head of state oor Latyn

head of state

The chief public representative of a nation having duties, privileges and responsibilities varying greatly depending on the constitutional rules; a monarch in a monarchy, and often styled president in a republic, but variations such as collegiality exist.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

Dux civitatis

official who holds the highest ranked position in a sovereign state

dux civitatis


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Head of state

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

Dux civitatis


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

assassin of head of state
Lists of heads of state
Indices ducum civitatum
Heads of state of the European Union Member states
Duces civitatum Unionis Europaeae
List of heads of state of Bulgaria
Index regum praesidumque Bulgariae
List of heads of state of Greece
Index regum praesidumque Graeciae
Heads of state of Italy
Duces Italiae
Heads of state
Duces civitatum
Europe heads of state and government
Gubernatores civitatum Europaearum hodiernarum


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Category:Lists of heads of state
virtus porro ac ferocia subiectorum ingrata imperantibus; et longinquitas ac secretum ipsum quo tutius, eo suspectius.langbot langbot
Category:Assassins of heads of state
neque aliam defensionem ab iis quibus ista noscentur exegerim, quam ne oderim tam segniter pereuntis.langbot langbot
List of heads of state of Greece
Hoc veteres non probant milites, quos sub vexillo una profectos docuimus.langbot langbot
Head of state
Calenus legionibus equitibusque Brundisii in naves impositis, ut erat praeceptum a Caesare, quantum navium facultatem habebat, naves solvit paulumque a portu progressus litteras a Caesare accipit, quibus est certior factus portus litoraque omnia classibus adversariorum teneri.langbot langbot
List of heads of state of Bulgaria
accedebant muliebres offensiones novercalibus Liviae in Agrippinam stimulis, atque ipsa Agrippina paulo commotior, nisi quod castitate et mariti amore quamvis indomitum animum in bonum vertebat.langbot langbot
Template:Europe heads of state and government
Erat aeger cum praesidio relictus Publius Sextius Baculus, qui primum pilum ad Caesarem duxerat, cuius mentionem superioribus proeliis fecimus, ac diem iam quintum cibo caruerat.langbot langbot
Poland is a representative democracy, with a president as a head of state, whose current constitution dates from 1997.
Provinciae Q. Cassium praeficit; huic III legiones attribuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Synod "challenges the consciences of Heads of State and those responsible for the public domain to guarantee ever more the liberation and development of their peoples".(
Itaque se magnas et gravis iniurias civium Romanorum qui in Ponto negotiati essent, quoniam in integrum restituere non posset, concedere Pharnaci.vatican.va vatican.va
Under Brunei's 1959 constitution, His Majesty Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, is the head of state with full executive authority, including emergency powers since 1962.
At Scipionem properantem sequi litterae sunt consecutae a M. Favonio, Domitium cum legionibus adesse neque se praesidium, ubi constitutus esset, sine auxilio Scipionis tenere posse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Recently, several Heads of State and of Government, numerous political figures, and some Episcopal Conferences and individual Bishops have asked me to proclaim Saint Thomas More the Patron of Statesmen and Politicians.
Id opus inter se Petreius atque Afranius partiuntur ipsique perficiundi operis causa longius progrediuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
Since Puerto Rico is a US colony, Puerto Rico's head of state is the President of the USA, but inhabitants of Puerto Rico are not allowed to vote in US presidential elections.
nam haud procul tentorio eius non ignobilis barbarus cum telo repertus ordinem insidiarum seque auctorem et socios per tormenta edidit, convictique et puniti sunt qui specie amicitiae dolum parabant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
That is why the Synod prayed fervently to the Lord that there would arise in Africa holy politicians — both men and women — and that there would be saintly Heads of State, who profoundly love their own people and wish to serve rather than be served.(
mox suspectum in eadem Poppaea in provinciam Lusitaniam specie legationis seposuit.vatican.va vatican.va
It arranges public and private audiences with the Pontiff, in consultation with the Secretariat of State whenever circumstances so demand and under its direction it arranges the procedures to be followed when the Roman Pontiff meets in a solemn audience with heads of State, ambassadors, members of governments, public authorities, and other distinguished persons.
