holding back oor Latyn

holding back

Present participle of hold back.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


Charlton T. Lewis

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

restrain|hold back
restraining|holding back
holding|keeping back
hold on|to|near|back|together|fast
adtineo · attineo
hold|keep back
detento · detineo
restraint|self-control|abstinence|holding back|repression
hold fast|back
one who holds|keeps back
hold back
abstineo · cesso · cohibeo · combibo · conbibo · contineo · custodio · detineo · distineo · inhibeo · prohibeo · rehendo · remoror · repello · reprehendo · restito · retineo · supprimo · sustento · sustineo


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If you are capable of doing good for someone then do not hold back.
Sub idem tempus de flamine Diali in locum Servi Maluginensis defuncti legendo, simul roganda nova lege disseruit Caesar.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tom tried to hold back his tears.
sed insidiatores ab Othone in Germaniam, a Vitellio in urbem missi.tatoeba tatoeba
hold back, restrain
quae in praesens Tiberius civiliter habuit: sed in animo revolvente iras, etiam si impetus offensionis languerat, memoria valebat.langbot langbot
Tom couldn't hold back his tears.
Ita uno die VI proeliis factis, tribus ad Dyrrachium, tribus ad munitiones, cum horum omnium ratio haberetur, ad duorurn milium numero ex Pompeianis cecidisse reperiebamus, evocatos centurionesque complures (in eo fuit numero Valerius Flaccus, L. filius, eius, qui praetor Asiam obtinuerat); signaque sunt militaria sex relata.tatoeba tatoeba
It's hard not to write satire. For who is so tolerant of an unjust city, so ironclad, that they can hold back?
sed Chattis adeo inprovisus advenit, ut quod imbecillum aetate ac sexu statim captum aut trucidatum sit.tatoeba tatoeba
It's hard not to write satire. For who is so tolerant of the injustices of the city, so ironclad, that they can hold back?
ignara matre, dein frustra obnitente, penitus inrepserat per luxum et ambigua secreta, ne senioribus quidem principis amicis adversantibus, muliercula nulla cuiusquam iniuria cupidines principis explente, quando uxore ab Octavia, nobili quidem et probitatis spectatae, fato quodam, an quia praevalent inlicita, abhorrebat, metuebaturque, ne in stupra feminarum inlustrium prorumperet, si illa libidine prohiberetur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Saint Augustine, almost as if he were commenting on these words of the prophet, says: “It is easier for God to hold back anger than mercy”.[
Quibus de causis consilio convocato de summa rerum deliberare incipit.vatican.va vatican.va
Therefore, the span needed for the dam is narrow; the dam's curved design effectively holds back the water in the reservoir using a lesser amount of construction material.
tum Hiero pueritiam Tiridatis increpat, neque penes Arsaciden imperium sed inane nomen apud imbellem externa mollitia, vim in Abdagaesis domo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For as long as anything holds me back, I cannot freely fly to You.
adsimulabatque iudicis partis adversum Germanici stirpem, subditis qui accusatorum nomina sustinerent maximeque insectarentur Neronem proximum successioni et, quamquam modesta iuventa, plerumque tamen quid in praesentiarum conduceret oblitum, dum a libertis et clientibus, apiscendae potentiae properis, extimulator ut erectum et fidentem animi ostenderet: velle id populum Romanum, cupere exercitus, neque ausurum contra Seianum qui nunc patientiam senis et segnitiam iuvenis iuxta insultet.Literature Literature
102. It is wrong, therefore, to assert that the contemplation of the physical Heart of Jesus prevents an approach to a close love of God and holds back the soul on the way to the attainment of the highest virtues.
Sed quoniam famosae urbis supremum diem tradituri sumus, congruens videtur primordia eius aperire.vatican.va vatican.va
In this regard, the Synod Fathers spoke of the duty of promoting a ''globalization of charity'' and considered issues associated with the cancellation of foreign debt, which compromises the economies of entire peoples, holding back their social and political progress.286
Accedebat sententiae Paulini Marius Celsus; idem placere Annio Gallo, paucos ante dies lapsu equi adflicto, missi qui consilium eius sciscitarentur rettulerant.vatican.va vatican.va
Dost thou yet hold back my people; and wilt thou not let them go? Behold I will cause it to rain to morrow at this same hour, an exceeding great hail; such as hath not been in Egypt from the day that it was founded, until this present time.
