grandmother oor Latyn


/ˈɡɹænd.ˌmʌ.ðɚ/ naamwoord
The mother of someone’s parent.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


mother of someone's parent
This house is my grandmother's, but soon it will be mine.
Haec domus aviae meae est, mox autem mea erit.


Charlton T. Lewis

avia maternis


avia paternis


mater antiqua


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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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Soortgelyke frases

great-grandmother's sister
amitta major
wife's grandmother
grandmother's sister
amitta magna · matertera magna
paternal grandmother
avia paternalis · avia paternis
great grandmother
abava · abavia
great-great grandmother


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
But I can more easily believe that Tiberius and Augusta, who did not leave the palace, kept her within, that their sorrow might seem equal to hers, and that the grandmother and uncle might be thought to follow the mother's example in staying at home.
Horum fuga navium onerariarum magistros incitabat; pauci lenunculi ad officium imperiumque conveniebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The boy pays visit to his grandmother.
aliud vulgus obaeratorum aut clientium arma cepit; petebantque saltus quibus nomen Arduenna, cum legiones utroque ab exercitu, quas Visellius et C. Silius adversis itineribus obiecerant, arcuerunt.tatoeba tatoeba
Do you play checkers with your grandmother?
Quod cum animadvertisset Caesar, scaphas longarum navium, item speculatoria navigia militibus compleri iussit, et quos laborantes conspexerat, his subsidia submittebat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Grandmother sent us a box of apples.
Pons, qui fuerat tempestate interruptus, paene erat refectus; hunc noctu perfici iussit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I love my grandmother very much.
sic gemmas et vestis et dignitatis insignia dedi, quo modo si sanguinems et vitam poposcissent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
You are teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.
primum extruendo tumulo caespitem Caesar posuit, gratissimo munere in defunctos et praesentibus doloris socius.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
let me have your on and on women can you give me you'd be a good boy on cheers and have staff gavel and along when i've stood about all of your evidence i intend to your grandmother is stood by your from the start of this trial it's over now and it's my duty to decide what should be done with you'll prob get evelyn is the sense of this court that you'll be confined in the state reformatory for a period of not less than one and not more than twenty years and i hope by the time you finished your sentence that you will have a larger
igitur motae urbis curae; nullus ordo metu aut periculo vacuus.QED QED
In selecting Domitius he looked not only to his ancient lineage, but also to his alliance with the blood of the Caesars, for he could point to Octavia as his grandmother and through her to Augustus as his great-uncle.
atque illum in nemore Aricino desidem et marcentem proditio Lucilii Bassi ac defectio classis Ravennatis perculit; nec multo post de Caecina adfertur mixtus gaudio dolor et descivisse et ab exercitu vinctum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He saw himself engaged in sacrifice, and his robe being sprinkled with the sacred blood, another more beautiful was given him by the hands of his grandmother Augusta.
Cur etiam secundo proelio aliquos ex suis amitteret? cur vulnerari pateretur optime de se meritos milites? cur denique fortunam periclitaretur? praesertim cum non minus esset imperatoris consilio superare quam gladio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then in the same chamber, with the same weapon, they sundered their veins, and speedily hurried into a bath, covered each, as delicacy required, with a single garment, the father gazing intently on his daughter, the grandmother on her grandchild, she again on both, while with rival earnestness they prayed that the ebbing life might have a quick departure, each wishing to leave a relative still surviving, but just on the verge of death.
inter quae necessitate praesentium rerum et instantibus curis excusata ne tum quidem immemor amorum statuas Poppaeae per senatus consultum reposuit; creditus est etiam de celebranda Neronis memoria agitavisse spe vulgum adliciendi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
My sister resembles my grandmother.
Quorum altero opere effecto, ut nulla omnino scapha egredi posset, altero instituto omnes Alexandrinorum copiae ex oppido se eiecerunt et contra munitiones pontis latiore loco constiterunt, eodemque tempore quae consueverant navigia per pontis ad incendia onerariarum emittere ad molem constituerunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
My grandmother is very old.
Cuius praeceptis ut res gereretur, Quintus Atius Varus, praefectus equitum, singularis et animi et prudentiae vir, suos hortatur agmenque hostium consecutus turmas partim idoneis locis disponit, parte equitum proelium committit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
My grandmother is sick.
ea res admonet ut de principiis iuris et quibus modis ad hanc multitudinem infinitam ac varietatem legum perventum sit altius disseram.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tutor had been made by Vitellius guardian of the banks of the Rhine. Sabinus, over and above his natural vanity, was inflamed with the pride of an imaginary descent, for he asserted that his great-grandmother had, by her personal charms, attracted the admiration of the divine Julius, when he was campaigning in Gaul.
Quibus rebus paene perfectis adventu Curionis cognito queritur in contione sese proiectum ac proditum a Cn.Pompeio, qui omnibus rebus imparatissimis non necessarium bellum suscepisset et ab se reliquisque in senatu interrogatus omnia sibi esse ad bellum apta ac parata confirmavisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I'm visiting my grandmother in hospital.
Nec Piso, quamquam coepta secus cadebant, omisit tutissima e praesentibus, sed castellum Ciliciae munitum admodum, cui nomen Celenderis,occupat; nam admixtis desertoribus et tirone nuper intercepto suisque et Plancinae servitiis auxilia Cilicum quae reguli miserane in numerum legionis composuerat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Born in Key West, Florida, his maternal grandfather and grandmother were each from Spain and England.
Sed eo fama iam praecurrerat, quam supra docuimus, de proelio Dyrrachino, quod multis auxerat partibus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My grandmother likes to weave things.
Quod si nubes non officiant, aspici per noctem solis fulgorem, nec occidere et exurgere, sed transire adfirmant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He was married to the granddaughter of Augustus, Agrippina, by whom he had several children, and though he was himself the son of Drusus, brother of Tiberius, and grandson of Augusta, he was troubled by the secret hatred of his uncle and grandmother, the motives for which were the more venomous because unjust.
Praevaluere haec adiuta Agrippinae inlecebris: ad eum per speciem necessitudinis crebro ventitando pellicit patruum ut praelata ceteris et nondum uxor potentia uxoria iam uteretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Divine honours were decreed to Claudius, and his funeral rites were solemnized on the same scale as those of Augustus; for Agrippina strove to emulate the magnificence of her great-grandmother, Livia.
Etenim, ut omnia pressius comprehendamus, quæ supra explicata sunt, Visitationis «ad limina» institutum, auctoritate sane grave ob moris antiquitatem atque ob præclarum pastorale momentum, summæ utilitatis instrumentum est, per quod sive Ecclesiæ catholicitas sive Episcoporum Collegii unitas atque communio, in Petri successore fundatæ, atque per illa sanctissima loca, in quibus Apostolorum Principes martyrium subierunt, significatæ, re et veritate exprimuntur; quarum theologicum, pastorale, sociale religiosumquc pondus nemo est qui ignoret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
How is your grandmother?
At Vitellianus exercitus, cui adquiescere Cremonae et reciperatis cibo somnoque viribus confectum algore atque inedia hostem postera die profligare ac proruere ratio fuit, indigus rectoris, inops consilii, tertia ferme noctis hora paratis iam dispositisque Flavianis impingitur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I visit my grandmother twice a week.
Alterius manus centuriones, alterius servos vim et contumelias miscere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
These are my grandmother's artificial teeth.
Lectio sancti Evangelii secundum Lucam.tatoeba tatoeba
39 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.