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badge of honour
to the honour
ad honorem
The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum
Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum
the Honourable - magnate
illustrissimus ac magnificus
let honour stainless be
sit sine labe decus
adorare · caritas · gloria · honestum · honor · honos · laude · respectus · reverentia · venerare · venerari
By labour and honour
labore et honore
honours are the rewards of virtue
praemia virtutis honores
honour killing
homicidium honorabile · homicīdium honōrābile


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Augustus meanwhile, as supports to his despotism, raised to the pontificate and curule aedileship Claudius Marcellus, his sister's son, while a mere stripling, and Marcus Agrippa, of humble birth, a good soldier, and one who had shared his victory, to two consecutive consulships, and as Marcellus soon afterwards died, he also accepted him as his son-in-law. Tiberius Nero and Claudius Drusus, his stepsons, he honoured with imperial tides, although his own family was as yet undiminished.
Quo cum ad octavum miliarium venisset, P. Caucilius qui castris antea Pompei praepositus esset, eius verbis nuntium mittit, eum minus belle habere, ut mitterent lecticam qua in oppidum deferri posset. litteris missis Pompeius Carteiam defertur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
All this was known to Tiberius, and, to silence popular talk, he reminded the people in a proclamation that many eminent Romans had died for their country and that none had been honoured with such passionate regret.
sed metu ne amitteret praemissas iam cohortis alasque, simul reputans plus gloriae retenta Italia et, ubicumque certatum foret, Noricos in cetera victoriae praemia cessuros, Poenino itinere subsignanum militem et grave legionum agmen hibernis adhuc Alpibus transduxit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Moreover, we recall that our predecessor Paul VI in the year 1969 was the first of the supreme pastors of the Church to go to Africa, and indeed to Uganda, to attend the episcopal conference of that Continent, to honour the above-mentioned martyrs in their own country, and to attend to other matters relating to religion.
eloquentiae primas nemo tulit, sed victorem esse Caesarem pronuntiatum.vatican.va vatican.va
The Honourable Schoolboy
His rebus pace confirmata, post diem quartum quam est in Britanniam ventum naves XVIII, de quibus supra demonstratum est, quae equites sustulerant, ex superiore portu leni vento solverunt. Quae cum adpropinquarent Britanniae et ex castris viderentur, tanta tempestas subito coorta est ut nulla earum cursum tenere posset, sed aliae eodem unde erant profectae referrentur,aliae ad inferiorem partem insulae, quae est propius solis occasum, magno suo cum periculo deicerentur; quae tamen ancoris iactis cum fluctibus complerentur, necessario adversa nocte in altum provectae continentem petierunt.langbot langbot
Agricola moderated his energy and restrained his ardour, that he might not grow too important, for he had learnt to obey, and understood well how to combine expediency with honour.
Erant sententiae, quae conandum omnibus modis castraque Vari oppugnanda censerent, quod in huiusmodi militum consiliis otium maxime contrarium esse arbitrarentur; postremo praestare dicebant per virtutem in pugna belli fortunam experiri, quam desertos et circumventos ab suis gravissimum supplicium perpeti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The commandment of the Decalogue calls for a child to honour its father and mother.
Hoc proelio desiderati sunt ex numero legionariorum militum circiter CCCC et Paulo [ultra] eum numerum classiarii et remiges.vatican.va vatican.va
Hence We can well understand why Scotland has been honoured by the title of "Special Daughter of the Holy See."
insignis publica severitate dies ne privatim quidem laude caruit.vatican.va vatican.va
Petronius neither challenged the enemy nor was himself molested, and veiled this tame inaction under the honourable name of peace.
flagitatum ut vacationes praestari centurionibus solitae remitterentur; namque gregarius miles ut tributum annuum pendebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Therefore, after due consideration and willingly acceding to the petitions addressed to me, I establish and declare Saint Thomas More the heavenly Patron of Statesmen and Politicians, and I decree that he be ascribed all the liturgical honours and privileges which, according to law, belong to the Patrons of categories of people.
addidit pauca Drusus de matrimonio suo; nam principibus adeunda saepius longinqua imperii.vatican.va vatican.va
It will be the duty of such men to effect that they who already believe in God may be increased in faith; that they whose faith is strong may practise the ideals of honourable living, religious worship, diligence in duty's fulfilment; lastly, that they who still lie in darkness may be brought to the knowledge of the true God and to the light of the Gospel.
atque illi vinclis absoluti Agrippinam quoque, haud procul alio suggestu conspicuam, isdem quibus principem laudibus gratibusque venerati sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The authority of other Catholic interpreters is not so great; but the study of Scripture has always continued to advance in the Church, and, therefore, these commentaries also have their own honourable place, and are serviceable in many ways for the refutation of assailants and the explanation of difficulties.
is litterarum ignarus, corpore valido, per avia ac derupta (nam saxis domus imminet) praeibat eum cuius artem experiri Tiberius statuisset et regredientem, si vanitatis aut fraudum suspicio incesserat, in subiectum mare praecipitabat ne index arcani existeret.vatican.va vatican.va
Rightly indeed is this august sacrament honoured by social worship. In it, not only divine grace but the Author himself of grace, Christ the Lord, is contained.
ne Spartaco quidem post tot consularium exercituum cladis inultam Italiam urenti, quamquam Sertorii atque Mithridatis ingentibus bellis labaret res publica, datum ut pacto in fidem acciperetur; nedum pulcherrimo populi Romani fastigio latro Tacfarinas pace et concessione agrorum redimeretur. dat negotium Blaeso ceteros quidem ad spem proliceret arma sine noxa ponendi, ipsius autem ducis quoquo modo poteretur.vatican.va vatican.va
A savage resolution against Caecina was moved by Lucius Vitellius; the rest affected indignation at the idea that a consul had betrayed the State, a general his Emperor, a man loaded with wealth so vast and honours so numerous his benefactor, and seemed to deplore the wrongs of Vitellius, while they uttered their private griefs.
