impulsive oor Latyn


adjektief, naamwoord
Having the power of driving or impelling; giving an impulse; moving; impellent.

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Piotr Szelma

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out of mere impulse, or of one's own accord.
ex mero motu
actus · citatus · conatus · concitatus · conflictus · ictus · impetus · impulsio · impulsus · incursus · momen · momentum · motus · pulsus · spons
Technology impulses nations
technica impendi nationi


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In the meantime We areresolved not to fail in doing Our share, and especially to be constant infervent prayer, that God may move their minds to what is good, and vouchsafe toimpart to them the most powerful impulses of His grace.
Atque ille non ita amplis rebus patris gestis neque tam excellenti dignitate maiorum parta neque tantis clientelis nominisque claritate praeditus in rem publicam est
The Church gathers from this "Gospel of vocation" the paradigm, strength and impulse behind her pastoral work of promoting vocations, of her mission to care for the birth, discernment and fostering of vocations, particularly those to the priesthood.
idemque cum postero ad quaestionem retraheretur, eo nisu proripuit se custodibus saxoque caput adflixit ut statim
The Ecumenical Council gave a fundamental impulse to forming the Church's self-awareness by so adequately and competently presenting to us a view of the terrestrial globe as a map of various religions.
augetur et Agrippina cognomento
Even when we work through satellites or through remote electronic impulses, our actions always remain human, an expression of our responsible freedom.
Dictis dein sententiis ut Serenus more maiorum puniretur, quo molliret invidiam,
A constant impulse has come from the icon of Mary, the “ideal woman”, Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church.
Id esse facile, quod neque legiones audeant absente imperatore ex hibernis egredi,neque imperator sine praesidio ad legiones pervenire possit. Postremo in acie praestare interfici quam non veterem belli gloriam libertatemque quam a maioribus acce perint
Since the charism of celibacy, even when it is genuine and has proved itself, leaves one's affections and instinctive impulses intact, candidates to the priesthood need an affective maturity which is prudent, able to renounce anything that is a threat to it, vigilant over both body and spirit, and capable of esteem and respect in interpersonal relationships between men and women.
Quam ob rem huiusmodi compositione peculiaria quædam rerum lineamenta et grave officiorum momentum exoriuntur, quæ nil prorsus æquale habent in ullo alio civilis societatis ambitu, cum qua Romana Curia suapte natura omnimodo comparari nequit: hic propterea principalis innititur ratio illius laboris communitatis ab iis omnibus constitutæ, qui, una eademque fide caritateque nutriti veluti «cor unum et anima una» (Act 4, 32), illas memoratas adiutricis operæ conformationes
The soldiers immediately seized the arms without regard to rule or military order, no distinction being observed between Praetorians and legionaries, both of whom again indiscriminately assumed the shields and helmets of the auxiliary troops. No tribune or centurion encouraged them, every man acted on his own impulse and guidance, and the vilest found their chief incitement in the dejection of the good.
sine vulnere milites, qui semisomnos, inermos aut palantis ceciderant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Moved, therefore, by the impulse of a living faith, we must have confidence in the Divine Justice, which is at the same time Mercy, and we must have confidence in this same Mercy in which Justice is shown at the end.
is cohortatus milites, ut copiam pugnae in aperto faceret aciem pro castris
The convincing concerning sin, through the ministry of the apostolic kerygma in the early Church, is referred-under the impulse of the Spirit poured out at Pentecost-to the redemptive power of Christ crucified and risen.
discordiam erga Germanicum odio fortasse dignam, non poena; et ademptione provinciae satis factum
All people feel the interior impulse to love authentically: love and truth never abandon them completely, because these are the vocation planted by God in the heart and mind of every human person.
Nullum intercedebat tempus, quin extremi cum equitibus
The renewed impulse to the mission ad gentes demands holy missionaries.
inrisere plerique impudentiam aemulationis; aliis id ipsum placebat quod neminem ex praepotentibus, sed Thraseam ad exemplar verae gloriae
But, how insufficient such teaching is, how wanting in soundness, and how easily moved by every impulse of passion, is sufficiently proved by its sad fruits, which have already begun to appear.
Quorum perturbatum et confusum dum explicant agmen (magna enim multitudo carrorum etiam expeditos sequi Gallos consuevit), oppressi luce copias armatorum pro suis instruunt castris, ne prius Romani persequi se inciperent quam longius agmen impedimentorum suorum
We know that the Second Vatican Council, twenty years ago, had as one of its principal tasks that of reawakening the self-awareness of the Church and, through her interior renewal, of impressing upon her a fresh missionary impulse for the proclamation of the eternal message of salvation, peace and mutual concord among peoples and nations, beyond all the frontiers that yet divide our planet, which is intended by the will of God the Creator and Redeemer to be the common dwelling for all humanity.
