, Nos, quibus modo totius Ecclesiae regimen incumbit, sicut a Pontificatus exordiis populis ac Principibus dira tempestate iactis portum commonstravimus quo se tutissime reciperent; ita nunc extremo, quod instat, periculo commoti Apostolicam vocem ad eos rursus attollimus; eosque per propriam ipsorum ac reipublicae salutem iterum iterumque precamur, obstantes, ut Ecclesiam, de publica regnorum prosperitate tam egregie meritam, magistram recipiant et audiant; planeque sentiant, rationes regni et religionis ita esse coniunctas, ut quantum de hac detrahitur, tantum de subditorum officio et de imperii maiestate
[II Tim. vi:3] Hence that unrestrained and undignified gesture such as may be seen on the stage or on the hustings, that effeminate lowering of the voice or those tragic outbursts; that diction peculiar to journalism; those frequent allusions to profane and non-Catholic literature, but not to the Sacred Scriptures or the Holy Fathers; finally that volubility of utterance often affected by them, wherewith they strike the ears and gain their hearers' admiration, but give them no lesson to carry home.
Hinc ille gestus non sedatus et gravis, sed qualis in scaena aut in concione populari solet agi; hinc illae vocis vel remissiones molliorès, vel contentiones tragicae; hinc illud orationis genus proprium ephemeridum; hinc sententiarum illa copia ab impiorum et acatholicorum petita scriptis, non a divinis Litteris, non a Sanctis Patribus; hinc denique illa et, quae ab eorum plerisque usurpatur volubilitas tanta verborum, qua obtundant quidem aures et admirationem moveant audientibus, sed nihil his boni afferant quod domum
2 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.