Capto monte et succedentibus nostris, Boi et Tulingi, qui hominum milibus circiter XV agmen hostium claudebant et novissimis praesidio erant, ex itinere nostros ab latere aperto adgressi circumvenire, et id conspicati Helvetii, qui in montem sese receperant, rursus instare et proelium redintegrare coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Was it the only worthy object of reform to provide that the Syracusans should not give shows on a larger scale? Were all other matters in every department of the empire as admirable as if Thrasea and not Nero had the direction of them? But if the highest affairs were passed by and ignored, how much more ought there to be no meddling with things wholly insignificant."" Thrasea in reply, when his friends asked an explanation, said ""that it was not in ignorance of Rome's actual condition that he sought to correct such decrees, but that he was giving what was due to the honour of the senators, in making it evident that those who attended even to the merest trifles, would not disguise their responsibility for important affairs."""
simul probra in legatum cumulant, caelum ac deos obtestantur, nihil reliqui faciunt quo minus invidiam misericordiam metum et iras permoverent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Even though Jesus said, "The Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head" (Mt 8,20), we rejoice over the honour that will be shown to the Son of God himself and to his Mother with her title "of the Angels", by the consecration of this church.
Hae permanserunt aquae dies complures.vatican.va vatican.va
From the standpoint of intellectual culture and progress, the design conceived by the Canadian provinces for the development of public instruction, for the raising of the standard of education, and making it daily more and more refined and perfect, must assuredly be allowed to be honourable and noble.
et celeberrimae luxu famaque epulae fuere, quas a Tigellino paratas ut exemplum referam, ne saepius eadem prodigentia narranda sit.vatican.va vatican.va
For Agricola was still the governor of Britain. Accordingly the Emperor ordered that the usual triumphal decorations, the honour of a laurelled statue, and all that is commonly given in place of the triumphal procession, with the addition of many laudatory expressions, should be decreed in the senate, together with a hint to the effect that Agricola was to have the province of Syria, then vacant by the death of Atilius Rufus, a man of consular rank, and generally reserved for men of distinction.
Ibi casu rex erat Ptolomaeus, puer aetate, magnis copiis cum sorore Cleopatra bellum gerens, quam paucis ante mensibus per suos propinquos atque amicos regno expulerat;castraque Cleopatrae non longo spatio ab eius castris distabant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Honour, at its very centre, is connected with the virtue of justice, but the latter, for its part, cannot be explained fully without reference to love: the love of God and of one's neighbour.
Cras ferĭae erunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Both these results were represented as an honour to Drusus. By moving in society at Rome, amid popular talk, his father's dark policy, it was thought, was mitigated.
Defensores oppido idonei deliguntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Honour is essentially an attitude of unselfishness.
Haec cum administraret, numquam tamen intermittebat legatos de pace atque amicitia mittere ad Domitium, cum hoc ipso crederet facilius eum decipi posse.vatican.va vatican.va
In this engagement Rufus Helvius, a common soldier, won the honour of saving a citizen's life, and was rewarded by Apronius with a neck-chain and a spear.
Multum ad terrendos nostros valet clamor, qui post tergum pugnantibus exstitit, quod suum periculum in aliena vident salute constare: omnia enim plerumque quae absunt vehementius hominum mentes perturbant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Their first act was to cut to pieces a cohort, which had been sent on in advance by Sextilius Felix; soon afterwards, however, on the approach of the Roman generals at the head of their army, they returned to their duty by an act of honourable desertion, and the Triboci, Vangiones, and Caeracates, followed their example.
utque familiae ipsae iam extinctae sint, reperies qui ob similitudinem morum aliena malefacta sibi obiectari putent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ultimately then we are speaking of mutual honour.
ira militum in Tampium Flavianum incubuit, nullo criminis argumento, sed iam pridem invisus turbine quodam ad exitium poscebatur: propinquum Vitellii, proditorem Othonis, interceptorem donativi clamitabant.vatican.va vatican.va
Butneither We nor you, Venerable Brethren, can allow ourselves to rest satisfiedwith what has hitherto been done; for there remain many things which must befurther developed or begun anew, to the end that this most divine of gifts thisgreatest of mysteries, may be better understood and more worthily honoured andrevered, even by those who already take their part in the religious services ofthe Church.
miles in loco proelii Tiberium imperatorem salutavit struxitque aggerem et in modum tropaeorum arma subscriptis victarum gentium nominibus imposuit.vatican.va vatican.va
"When this was known to Tiberius, he wrote to the consuls ""that his father had not had a place in heaven decreed to him, that the honour might be turned to the destruction of the citizens."
namque Othonis odio iuvare Vitellium Corsorum viribus statuit, inani auxilio etiam si provenisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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