head of the the town oor Latyn

head of the the town

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


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Soortgelyke frases

head of the town
heads of the ten decuriae forming the senate in a colony or municipal town
decem primi


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When one of these works was accomplished so effectually, that no boat could pass out at all, and when the other was commenced, the Alexandrians sallied, in crowds from the town, and drew up in an open place, over against the intrenchment we had cast up at the head of the bridge. At the same time they stationed at the mole the vessels which they had been wont to make pass under the bridge, to set fire to our ships of burden.
cum osculis, cum lacrimis dolorem meum implevero, me quoque trucidari iube, dum interfectos nullum ob scelus sed quia utilitati legionum consulebamus hi sepeliant.'latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then when cities, towns, villages and hamlets around were overwhelmed in ruin, it seemed that even the Arch-Abbey of Cassino, the head house of the Benedictine Order, was sharing the grief and partaking the sufferings of its sons.
Namque altera ex parte Bellovaci, quae civitas in Gallia maximam habet opinionem virtutis, instabant, alteramCamulogenus parato atque instructo exercitu tenebat; tum legiones a praesidio atque impedimentis interclusas maximum flumen distinebat.vatican.va vatican.va
Meanwhile the companies which previous to the mutiny had been sent to Nauportus to make roads and bridges and for other purposes, when they heard of the tumult in the camp, tore up the standards, and having plundered the neighbouring villages and Nauportus itself, which was like a town, assailed the centurions who restrained them with jeers and insults, last of all, with blows. Their chief rage was against Aufidienus Rufus, the camp-prefect, whom they dragged from a waggon, loaded with baggage, and drove on at the head of the column, asking him in ridicule whether he liked to bear such huge burdens and such long marches.
non hoc praecipuum amicorum munus est, prosequi defunctum ignavo questu, sed quae voluerit meminisse, quae mandaverit exequi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
3 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.