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Charlton T. Lewis

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Researchers have tried to draw conclusions from patterns of churchgoing or religious references in political speeches.
Celebre est propter delineationes ludicras in religiones fundamentalismumque mordaces.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lots of people have tried.
Multi conati sunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Gauls having tried every expedient, as nothing had succeeded, adopted the design of fleeing from the town the next day, by the advice and order of Vercingetorix.
Omnia experti Galli, quod res nulla successerat, postero die consilium ceperunt ex oppido profugere hortante et iubente Vercingetorige.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Having tried the government of a woman named Erato and having soon afterwards driven her from them, bewildered and disorganised, rather indeed without a ruler than enjoying freedom, they received for their king the fugitive Vonones.
Ariobantane morte fortuita absumpto stirpem eius haud toleravere; temptatoque feminae imperio, cui nomen Erato, eaque brevi pulsa, incerti solutique et magis sine domino quam in libertate profugum Vononen in regnum accipiunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Have you tried the rice?
Delibavistine oryzam?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In these pages I have tried to show how the family is placed at the centre of the great struggle between good and evil, between life and death, between love and all that is opposed to love.
Hisce in paginis ostendere studeo quo pacto familia media in illa reponatur pugna inter bonum ac malum, vitam inter et mortem, amorem inter et amori ipsi contraria.vatican.va vatican.va
In the encyclical already referred to, I have tried to show that the deepening and the many-faceted enrichment of the Church's consciousness resulting from the Council must open our minds and our hearts more widely to Christ.
In commemoratis iam Encyclicis Litteris Nostris edocere contendimus altiorem multipliciterque locupletiorem Ecclesiae conscientiam — eiusdem pariter Concilii fructum — Christo ipsi latius intellectum et cor nostrum debere recludere.vatican.va vatican.va
In the course of their history, Christians have tried to express this “knowing without knowing” by means of figures that can be represented, and they have developed images of “Heaven” which remain far removed from what, after all, can only be known negatively, via unknowing.
Saeculorum suorum decursu conati sunt christiani scientiam hanc interpretari quae figuris reddi non potest idcircoque imagines « caeli » perfecerunt quae semper procul ab iis rebus absunt quas omnino tantummodo negando novimus, id est per scientiam nullam.vatican.va vatican.va
In these present reflections devoted to human work we have tried to emphasize everything that seemed essential to it, since it is through man's labour that not only "the fruits of our activity" but also "human dignity, brotherhood and freedom" must increase on earth91.
Hisce in meditationibus hum ani laboris studuimus nos ea omnia extollere, quae sunt necessaria visa, cum per laborem debeant in terris duplicari non tantum « industriae nostrae fructus », verum etiam humana dignitas, communio fraterna et libertas (91).vatican.va vatican.va
By making the beauty and the dignity of the Christian liturgy shine forth in all its expressions, I have tried to promote the genuine meaning of the sanctification of God's name in order to form the religious sentiment of the faithful and open it to the transcendent.
Dum perficiebamus ut liturgiae christianae pulchritudo ac dignitas omnibus propriis significationibus effulgeret, provehere videlicet cogitabamus verum sanctificationis Dei nominis sensum ut religiosa fidelium affectio instrueretur atque ad transcendentiam aperiretur, unde venustas ac dignitas christianae liturgiae omnibus suis modis effulgeret.vatican.va vatican.va
The resistance of the second group takes the form of inertia and the slightly hostile attitude of the person who feels that he is one of the homily, who claims to know it all and to have tried it all and who no longer believes it.
Alteri resistunt inertia, habitu illo aliquatenus hostili, eorum proprio, qui rem suam se optime gerere sciunt, qui se omnia novisse affirmant, cunctisque fruitos esse, neque amplius iis credere.vatican.va vatican.va
Have you ever tried to get cow shit out of a Prada purse?
Ovumne prius exstiterit an gallina?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is in fact a difference between those who have sincerely tried to save their first marriage and have been unjustly abandoned, and those who through their own grave fault have destroyed a canonically valid marriage.
Etenim aliquid interest inter eos qui sincero animo contenderunt primum matrimonium servare quique prorsus iniuste sunt deserti, atque eos qui sua gravi culpa matrimonium canonice validum everterunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Harry Partch and some other musicologists, such as Kyle Gann, have studied and tried to popularize microtonal music and the usage of alternate musical scales.
Harrius Partch et alii musicologi, inter quos est Kyle Gann, musicam microtonalem et usum variorum graduum musicorum investigaverunt populoque gratum facere conati sunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hitherto, you have only borne adversity; prosperity tries the heart with keener temptations; for hardships may be endured, whereas we are spoiled by success.
fortunam adhuc tantum adversam tulisti: secundae res acrioribus stimulis animos explorant, quia miseriae tolerantur, felicitate corrumpimur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This present exhortation seeks to gather the results of the work of the synod, setting out some established points, indicating some essential goals, making available to all the wealth of experiences and training programs which have already been tried and found worthwhile.
