homeland oor Latyn


One’s country of residence.

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country which one regards as home
It is sweet and right to die for your homeland.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.


Piotr Szelma

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Rejoice, City of Cologne, which once welcomed within your walls John Duns Scotus, a most learned and devout man, who passed from this life to the heavenly Homeland on 8 November 1308; and, whose remains you preserve with great admiration and veneration.
Laetare, Colonia urbs, quae doctissimum ac pientissimum virum Ioannem Duns Scotum intra tua moenia quondam recepisti, qui die VIII mensis Novembris anno MCCCVIII e vivis discessit et ad caelestem patriam est profectus, eiusque magna admiratione ac veneratione sacras servas exuvias.vatican.va vatican.va
And having left then, Jesus departed to his Homeland. And his students were following him.
Et egressus inde, abiit Iesus in patriam suam : et sequebantur eum discipuli sui.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Shining brightly among the little ones to whom the secrets of the kingdom were revealed in a most special way is Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, a professed nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, the 100th anniversary of whose entry into the heavenly homeland occurs this year.
Inter parvulos, quibus praecipue Regni sunt reclusa mysteria, elucet Teresia a Iesu Infante et a Sacro Vultu professa monialis Ordinis Carmelitarum Excalceatarum, cuius centenaria hoc anno in caelestem patriam ingressionis repetitur memoria.vatican.va vatican.va
Homeland defence willingness against a superior enemy is at 76%, one of the highest rates in Europe.
In promptu esse patriae defendendae contra maiorem hostem est 76%, unus apud indices altissimos in Europa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The center of diversity of this genus is in the montane forests of Papua New Guinea (more than 600 species) which seems to be the evolutionary homeland, though the genus is pantropical and widespread, occurring in Australia, Southeast Asia (with over 200 species in Borneo), India, Madagascar (with 135 species, some endemic), Africa and in tropical central and South America.
Media generis diversitas est in silvis Papuae Novae Guineae (plus quam 600 species), evolutionaria ut videtur patria, quamquam genus est pantropicum et longe lateque diffusum, inventum in Australia, Asia Meridionali (cum plus quam 200 speciebus in Borneo), Africa, Madagascaria (cum 135 speciebus, aliquibus endemicis), et in tropica America Media et Meridionali.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
-May their membership of the Kingdom of your Son never be considered by anyone to be contrary to the good of their earthly homeland!
- Ut, quod ad Regnum pertineant Filii tui, ne umquam putari possit a quoquam adversari bono patriae terrenae!vatican.va vatican.va
Beginning in the middle of the last century and overcoming many difficulties, there has been a growing conviction that our planet is a homeland and that humanity is one people living in a common home.
Inde a medio saeculo praeterito, multis difficultatibus victis, orbis ut patria et humanum genus ut populus, communem domum incolens, haberi paulatim coepta sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The concept of "homeland" develops immediately after the concept of "family", and in a certain sense one within the other.
Notio “patriae” progreditur proxime cum notione familiae coniuncta et quodammodo altera in alterius finibus.vatican.va vatican.va
The families of migrants, especially in the case of manual workers and farm workers, should be able to find a homeland everywhere in the Church.
Migrantium familiae, praesertim cum de operariis agitur et agricolis, necesse est ubique in Ecclesia suam invenire possint patriam.vatican.va vatican.va
It is also the Church's task to appeal to the public conscience and to all those in authority in social, economic and political life, in order that workers may find employment in their own regions and homelands, that they may receive just wages, that their families may be reunited as soon as possible, be respected in their cultural identity and treated on an equal footing with others, and that their children may be given the chance to learn a trade and exercise it, as also the chance to own the land needed for working and living.
Praeterea est etiam Ecclesiae provocare conscientiam publicam et eos, quotquot in vita sociali, oeconomica et politica potestatem gerunt, ut opifices sua in regione patriaque opus faciendum reperiant, ut iusta illis retribuatur mercedes, ut quam primum familiae denuo coniungantur, ut ratio habeatur eorum identitatis culturalis, ut pares aliis familiis tractentur utque denique eorum filiis opportunitas praebeatur ediscendae alicuius artis et exercendae professionis, tum etiam terrae possidendae ad opus vitamque necessariae.vatican.va vatican.va