Haec Scipionis oratio, quod senatus in urbe habebatur Pompeiusque aberat, ex ipsius ore Pompei mitti videbatur.vatican.va vatican.va
Notwithstanding these remonstrances, it was the inflexible purpose of Tiberius not to quit the head-quarters of empire or to imperil himself and the State.
at Mela, quae tum promptissima mortis via, exolvit venas, scriptis codicillis quibus grandem pecuniam in Tigellinum generumque eius Cossutianum Capitonem erogabat quo cetera manerent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
45 — The Section for Relations with States has the special task of dealing with heads of government.
Provecta nox erat et Neroni per vinolentiam trahebatur, cum ingreditur Paris, solitus alioquin id temporis luxus principis intendere, sed tunc compositus ad maestitiam, expositoque indicii ordine ita audientem exterret, ut non tantum matrem Plautumque interficere, sed Burrum etiam demovere praefectura destinaret, tamquam Agrippinae gratia provectum et vicem reddentem.vatican.va vatican.va
A union territory, the political administration of the NCT of Delhi today more closely resembles that of a state of India, with its own legislature, high court and an executive council of ministers headed by a Chief Minister.
at non Vitellius flexit oculos nec tot milia insepultorum civium exhorruit: laetus ultro et tam propinquae sortis ignarus instaurabat sacrum dis loci.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The bridge being finished, five powerful states being joined to Caesar, a way opened for the receiving of corn, and the rumors of the assistance of legions which were said to be on their march, with Pompey at their head, through Mauritania, having died away, several of the more distant states revolt from Afranius, and enter into league with Caesar.
Illi non diu commorati nec longius ab infimo colle progressi copias in castra reducunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He gathered round him all whom he knew to cherish the memory of Germanicus, and to be opposed to his enemies, dwelling repeatedly on the greatness of the general, with hints that the State was being threatened with an armed attack, and he put himself at the head of a strong force, prepared for battle.
permiscentur inter se manipuli, modo pectore, modo ore tenus extantes, aliquando subtracto solo disiecti aut obruti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For when Antonius had gone into winter quarters, and the state of the Atrebates continued in their allegiance, Comius, who, after that wound which I before mentioned, was always ready to join his countrymen upon every commotion, that they might not want a person to advise and head them in the management of the war, when his state submitted to the Romans, supported himself and his adherents on plunder by means of his cavalry, infested the roads, and intercepted several convoys which were bringing provisions to the Roman quarters.
sed magnitudo facinoris metum, prolationes, diversa interdum consilia adferebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And inasmuch as the destiny of the State depends mainly on the disposition of those who are at the head of affairs, it follows that the Church cannot give countenance or favor to those whom she knows to be imbued with a spirit of hostility to her; who refuse openly to respect her rights; who make it their aim and purpose to tear asunder the alliance that should, by the very nature of things, connect the interests of religion with those of the State.
Supremo quidem die momenta ipsa deficientis per dispositos cursores nuntiata constabat, nullo credente sic adcelerari quaetristis audiret.vatican.va vatican.va
All missions to the United Nations are known simply as permanent missions, while EU member states' missions to the European Union are known as permanent representations, and the head of such a mission is typically both a permanent representative and an ambassador.
Scipio interim fere cotidie non longe a suis castris passus CCC instruere aciem ac maiore parte diei consumpta rursus in castra se recipere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"The deputies reported his speech to their countrymen, and by the authority of the state bring him back this answer: ""That they understood that the Roman people was divided into two factions: that they had neither judgment nor abilities to decide which had the juster cause; but that the heads of these factions were Cneius Pompey and Caius Caesar, the two patrons of the state: the former of whom had granted to their state the lands of the Vocae Arecomici, and Helvii; the latter had assigned them a part of his conquests in Gaul, and had augmented their revenue."
Igitur Civilis desciscendi certus, occultato interim altiore consilio, cetera ex eventu iudicaturus, novare res hoc modo coepit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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