having power oor Latyn

having power

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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have superior power
having power of knowing
having the power of attraction
adtractorius · attractorius
having full power
have equal power
have superior power|force|weight|influence|worth|efficacy
having unlimited powers
by the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe
vi veri universum vivus vici
have royal power


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Three hundred citizens, chosen for wealth or wisdom, form a kind of senate, and the people have powers of their own.
bella plane accinctis obeunda: sed revertentibus post laborem quod honestius quam uxorium levamentum? at quasdam in ambitionem aut avaritiam prolapsas.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
accepitque eos centurio Insteius ab Ummidio missus forte prior e[a] de causa adito rege.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When a state either repels war waged against it, or wages it against another, magistrates are chosen to preside over that war with such authority, that they have power of life and death.
pergunt etiam in castra praetorianorum tribuni Cetrius Severus, Subrius Dexter, Pompeius Longinus, si incipiens adhuc et necdum adulta seditio melioribus consiliis flecteretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
You have the power of choice in your affairs.
D. Brutum adulescentem classi Gallicisque navibus, quas ex Pictonibus et Santonis reliquisque pacatis regionibus convenire iusserat, praeficit et, cum primum possit, in Venetos proficisci iubet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Governors have broad powers: they may order propaganda in their area and call in the army, gendarmes, and police.
Ceterum Arii super vires, quibus enumeratos paulo ante populos antecedunt, truces, insitae feritati arte ac tempore lenocinantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For priests only, rightly ordained in the church, have the power of consecrating and celebrating the Body of Christ.
addiderat Segestes legatis filium, nomine Segimundum: sed iuvenis conscientia cunctabatur.Literature Literature
The children of Heth answered, saying: My lord, hear us, thou art a prince of God among us: bury thy dead in our principal sepulchres: and no man shall have power to hinder thee from burying thy dead in his sepulchre.
Tum Caesar omnibus portis eruptione facta equitatuque emisso celeriter hostes in fugam dat, sic uti omnino pugnandi causa resisteret nemo, magnumque ex eis numerum occidit atque omnes armis exuit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
You have the power, the choice to say what comes next - whether your children will live in war or peace.
ac tamen quod pulcherrimum adeptum, ut coninuctione Caesaris dignus crederetur: hinc initium spei.QED QED
Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the only two emirates to have veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country's legislature.
Itaque prius quam quicquam conaretur, Diviciacum ad se vocari iubet et, cotidianis interpretibus remotis, per C. Valerium Troucillum, principem Galliae provinciae, familiarem suum, cui summam omnium rerum fidem habebat, cum eo conloquitur; simul commonefacit quae ipso praesente in concilio [Gallorum] de Dumnorige sint dicta, et ostendit quae separatim quisque de eo apud se dixerit. Petit atque hortatur ut sine eius offensione animi vel ipse de eo causa cognita statuat vel civitatem statuere iubeat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Politically, Israel's overlords probably would not have allowed a power vacuum to last that length of time.
Fuit in senatu Iunius Rusticus, componendis patrum actis delectus a Caesare eoque meditationes eius introspicere creditus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Letter to the Ephesians makes this heartfelt prayer for all the baptized: “May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith, so that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power... to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (3:17-19).
Poetovionem in hiberna tertiae decimae legionis convenerant.vatican.va vatican.va
These associations of worship are therefore placed in such a state of dependence on the civil authority that the ecclesiastical authority will, clearly, have no power over them.
Quae res Caesarem non fefellerat: namque expeditos ex singulis legionibus trecenos milites esse iusserat.vatican.va vatican.va
The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
"Sed quis eam iustius explicabit quam tu, ad cuius summam eruditionem et praestantissimum ingenium cura quoque et meditatio accessit?"" Et Messalla ""aperiam"" inquit ""cogitationes meas, si illud a vobis ante impetravero, ut vos quoque sermonem hunc nostrum adiuvetis."" ""Pro duobus"" inquit Maternus ""promitto: nam et ego et Secundus exsequemur eas partis, quas intellexerimus te non tamomisisse quam nobis reliquisse."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The time has gone by and passed away when you might have endured the suspicion of having coveted Imperial power.
Iulius Paulus et Iulius Civilis regia stirpe multo ceteros anteibant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tacitus says that the Germans made a distinction between kings, who were chosen by birth, and military leaders, who were chosen by ability, and that kings did not have absolute power.
Itaque posteaquam castra non potuerant potiri, Uticam se in oppidum coniecerunt atque ibi multos Uticenses interfecerunt domosque eorum expugnaverunt ac diripuerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
14. You should know that We are relying particularly on the prayers of children and those suffering affliction, for their pleas have special power to penetrate heaven and soften God's justice.
et quidam regrediebantur ostentabantque se rursum id ipsum paventes quod timuissent.vatican.va vatican.va
Husbands have power of life and death over their wives as well as over their children: and when the father of a family, born in a more than commonly distinguished rank, has died, his relations assemble, and, if the circumstances of his death are suspicious, hold an investigation upon the wives in the manner adopted toward slaves; and, if proof be obtained, put them to severe torture, and kill them.
Provinciae toti quam maximum potest militum numerum imperat (erat omnino in Gallia ulteriore legio una), pontem, qui erat ad Genavam, iubet rescindi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
If she displease the eyes of her master to whom she was delivered, he shall let her go: but he shall have no power to sell her to a foreign nation, if he despise her.
eo promptior Caesar pergit introrsus, populatur, excindit non ausum congredi hostem aut, sicubi restiterat, statim pulsum nec umquam magis, ut ex captivis cognitum est, paventem.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Not change the world, he never claimed that – he once said that if music could change the world he'd only be making music – but he believed that while music didn't have agency, it did have the power to make a difference."
Neque idcirco copias quamquam erant paucae tironumque, non educebat in aciem quod victoriae suorum diffideret, sed referre arbitrabatur cuiusmodi victoria esset futura; turpe enim sibi existimabat tot rebus gestistantisque exercitibus devictis, tot tam claris victoriis partis, ab reliquis copiis adversariorum suorum ex fuga collectis se cruentam adeptum existimari victoriam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
43) Only His sacrifice-and no one else's-was able and is able to have a "propitiatory power" be fore God, the Trinity, and the transcendent holiness.
Munius Lupercus legatus legionis inter dona missus Veledae. ea virgo nationis Bructerae late imperitabat, vetere apud Germanos more, quo plerasque feminarum fatidicas et augescente superstitione arbitrantur deas.vatican.va vatican.va
Therefore, it can be seen that although backbenchers have little official legislation powers in Parliament, they often exert significant background influence on the legislative process.
Asia et ceterae provinciae nec virorum inopes et pecunia opulentae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I am thinking in particular about pastors and the many scholars, theologians, philosophers, writers and journalists who have resisted the powerful trend to cultural conformity and are courageously ready to "swim against the tide".
sic egesto quidquid turbidum redit urbi sua forma legesque et munia magistratuum.vatican.va vatican.va
Many of the faithful have been able to experience the power of her intercession.
iube re[m] per procuratores tuos administrari, in tuam fortunam recipi.vatican.va vatican.va
Then enduring patience shall have more might than all the power of the world.
laetabatur Tiberius, cum inter filios eius et leges senatus disceptaret.Literature Literature
Men powerful in the world have risen up against her.
quod postquam patefactum prorupere concepta pridem odia et summum supplicium decernebatur ni professus indicium foret.vatican.va vatican.va
214 sinne gevind in 31 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.