headquarters oor Latyn


/ˈhɛdˌkwɔɹtəz/, /ˌhɛdˈkwɔːtəz/ naamwoord
The military installation from which troops are commanded and orders are issued; the military unit consisting of a commander and his support staff

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[ praetōrium ]
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Finally, this Commission is to have its headquarters in the Vatican Motion Picture Library which We intend to establish in order to assemble Motion Pictures of interest to the Apostolic See.
Eidem Consilio cura Cinematothecae Vaticanae creditur, quam ideo instituere volumus, ut artis cinematographicae specimina, quae Sedis Apostolicae intersint, in unum congerantur.vatican.va vatican.va
Finally, this Commission is to have its headquarters in the Vatican City as an affiliate of Our Secretariat of State.
Denique in Urbe Vaticana sedem habeat constitutam idem Consilium, quod Officio publicis Ecclesiae negotiis accurandis aggregatur.vatican.va vatican.va
The 402 TBAP's division headquarters were 326 TBAD at Soltsy-2.
Qua epocha 2473 Heyerdahl per dies 1226 circa solem movebatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Government Communications Headquarters
Praesidium Communicationis Gubernativum (Britanniarum Regnum)langbot langbot
On an instance, in 1943, upon learning that SD troops were murdering Jews near his headquarters, he intervened and prohibited further executions.
Anno 1944, cum magistratus eum in exercitum Germanum conscribere vellent, se abdidit usque ad finem belli.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bell Racing is headquartered in Rantoul, Illinois, with manufacturing facilities at an industrial park which used to be Chanute Air Force Base.
Caput Bell Racing est Rantoul Illinoesiae, et societas locos habet fabricationis in horto industriali olim in Castris Classis Aerialis Chanute sito.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the southernmost point the road runs past the headquarters of MI6.
In itinerario Sigerici, Luna fuit statio duodetricesima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meanwhile the soldiers, as their numbers overflowed the crowded camp, dispersed throughout the porticoes, the temples, and the whole capital, did not know their own headquarters, kept no watch, and ceased to brace themselves by toil.
Sed miles, plenis castris et redundante multitudine, in porticibus aut delubris et urbe tota vagus, non principia noscere, non servare vigilias neque labore firmari: per inlecebras urbis et inhonesta dictu corpus otio, animum libidinibus imminuebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Their envoys, who had assumed a studied appearance of misery and distress, passed through the headquarters and the men's tents, and complaining, now of their own wrongs, now of the rewards bestowed on the neighbouring states, and, when they found the soldiers' ears open to their words, of the perils and insults to which the army itself was exposed, inflamed the passions of the troops.
legati eorum in squalorem maestitiamque compositi per principia per contubernia modo suas iniurias, modo vicinarum civitatium praemia, et ubi pronis militum auribus accipiebantur, ipsius exercitus pericula et contumelias conquerentes accendebant animos.latin-ancient latin-ancient
43. This is precisely what is happening today in the sight of the whole world and in the broad light of modern civilization. Especially is this the case in some countries where "the powers of darkness" seem to have made their headquarters.
Haec nempe in conspectu terrarum orbis et in media luce praesentis humanitatis geruntur penes quandam potissimum gentem, ubi principem sibi sedem constituisse videtur potestas tenebrarum.vatican.va vatican.va
In England, the first Unitarian Church was established in 1774 on Essex Street, London, where today's British Unitarian headquarters are still located.
In Anglia, prima ecclesia unitariana anno 1774 in Via Essex Londinii constituta est, ubi praesidium Britannicum hodiernum iam patet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pope Paul VI strongly encouraged this process by his visit to the headquarters of the World Council of Churches in Geneva on 10 June 1969, and by his many meetings with representatives of various Churches and Ecclesial Communities.
Huic processui validam addidit impulsionem Summus Pontifex Paulus VI, cum Consilii Ecclesiarum Oecumenici sedem Genavae die decimo mensis Iunii anno 1969 invisit, saepiusque conveniendo legatos diversarum Ecclesiarum et Communitatum ecclesialium.vatican.va vatican.va
A suicide car bomb exploded in Iskandariya, targeting the police headquarters and the nearby offices of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq.
In exsilio sodalis fuit factionis communisticae Iracensis, postea consilium supremum revolutionis Islamicae in Iraca.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Itavia was headquartered in Rome.
Roma nunc caput Italiae erat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Pontifical Academy for Latin, with headquarters in Vatican City State, is established for the promotion and appreciation of the Latin language and culture.
Pontificia Academia Latinitatis conditur, cuius sedes in Statu Civitatis Vaticanae locatur, quae linguam Latinam et cultum promoveat extollatque.vatican.va vatican.va
Some legislators of the Bihar Legislative Council responded by claiming the court had been misinformed by the CBI and initiating a privilege motion to discuss possible action against senior figures in the regional headquarters of the CBI, which could proceed similar to a contempt of court proceeding and result in stalling the investigation or even prosecution of the named CBI officials.
Ipsr Vopiscus cum Publilio Volerone tribuno plebis de lege Publilia de tribunis plebis certavit et interdum vi coactus in curiam fugebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Having then assembled them at his headquarters, and ordered them to hear his words in silence, he reminded them of the urgency of the crisis.
Tunc contractos in principia iussosque dicta cum silentio accipere temporis ac necessitatis monet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Its territorial area is 2 207,612 square kilometers, the headquarters`s area occupyin 2 174 square kilometers, have altitude of 454 meters.
Eius territorii area est 2 207,612 quadratum milia passuum, sit area sedem, occupandi 2 174 quadratum kilometers, et altitudo 454 m.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Honduran community originates from the operations of banana and fruit companies such as Standard Fruit Co. and United Fruit Co., which produced bananas in Honduras and had their corporate headquarters in New Orleans.
Magna faucitas primum advenit ad Honduriam, cum societates industriae bananarum pomorumque (Standard Fruit Company et United Fruit Company) operationes? in Honduriae saeculo vicensimo statuerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of Georgia's media companies are headquartered in its capital and largest city, Tbilisi.
Pleraeque Georgianae societates mediorum communicationis suas sedes in capite et maximā urbe, Tiphlem, habent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The main companies in the Basque Country are: BBVA bank, Iberdrola energy company (both of them have their headquarters in Bilbao), Mondragón Cooperative Corporation—MCC, the largest cooperative in the world—Gamesa wind turbine producer and CAF rolling stock producer.
Praecipuae societates in Vasconia sunt argentaria BBVA, societas energetica Iberdrola (ambae primarias sedes Bilbai habent), corporatio Mondragon quae est maxima cooperativa in mundo, Gamesa productoria aërogeneratorii et CAF productoria materiae rotantis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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