homiletics oor Latyn


The art of preaching (especially the application of rhetoric in theology).

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Piotr Szelma

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Bishops or episcopal conferences should also see to it that, according to local conditions, one or several priests of proven learning and virtue are chosen as moderators of studies to promote and arrange pastoral lectures and other aids which are considered necessary to foster the scientific and pastoral training of priests of their own territory: study centers, mobile libraries, congresses on catechetics, homiletics or the liturgy and other subjects of this kind.
Curent etiam Episcopi vel Conferentiae Episcopales, iuxta cuiusque territorii condiciones, ut eligantur unus vel plures Presbyteri probatae scientiae et virtutis, qui, tamquam studiorum moderatores, promoveant et ordinent praelectiones pastorales ceteraque subsidia, quae necessaria existimentur ad fovendam formationem scientificam et pastoralem Presbyterorum proprii territorii: centra studiis destinata, bibliothecas itinerantes, congressus de re catechetica, homiletica vel liturgica et alia huiusmodi.vatican.va vatican.va