imputability oor Latyn


The character of being imputable.

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Piotr Szelma

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adiudico · adjudico · adsigno · ascribo · assigno · attribuo · delego · imputare · imputo · obiecto
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adiudico · adjudico · adsigno · ascribo · assigno · attribuo · delego · imputare · imputo · obiecto


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However, cases of a deplorable lack of respect towards the eucharistic species have been reported, cases which are imputable not only to the individuals guilty of such behavior but also to the pastors of the church who have not been vigilant enough regarding the attitude of the faithful towards the Eucharist.
arcus additi Romae et apud ripam Rheni et in monte Syriae Amano cum inscriptione rerum gestarum ac mortem ob rem publicam
Nero next denounced Silanus himself in the same terms as he had his uncle Torquatus, implying that he was already arranging the details of imperial business, and setting freedmen to manage his accounts, papers, and correspondence, imputations utterly groundless and false.
Opperiebatur Otho nuntium pugnae nequaquam trepidus et consilii certus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is never acceptable to confuse a "subjective" error about moral good with the "objective" truth rationally proposed to man in virtue of his end, or to make the moral value of an act performed with a true and correct conscience equivalent to the moral value of an act performed by following the judgment of an erroneous conscience.108 It is possible that the evil done as the result of invincible ignorance or a non-culpable error of judgment may not be imputable to the agent; but even in this case it does not cease to be an evil, a disorder in relation to the truth about the good.
Ad eas res conficiendas biennium sibi satis esse duxerunt; in tertium annum profectionem lege
It contained expressions of studied harshness, yet it was not armed rebellion or a longing for revolution, but unnatural passions and profligacy which the emperor imputed to his grandson.
"Tum Aper: ""non desinis, Messalla, vetera tantum et antiqua mirari, nostrorum autem temporum studia inridere atque contemnere."latin-ancient latin-ancient
"To this man he gave letters and instructions to Pompey, the substance of which was as follows: ""That he had made every effort toward peace, and imputed the ill success of those efforts to the fault of those whom he had employed to conduct those negotiations; because they were afraid to carry his proposals to Pompey at an improper time."
accesserat cohors militum, centuriones tribunique et maerens Burrus ac laudans.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But the crime imputed to him was friendship with Plautus and intrigues to lure the province into thoughts of revolt.
Caesar idoneum locum nactus quid quaque ex parte geratur cognoscit; laborantibus summittit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But while we instinctively shrink from a writer's adulation, we lend a ready ear to detraction and spite, because flattery involves the shameful imputation of servility, whereas malignity wears the false appearance of honesty.
Solis occasu suas copias Ariovistus multis et inlatis et acceptis vulneribus in castra reduxit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I wish that those who may read them could know how unwillingly I undertook to write them, as then I might the more readily escape the imputation of folly and arrogance, in presuming to intrude among Caesar's writings.
Inertes undae superiacta ut solido ferunt; periti imperitique nandi perinde attolluntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We do not believe that this shortcoming should be imputed to it, to its real and deep intentions, to its authentic manifestations.
sic ad Alpis
The altered times soon restored him to liberty. He then enjoyed an uninterrupted succession of honours, first filling the praetorship, and then commanding a legion with general satisfaction, but he subsequently incurred the degrading imputation of having pilfered a gold cup at the table of Claudius, who the next day directed that he alone should be served on earthenware.
Inde apud senatum non comptior Galbae, non longior quam apud militem sermo: Pisonis comis oratio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Nothing, he said, ""allowed of accidents so much as the sea, and should she be overtaken by shipwreck, who would be so unfair as to impute to crime an offence committed by the winds and waves? The emperor would add the honour of a temple and of shrines to the deceased lady, with every other display of filial affection."""
Quod ultimum tempuslatin-ancient latin-ancient
Under this dread, Fulcinius Trio, unwilling to face an onslaught of accusers, inserted in his will several terrible imputations on Macro and on the emperor's principal freedmen, while he taunted the emperor himself with the mental decay of old age, and the virtual exile of continuous retirement.
exactum et a Titidio Labeone Vistiliae marito cur in uxore delicti manifesta ultionem legis omisisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar was forced to punish him, by the clamors of the soldiers, contrary to his natural humanity, for they alleged that all the dangers and losses incurred in that war, ought to be imputed to Guturvatus.
Otho pronus ad decertandum; frater eius Titianus et praefectus praetorii Proculus, imperitia properantes, fortunam et deos et numen Othonis adesse consiliis, adfore conatibus testabantur, neu quis obviam ire sententiae auderet, in adulationem concesserant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Clearly, situations can occur which are very complex and obscure from a psychological viewpoint, and which influence the sinner's subjective imputability.
venere tres cohortes cum ala Britannica, neque ad fallendum aptus numerus neque ad
14 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.