hither and thither oor Latyn

hither and thither

(rare, literally) To here and to there.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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ride hither and thither
run|rush|hurry to-and-fro|hither-and-thither
drive hither and thither
run hither and thither
cursito · curso
one who runs hither and thither|to and fro|about
running about to-and-fro|hither-and-thither
that runs hither and thither|to and fro|about


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As for Inguiomerus, who flew hither and thither over the battlefield, it was fortune rather than courage which forsook him.
Petierunt uti sibi concilium totius Galliae in diem certam indicere idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere quasdam res quas ex communi consensu ab eo petere vellent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"He flew hither and thither among the Cherusci, demanding ""war against Segestes, war against Caesar."" And he refrained not from taunts."
Ita, quantum hibernorum opportunitas bellique ratio postulabat, perpetuo suo labore in vicem legionibus expeditionum onus iniungebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Staggering in their blood on the slippery marsh, they shook off their riders, driving hither and thither all in their way, and trampling on the fallen.
retinete, patres conscripti, et reservate hominem tam expediti consilii ut omnis aetas instructa sit, et quo modo senes nostri Marcellum, Crispum, iuvenes Regulum imitentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After a while, through the force of the north wind and the equinoctial season, when the sea swells to its highest, his army was driven and tossed hither and thither.
nec arduum videbatur exscindere coloniam nullis munimentis saeptam; quod ducibus nostris parum provisum erat, dum amoenitati prius quam usui consulitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then ensued a universal panic, and while the rest fled hither and thither, every one feigning grief or ignorance, Caius Caesar, in silent stupor, passed from the highest hopes to the extremity of apprehension.
Didium Veranius excepit, isque intra annum extinctus est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Away they hurried hither and thither, altered men, and dragged the chief mutineers in chains to Caius Caetronius commander of the first legion, who tried and punished them one by one in the following fashion.
In variis vero supplicationibus, quae utiliter Deiparae Virgini admoventur, Mariale Rosarium peculiarem ac praecipuum obtinere locum nemo est e christifidelibus qui ignoret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It was said that Subrius Flavus had formed a sudden resolution to attack Nero when singing on the stage, or when his house was in flames and he was running hither and thither, unattended, in the darkness.
Ceterum si omisso optimo illo et perfectissimo genere eloquentiae eligenda sit forma dicendi, malim hercule C. Gracchi impetum aut L. Crassi maturitatem quam calamistros Maecenatis aut tinnitus Gallionis: adeo melius est orationem vel hirta toga induere quam fucatis et meretriciis vestibus insignire.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tiridates meantime who, besides his own dependencies, had the powerful aid of his brother Vologeses, ravaged Armenia, not in stealthy raids as before, but in open war, plundering all whom he thought loyal to Rome, while he eluded an action with any force which was brought against him, and thus flying hither and thither, he spread panic more widely by rumour than by arms.
In quo proelio Pacideius graviter pilo per cassidem caput ictus compluresque duces ac fortissimus quisque interfecti vulneratique sunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There was a stir among the company; some, taken by surprise, ran hither and thither, while those whose discernment was keener, remained motionless, with their eyes fixed on Nero, who, as he still reclined in seeming unconsciousness, said that this was a common occurrence, from a periodical epilepsy, with which Britannicus had been afflicted from his earliest infancy, and that his sight and senses would gradually return.
Transiere Rhenum Tutor quoque et Classicus et centum tredecim Trevirorum senatores, in quis fuit Alpinius Montanus, quem a Primo Antonio missum in Gallias superius memoravimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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