principes mortalis, rem publicam aeternam
40] Disorderly inclinations then must be corrected, good tendencies encouraged and regulated from tender childhood, and above all the mind must be enlightened and the will strengthened by supernatural truth and by the means of grace, without which it is impossible to control evil impulses, impossible to attain to the full and complete perfection of education intended by the Church, which Christ has endowed so richly with divine doctrine and with the Sacraments, the efficacious means of grace.
At Q. Titurius et L. Cotta legati, qui in Menapiorum fines legiones duxerant, omnibus eorum agris vastatis, frumentis succisis, aedificiis incensis, quod Menapii se omnes in densissimas silvas abdiderant, se ad Caesarem
We hope, therefore, that the sacred disciplines will receive a new impulse and be able to consolidate Faith, guide morality, and drive out errors, in obedience to the Magisterium of the Church.
Memoriam quoque ipsam cum voce perdidissemus, si tam in nostra potestate esset oblivisci quam
In many cases, these are Institutes similar to those already existing, but inspired by new spiritual and apostolic impulses.
Calvina soror eius Italia pulsa
Even Vitellius himself did not refrain from threatening words and gestures, till at length Claudius Cossus, one of the Helvetian envoys, a man of well-known eloquence, but who then concealed the art of the orator under an assumption of alarm, and was therefore more effective, soothed the rage of the soldiers, who, like all multitudes, were liable to sudden impulses, and were now as inclined to pity as they had been extravagant in fury.
Incerto nunc etiam exitu victoriae, cum septimae legionis tribunis esset nuntiatum quae in sinistro cornu gererentur, post tergum hostium legionem ostenderunt signaque intulerunt. Ne eo quidem tempore quisquam loco cessit, sed circumventi omnes interfectique sunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The soldiers of the body-guard dispersed, but the rest of the cohort, who shewed no disrespect to the speaker, displayed their standards, acting, as often happens in a disturbance, on mere impulse and without any settled plan, rather than, as was afterwards believed, with treachery and an intention to deceive.
Nostri ceciderunt III, saucii XII pedites et equites V. Eius diei insequenti tempore pristina consuetudine pro muro pugnari coeptum est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"At the same moment, Civilis, acting either on some bold impulse or by a preconcerted plan, rushed into the Tungrian column, exclaiming in a loud voice, ""We have not taken up arms in order that the Batavi and Treveri may rule over the nations. Far from us be such arrogance! Accept our alliance."
Regio enim quam hi duo populi habitant bonam partem testis fuit apostolatus Sanctorum Cyrilli et Methodii et extremum spiritum atque exanimatum corpus excepit horum Fratrum maioris natu.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Serious discernment in this matter will help to avoid situations where impulsive decisions or superficial reasons lead two young people to take on responsibilities that they are then incapable of honouring.
Haec cum animadvertisset, convocato consilio omniumque ordinum ad id consilium adhibitis centurionibus, vehementer eos incusavit: primum, quod aut quam in partem aut quo consilio ducerentur sibi quaerendum aut cogitandum
Today too, the situation of the world of the senses within space and time, physio-chemical constants, bodily processes, psychological impulses and forms of social conditioning seem to many people the only really decisive factors of human reality.
Inferioris tamen Germaniae legiones sollemni kalendarum Ianuariarum sacramento pro Galba adactae, multa cunctatione et raris primorum ordinum vocibus, ceteri silentio proximi cuiusque audaciam expectantes, insita mortalibus natura, propere sequi quae piget
Gregory succeeded in his own times in strenuously stimulating this spirit of energetic action, and such was the impulse given by him that the same spirit was kept alive during the succeeding ages.
statim corripit reum, adit consules, cognitionem senatus
Her understanding of the consecrated life is a true “theological metaphysics”, because it is firmly rooted in the theological virtue of faith, which is the source and constant impulse to full commitment in obedience, poverty and chastity.
Exercitum itinere terrestri pergere iubet: ipse Arare flumine devehitur, nullo principali paratu, sed vetere egestate conspicuus, donec Iunius Blaesus Lugudunensis Galliae rector, genere inlustri, largus animo et par opibus, circumdaret principi ministeria, comitaretur liberaliter, eo ipso ingratus, quamvis odium Vitellius vernilibus blanditiis
9. Nevertheless, it is evident that the apostolate thus understood does not come from a purely natural impulse to action, but is the fruit of a solid interior formation: it is the necessary expansion of an intense love of Jesus Christ and of souls redeemed by His Precious Blood, which is actuated by studying to imitate His life of prayer, of sacrifice, of inextinguishable zeal.
Ergo nuntiat patri abicere spem et uti necessitate: simul adfertur parari cognitionem senatus et trucem
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