impurities oor Latyn


Plural form of impurity.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma

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Soortgelyke frases

impure mixture
colluvio · conluvio
moral impurity
remove dregs|impurities
adulter · adulterinus · bastardus · caenosus · coenosus · contaminatus · faeculentus · immundus · impurus · incestus · inquinatus · lutulentus · obscenus · spurcus
made|become free of impurities
of impurity
remove dregs|impurities from
defaeco · defico
impure · inceste · inquinate · spurce
impudicitia · impuritas · impuritia · inpuritas · inpuritia · inquinamentum · purgamen


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Yet in the pain of this encounter, when the impurity and sickness of our lives become evident to us, there lies salvation.
Magnam Caesarem iniuriam facere, qui suo adventu vectigalia sibi deteriora faceret. Haeduis se obsides redditurum non esse neque his neque eorum sociis iniuria bellum inlaturum, si in eo manerent quod convenisset stipendiumque quotannis penderent; si id non fecissent, longe iis fraternum nomen populi Romani
Of which impure plague, than which none is more detestable, those were the founders who attributed to man that by the light of nature each one could know and judge concerning doctrine divinely revealed by virtue of his own reason and judgment, and that there was no necessity to submit to the authority of the Church and the Roman Pontiff, whose sole right it is, by divine command and appointment to be the guardian of that doctrine, to hand it on and to judge truly concerning it.
ego ut concesserim apud paucos tacito voto quietem pro discordia, bonum et innocentem principem pro pessimis ac flagitiosissimis expetitum, ita neque Paulinum, qua prudentia fuit, sperasse corruptissimo saeculo tantam vulgi moderationem reor ut qui pacem belli amore turbaverant, bellum pacis caritate deponerent, neque aut exercitus linguis moribusque dissonos in hunc consensum potuisse coalescere, aut legatos ac duces magna ex parte luxus egestatis scelerum sibi conscios nisi pollutum obstrictumque meritis suis principem
Will all the impurity they have amassed through life suddenly cease to matter?
agit grates Vitellius et ad tuendam urbem prorumpere
As the Apostle writes: "Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness... drunkenness, carousing and the like."
diversa consilia
"Who can say what harm is wrought in minds, especially of the young, by these pictures, what base thoughts and impure pleasures are aroused, how much they contribute to the corruption of public morals with consequent damage to the well-being of the State itself?"
neque enim ignoro Iulios Alba, Coruncanios Camerio, Porcios Tusculo, et ne vetera scrutemur, Etruria Lucaniaque et omni Italia in senatum accitos, postremo ipsam ad Alpis promotam utnon modo singuli viritim, sed terrae, gentes in nomen nostrum
Their sacred calling constrains them to proclaim clearly and openly that unhealthy and impure entertainment destroys the moral fibre of a nation.
undique cedentibus adversariis non parum magna in caede
The resulting oil can be used immediately as a fuel or upgraded to meet refinery feedstock specifications by adding hydrogen and removing impurities such as sulfur and nitrogen.
mox adversum artes Tacfarinatis haud dissimili modo belligeratum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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