Separation from one's homeland, which God sometimes requires of those he has chosen, when accepted with faith in his promise is always a mysterious and fertile pre-condition for the development and growth of the People of God on earth.
Seiunctio a patrio solo, quam Deus interdum ab hominibus a se electis postulat, si cum fide in eius promissa suscipitur, semper est arcana quaedam et fecunda condicio progressionis et auctus Populi Dei in terra.vatican.va vatican.va
My homeland is the whole world.
Patria mea totus est mundus.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We must also express our solidarity with the flood of refugees and immigrants, who, because of war, political oppression or economic discrimination, are forced to flee their homeland in search of employment or in the hope of finding peace.
Facere non possumus quin Nostram necessitudinem perfugarum migrantiumque multitudine ostendamus, qui propter bella, politicas oppressiones vel oeconomicas discriminationes, suum solum relinquere coguntur, opus quaesituri pacisque spem habituri.vatican.va vatican.va
This context of family and society which is your homeland gradually comes to include a theme closely connected with the parable of the talents.
En ergo huic familiae et societatis copulationi, quae est patria vestra, pedetemptim inseritur argumentum, quod cum parabola de talentis arcte conectitur.vatican.va vatican.va
Pope Benedict XV already cautioned the missionaries of his time lest they "forget their proper dignity and think more of their earthly homeland than of their heavenly one."
Benedictus XV missionarios sui temporis monuit, “si suae dignitatis immemores, potius de terrena patria quam de caelesti cogitarent” (BENEDECTI XV Maximum Illud).vatican.va vatican.va
I live in Portugal, and I love my homeland.
In Lusitania habito et patriam meam amo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Let no one consider that its membership of your kingdom of holiness and life is contrary to the well-being of the earthly homeland.
Quod autem ea ad Tuum pertinet regnum sanctitatis ac vitae, a nullo id existimetur cum patriae terrestris bono dissentire.vatican.va vatican.va
The consequences of this state of affairs are to be seen in the festering of a wound which typifies and reveals the imbalances and conflicts of the modern world: the millions of refugees whom war, natural calamities, persecution and discrimination of every kind have deprived of home, employment, family and homeland.
Consectaria eiusmodi rerum status apparent in plaga typica ingravescenti, quae index est perturbationum et conflictationum hominum huius temporis: ipsa dicimus multiplicata iam profugorum centena decies milia, qui ob bella et calamitates naturales et persecutiones, omnisque generis discrimina, sunt domo opere familia patria spoliati.vatican.va vatican.va
I love my homeland.
Patriam meam amo.tatoeba tatoeba
It is sweet and right to die for your homeland.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.tatoeba tatoeba
Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (SV 325, The Return of Ulysses to his Homeland) is an opera consisting of a prologue and five acts (later revised to three), set by Claudio Monteverdi to a libretto by Giacomo Badoaro.
Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (SV 325, Reditus Ulixis in patriam) est opera in prologo et quinque actibus consistens (deinde ad tres retractata) a Claudio Monteverdi ad libellum Iacobi Badoaro composita.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Throughout eastern Europe in the late 19th century, numerous grassroots groups were promoting the national resettlement of the Jews in their homeland, as well as the revitalization and cultivation of the Hebrew language.
Cum Communistae anno 1989 depositi sint, multi incolae Germani patriam reliquerunt et in Germaniam venerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I repeat once again what I said to the General Assembly of the United Nations on October 2, 1979: "I wish to express the joy that we all find in children, the springtime of life, the anticipation of the future history of each of our present earthly homelands.
Ea denuo repetimus, quae in sessione universali Coniunctarum Nationum Coetus die II mensis Octobris anno MCMLXXIX protulimus: « Declarare cupio ... laetitiam, quam nostrum cuique afferunt infantes — vitae ver atque historiae futurae anticipatio omnium nunc exstantium patriarum terrestrium.vatican.va vatican.va
He compiled the list from a Nanticoke speaker in Dorchester County, Maryland, part of the historic homeland.
Murray indicem fecit ex homine Nanticoke in Comitatu Dorchester Terrae Mariae, parte patriae historicae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
43 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.