gone oor Latyn


/ɡɔn/, /ɡɒn/, /ɡɑn/ adjektief, werkwoord, pre / adposition
Past participle of go

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You had gone to Italy to see the king's son.
satis constitit extitisse proditorem, et Agrippinam auditis insidiis, an crederet ambiguam, gestamine sellae Baias pervectam.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And when they were gone out, the other sons of Jacob came upon the slain; and plundered the city in revenge of the rape.
Nostri celeriter arma ceperunt eosque in silvas repulerunt et compluribus interfectis longius impeditioribus locis secuti paucos ex suis deperdiderunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
An 80s world gone by
Cedant arma togae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lured on by the treacherous representations of the Gauls, Vocula marched against the enemy. He was near the Old Camp, when Classicus and Tutor, who had gone on in advance under the pretence of reconnoitring, concluded an agreement with the German chiefs.
Pollio haud disparibus verbis ac nuper Vitellius censet; despondeturque Octavia, ac super priorem necessitudinem sponsus iam et gener Domitius aequari Britannico studiis matris, arte eorum quis ob accusatam Messalinam ultio ex filio timebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"So now to Argos are they gone, to gain / fresh help from heaven, and hither by surprise / shall come once more, remeasuring the main. / Thus Calchas warned them."
"Neque enim solum arte et scientia, sed longe magis facultate et [usu] eloquentiam contineri, nec tu puto abnues et hi significare vultu videntur."" Deinde cum Aper quoque et Secundus idem adnuissent, Messalla quasi rursus incipiens: ""quoniam initia et semina veteris eloquentiae satis demonstrasse videor, docendo quibus artibus antiqui oratores institui erudirique soliti sint, persequar nunc exercitationes eorum."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Has he gone already?
tum iussam poenam subiit.tatoeba tatoeba
On board the ship he had taken was P. Vestrius, a Roman knight, and P. Ligarius, who had served in Spain under Afranius, the same who had prosecuted the war against him in Spain, and who, instead of acknowledging the conqueror's generosity, in granting him his liberty, had joined Pompey in Greece; and after the battle of Pharsalia, had gone into Africa, to Varus, there to continue in the service of the same cause. Caesar, to punish his perfidy and breach of oath, gave immediate orders for his execution.
Prima profecto illa est, quam ipsemet Redemptor noster, cum discipuli ab eo petiissent : « Doce nos orare » (7), suis e labiis edidit; sanctissima haec sane supplicatio, quae ut Dei gloriae, quantum a nobis est, prospicit, ita omnibus consulit corporis animique nostri necessitatibus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And, if by this power she has freed the world grown old in vice and lost in superstition, why should she not again recover it when gone astray?
eius negotii initium, ordinem, finem curatius disseram, quia tum primum reperta sunt quae per tot annos rem publicam exedere.vatican.va vatican.va
Tom has already gone.
Pugnatum est diu atque acriter, cum Sotiates superioribus victoriis freti in sua virtute totius Aquitaniae salutem positam putarent, nostri autem quid sine imperatore et sine reliquis legionibus adulescentulo duce efficere possent perspici cuperent; tandem confecti vulneribus hostes terga verterunt. Quorum magno numero interfecto Crassus ex itinere oppidum Sotiatium oppugnare coepit.tatoeba tatoeba
Moses said: As soon as I am gone out of the city, I will stretch forth my hands to the Lord, and the thunders shall cease, and the hail shall be no more: that thou mayst know that the earth is the Lord's.
C. Asinio C. Antistio consulibus nonus Tiberio annus erat compositae rei publicae, florentis domus (nam Germanici mortem inter prospera ducebat), cum repente turbare fortuna coepit, saevire ipse aut saevientibus viris praebere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And he was gone forth to meditate in the field, the day being now well spent: and when he had lifted up his eyes, he saw camels coming afar off.
quippe Drusi magna apud populum Romanum memoria, credebaturque, si rerum potitus foret, libertatem redditurus; unde in Germanicum favor et spes eadem.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Now when Jacob had gone in to her according to custom, when morning was come he saw it was Lia. And he said to his father-in-law: What is it that thou didst mean to do? did not I serve thee for Rachel? why hast thou deceived me?
Hi, cum est usus atque aliquod bellum incidit (quod fere ante Caesaris adventum quotannis accidere solebat, uti aut ipsi iniurias inferrent aut illatas propulsarent), omnes in bello versantur, atque eorum ut quisque est genere copiisque amplissimus, ita plurimos circum se ambactos clientesque habet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I can't believe Tom has gone.