Pompeius annuum spatium ad comparandas copias nactus, quod vacuum a bello atque ab hoste otiosum fuerat, magnam ex Asia Cycladibusque insulis, Corcyra, Athenis, Ponto, Bithynia, Syria, Cilicia, Phoenice, Aegypto classem coegerat, magnam omnibus locis aedificandam curaverat; magnam imperatam Asiae, Syriae regibusque omnibus et dynastis et tetrarchis et liberis Achaiae populis pecuniam exegerat, magnam societates Carum provinciarum, quas ipse obtinebat, sibi numerare coegerat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The process of globalization could replace ideologies with technology[152], allowing the latter to become an ideological power that threatens to confine us within an a priori that holds us back from encountering being and truth.
Adeoque cuncta mox pernotuere ut temporum illorum scriptores prodiderint infusum delectabili boleto venenum, nec vim medicaminis statim intellectam, socordiane an Claudii vinolentia; simul soluta alvus subvenisse videbatur.vatican.va vatican.va
Science once placed on this false road, there is no law of criticism to hold it back; and it cancels at its own caprice from the holy books everything that does not suit it or that it believes to be opposed to the pre-established theses it wishes to demonstrate.
qua haesitatione postremo eo provectus est ut mandaverit quibusdam provincias, quos egredi urbe non erat passurus.vatican.va vatican.va
Caesar ordered the enemy's soldiers, who had come into his camp to hold a conference, to be searched for with the strictest diligence, and sent back.
Erant Menapii propinqui Eburonum finibus, perpetuis paludibus silvisque muniti, qui uni ex Gallia de pace ad Caesarem legatos numquam miserant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"It was not, he told them, ""the camp-prefect, it was Germanicus, their general, it was Tiberius, their emperor, whom they were insulting."" At the same moment, overawing all resistance, he seized the standard, faced round towards the river-bank, and exclaiming that whoever left the ranks, he would hold as a deserter, he led them back into their winter-quarters, disaffected indeed, but cowed."
Proximo senatu, inchoante Caesare de abolendo dolore iraque et priorum temporum necessitatibus, censuit Mucianus prolixe pro accusatoribus; simul eos qui coeptam, deinde omissam actionem repeterent, monuit sermone molli et tamquam rogaret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Caesar clearly points out to his soldiers, who were indignant that the enemy could bear the sight of them at the distance of so short a space, and were earnestly demanding the signal for action, ""with how great loss and the death of how many gallant men the victory would necessarily be purchased: and when he saw them so determined to decline no danger for his renown, that he ought to be considered guilty of the utmost injustice if he did not hold their life dearer than his personal safety."" Having thus consoled his soldiers, he leads them back on the same day to the camp, and determined to prepare the other things which were necessary for the siege of the town."
Tantae multitudinis precibus et lacrimis exercitus commotus cum videret ad Cassium persequendum nihil opus esse Cn.Pompei nomine et memoria tamque omnibus Caesarianis quam Pompeianis Longinum esse in odio neque se conventum neque M. Marcellum contra Caesaris causam posse perducere, nomen Pompei ex scutis detraxerunt, Marcellum, qui se Caesaris causam defensurum profitebatur, ducem asciverunt praetoremque appellarunt et conventum sibi adiunxerunt castraque ad Cordubam posuerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Having devastated the country in such a manner, Caesar leads back his army with the loss of two cohorts to Durocortorum of the Remi, and, having summoned a council of Gaul to assemble at that place, he resolved to hold an investigation respecting the conspiracy of the Senones and Carnutes, and having pronounced a most severe sentence upon Acco, who had been the contriver of that plot, he punished him after the custom of our ancestors.
Pollio haud disparibus verbis ac nuper Vitellius censet; despondeturque Octavia, ac super priorem necessitudinem sponsus iam et gener Domitius aequari Britannico studiis matris, arte eorum quis ob accusatam Messalinam ultio ex filio timebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thus looking back over the hundred years which have been marked by such a happy progress, we paternally exhort all our sons living there, whom we hold very dear, steadfastly to preserve the precious gift of the faith and, encouraged by this jubilee, to strive to live by it more diligently every day; remembering that it is nourished by the word of duly appointed preachers and by the liturgical life by which "minds are raised to God, so that they may offer him the worship which reason requires and more copiously receive his grace" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 33).
Ad eas res conficiendas biennium sibi satis esse duxerunt; in tertium annum profectionem lege confirmant.vatican.va vatican.va
22 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.