healing power oor Latyn

healing power

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Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

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New mothers who had recently conceived a child would seek revitalization in them, while individuals who were sick could find healing power in sweating.
ergo Epicharis plura; et omnia scelera principis orditur, neque sancti quid[quam] manere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"(3) But as all this world cannot be upheld but by His providence and divinity, so also men can only be healed by His power, of Whose goodness they were called from death to life.
Cassivellaunus hoc proelio nuntiato tot detrimentis acceptis, vastatis finibus, maxime etiam permotus defectione civitatum legatos per Atrebatem Commium de deditione ad Caesarem mittit.vatican.va vatican.va
This is why she suffers and does penance for these offenses, of which she has the power to heal her children through the blood of Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Hic vero nulla munitio est quae perterritos recipiat: modo conscripti atque usus militaris imperiti ad tribunum militum centurionesque ora convertunt; quid ab his praecipiatur exspectant.vatican.va vatican.va
He had no doubt that in it there was a powerful remedy for the healing of those very evils which today also, and beyond question in a wider and more serious way, bring distress and disquiet to individuals and to the whole human race.
igitur ubi coniuratis praefectum quoque praetorii in partes descendisse crebro ipsius sermone facta fides, promptius iam de tempore ac loco caedis agitabant.vatican.va vatican.va
From him we must learn the loving gaze with which he reconciled men with the Father and with themselves, communicating to them that power which alone is able to heal the whole person.
nec ultra mora. Sulla sexto die pervectis Massiliam percussoribus ante metum et rumorem interficitur, cum epulandi causa discumberet.vatican.va vatican.va
Nay, authority will never be able to heal other evils as long as it forgets or denies that all power comes from God.
Flor de la luna (Ipomoea alba, Convolvulaceae) – medicina, habilitador de hule, y ornamental: Una revisión.vatican.va vatican.va
There is nothing so powerful as the name of Jesus to check anger, reduce the swelling of pride, heal the smarting wound of envy. . ."[
Classicus nobilitate opibusque ante alios: regium illi genus et pace belloque clara origo, ipse e maioribus suis hostis populi Romani quam socios iactabat.vatican.va vatican.va
For each person there is a sentence—a series of words—which has the power to destroy him. Another sentence exists, another series of words, which will heal the person.
Quod ab defensoribus propter egregiam munitionem oppidi et multitudinem tormentorum facile et sine periculo defendebatur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
4. But although the grace of Our merciful God which in former times preserved and most graciously embraced your nation, bids Us to argue well, and be of good hope for the future, nevertheless We ought to strive, so far as lies in Our power, to do that which will be most efficacious in healing the wounds which Our religion may have received, or in warding them off while still threatening us, so that Our holy Christian doctrine and code of morals may daily spread and bear fruit more largely.
Ex eo est cognitum Caesaris consilium, illum cum classe navibus onerariis quae deerrassent, subsidio ire clam hostibus voluisse, ne casu imprudentes suae naves in classem adversariorum inciderent, neque eam rem eos voluisse scire qui in praesidiis relicti sui milites fuissent, uti nihil propter suorum paucitatum et hostium multitudinem metu deficerent.vatican.va vatican.va
For indeed the Bishop – having been constituted a model of Christ and standing in his place (eis typon kai topon Christou) – is above all a minister of divine mercy; therefore, the exercise of juridical power is a privileged place where, using the laws of oeconomia or acribia, he himself imparts the Lord’s healing mercy to the Christian faithful in need of it.
missae e tormentis hastae, quantoque conspicui magis propugnatores, tanto pluribus vulneribus deiecti.vatican.va vatican.va
And since they know that the Church of Christ has such power to ward off the plague of socialism as cannot be found in human laws, in the mandates of magistrates, or in the force of armies, let them restore that Church to the condition and liberty in which she may exert her healing force for the benefit of all society.
neque sum ignarusa plerisque scriptoribus omissa multorum pericula et poenas, dum copia fatiscunt aut quae ipsis nimia et maesta fuerant ne pari taedio lecturos adficerent verentur: nobis pleraque digna cognitu obvenere, quamquam ab aliis incelebrata.vatican.va vatican.va
11 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.