Quis enim nos advocat nisi aut nocens aut miser? Quod municipium in clientelam nostram venit, nisi quod aut vicinus populus aut domestica discordia agitat? Quam provinciam tuemur nisi spoliatam vexatamque? Atqui melius fuisset non queri quam vindicari.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I'm gone.
ceterum evulgatus pudor non satietatum, ut rebantur, sed incitamentum attulit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tom didn't even notice that Mary was gone.
tantus inde ardor certantis exercitus fuit, ut intra tertiam diei partem nudati propugnatoribus muri, obices portarum subversi, capta escensu munimenta omnesque puberes trucidati sint, nullo milite amisso, paucis admodum vulneratis.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Two thousand years have gone by, but Jesus' proclamation of his mission, when he applied the prophecy of Isaiah to himself before his astonished fellow townspeople in the Synagogue of Nazareth, is as enduring as ever: "Today this scripture had been fulfilled in your hearing" (Lk 4:21).
ceteri consulatus ex destinatione Neronis aut Galbae mansere, Caelio ac Flavio Sabinis in Iulias, Arrio Antonino et Mario Celso in Septembris, quorum honoribus ne Vitellius quidem victor intercessit.vatican.va vatican.va
Oh, how far would they have gone backward if they had not beheld Thy glorious example!
Quo cum confestim Gaius Caninius venisset animadverteretque omnes oppidi partes praeruptissimis saxis esse munitas, quo defendente nullo tamen armatis ascendere esset difficile, magna autem impedimenta oppidanorum videret, quae si clandestina fuga subtrahere conarentur, effugere non modo equitatum, sed ne legiones quidem possent, tripertito cohortibus divisis trina excelsissimo loco castra fecit; a quibus paulatim, quantum copiae patiebantur, vallum in oppidi circuitum ducere instituit.Literature Literature
In the camp of the Helvetii, lists were found, drawn up in Greek characters, and were brought to Caesar, in which an estimate had been drawn up, name by name, of the number which had gone forth from their country of those who were able to bear arms; and likewise the boys, the old men, and the women, separately.
Eadem autem celeritate adverso colle ad nostra castra atque eos qui in opere occupati erant contenderunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
That the disturbance, which had gone as far as stoning and threats of fire, might not lead on to bloodshed and armed fighting, Caius Cassius was appointed to apply some remedy.
vos autem Treviri ceteraeque servientium animae, quod praemium effusi totiens sanguinis expectatis nisi ingratam militiam, immortalia tributa, virgas, securis et dominorum ingenia? en ego praefectus unius cohortis et Canninefates Batavique, exigua Galliarum portio, vana illa castrorum spatia excidimus vel saepta ferro fameque premimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Have you gone nuts?
Itaque consilio advocato, rebus eis quae ad se essent delatae omnibus eitis animos multitudinis confirmat.tatoeba tatoeba
I think Tom has gone away.
quippe absurdum videbatur inter aliena servitia et tot adstantium visu, ipso Germanico coram, id ausum; offerebatque familiam reus et ministros in tormenta flagitabat.tatoeba tatoeba
When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”
erant qui Vespasianum et arma Orientis augurarentur, et ut potior utroque Vespasianus, ita bellum aliud atque alias cladis horrebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When two of Fabius's legions had, as was their constant practice, gone forth as the usual protection to the foragers, and had crossed the river, and the baggage, and all the horse were following them, on a sudden, from the weight of the cattle, and the mass of water, the bridge fell, and all the horse were cut off from the main army, which being known to Petreius and Afranius, from the timber and hurdles that were carried down the river, Afranius immediately crossed his own bridge, which communicated between his camp and the town, with four legions and all the cavalry, and marched against Fabius's two legions.
His rebus perfectis regiones secutus quam potuit aequissimas pro loci natura quattuordecim milia passuum complexus pares eiusdem generis munitiones, diversas ab his, contra exteriorem hostem perfecit, ut ne magna quidem multitudine, si ita accidat, munitionum praesidia circumfundi possent; ac ne cum periculo ex castris egredi cogatur, dierum triginta pabulum frumentumque habere omnes convectum iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The force, which had to attack the tenth legion, thinking it a hard matter to storm a legionary encampment, surprised some troops, who had gone out, and were busy felling timber, killed the prefect of the camp, five centurions of the first rank, and a few soldiers; the rest found shelter behind the fortifications.
longa huic Pomponiae aetas et continua tristitia fuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
185 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.