Hinc est quod Adhortatio, cum colligere quodammodo intendat laborum synodalium fructus, constabilire primum debeat quaedam puncta nullatenus movenda; designare dein metas quasdam omnino assequendas; commonstrare omnibus et offerre experientiarum divitias et varietatem methodorum, experimento alicubi comprobatarum.vatican.va vatican.va
In early May 2006 Herman van Rooyen and Rudi Gouws, two of the leading members being tried, were reported to have escaped.
Ab anno 2006 Melina Klaus et Mirko Messner oratores, qui dicuntur, factionis sunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was indeed a desperate contest whether the aunt or the mother should have most power over Nero. Lepida tried to win the young prince's heart by flattery and lavish liberality, while Agrippina on the other hand, who could give her son empire but could not endure that he should be emperor, was fierce and full of menace.
enimvero certamen acerrimum, amita potius an mater apud Neronem praevaleret: nam Lepida blandimentis ac largitionibus iuvenilem animum devinciebat, truci contra ac minaci Agrippina, quae filio dare imperium, tolerare imperitantem nequibat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The number of those leaving the Catholic faith gradually increased. Soon the poison spread to most of the provinces and infected all classes. Many considered the cause of religion in that realm to be desperate and doubted that any remedy remained to be tried. Indeed it is clear that all would have been lost if God had not intervened with powerful aid.
Hinc sensim plures a catholica fide desciscere; mox pervagari malum virus provincias fere universas; tum omnis conditionis fortunaeque homines inficere, adeo ut multorum animis opinio insiderei causam religionis in illo imperio ad extrema esse deductam, morboque curando vix quidquam superesse remedii.vatican.va vatican.va
He then tried the knife with his aged hand, but again bound up his veins, opening them once more however on having begged for pardon by letter and received a pitiless answer.
atque ob id convictu principis prohibitus cum senili manu ferrum temptavisset, obligat venas; precatus que per codicillos, immiti rescripto venas resolvit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In this horrible situation three old acquaintances come to his house, and each one in his own way tries to convince him that since he has been struck down by such varied and terrible sufferings, he must have done something seriously wrong.
Dum in hac acerbissima condicione versatur, adeunt ad domum eius tres inveterati familiares, qui – vario quisque sermone – conantur ei persuadere ipsum aliquod grave facinus admisisse, si tam multiplicibus et acribus doloribus afficiatur.vatican.va vatican.va
But since, as We have already indicated, We are addressing Ourselves to pastors who must regain a sorely tried and to a certain extent dispersed flock, today more than ever before We recommend that you make use of those secular people to whom, as living stones of the Holy House of God, St. Peter attributes a profound dignity which makes them in a certain manner participants in a holy and regal priesthood (1 Peter ii.9).
At, quum alloquamur, uti iam innuimus, sacros Pastores, qui gregem ita probatum atque interdum dispersum recuperare debeant, vobis instanter suademus, ut laicorum opera utamini, quibus, tamquam Domus Dei lapidibus vivis, ipse beatissimus Petrus arcanam quandam agnovit dignitatem, per quam sanctum et regale sacerdotium quodammodo participant (1).vatican.va vatican.va
And so Rhadamistus having attempted the fortified walls in vain or with loss, began a blockade, and, finding that his assaults were despised, tried to bribe the rapacity of the camp-prefect. Casperius protested earnestly against the overthrow of an allied king and of Armenia, the gift of the Roman people, through iniquity and greed of gain.
ita Radamistus frustra vel cum damno temptatis munitionibus obssidium incipit; et cum vis neglegeretur, avaritiam praefecti emercatur, obtestante Casperio, ne socius rex, ne Armenia donum populi Romani scelere et pecunia verterentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
12) Thus it is also a response that tries to repay that love immolated even to the death on the cross: it is our "Eucharist," that is to say our giving Him thanks, our praise of Him for having redeemed us by His death and made us sharers in immortal life through His resurrection.
Sic responsio quoque ipsa est qua rependere studemus pretium Amoris illius immolati usque ad mortem in cruce. Haec nostra “Eucharistia” est, nostra videlicet gratiarum actio ei adhibita eiusdemque laudatio quod sua nos morte redemit ac participes suam per resurrectionem reddidit vitae immortalis.vatican.va vatican.va
They, finding themselves, after they had tried all means, unable either to force a passage on account of their deficiency in shipping, or cross by stealth on account of the guards of the Menapii, pretended to return to their own settlements and districts; and, after having proceeded three days' march, returned; and their cavalry having performed the whole of this journey in one night, cut off the Menapii, who were ignorant of, and did not expect [their approach, and] who, having moreover been informed of the departure of the Germans by their scouts, had, without apprehension, returned to their villages beyond the Rhine.
Illi omnia experti, cum neque vi contendere propter inopiam navium neque clam transire propter custodias Menapiorum possent, reverti se in suas sedes regionesque simulaverunt et tridui viam progressi rursus reverterunt atque omni hoc itinere una nocte equitatu confecto inscios inopinantes Menapios oppresserunt, qui de Germanorum discessu per exploratores certiores facti sine metu trans Rhenum in suos vicos remigraverant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
25 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.