in a body oor Latyn

in a body

in a body (lump)

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Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

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keep in a body
come in a body
a healthy mind in a healthy body
mens sana in corpore sano
rise in a body
in a compact body|bunch|formation
conferte · confertim
a sound mind in a sound body
mens sana in corpore sano
swear in a body
in a compact body
all in a body


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A shout was then raised and an attack made on him by the rest of the conspirators, who all rushed upon him in a body.
quo intemperanter accepto caedit victimas, adit templa, neque ipse gaudium moderans et magis insolescente Plancina, quae luctum amissae sororis tum primum laeto cultu mutavit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This process of "determining the meaning" would obviously have to take into account the many limitations of the human being, as existing in a body and in history.
Quod iussi sunt faciunt, ac subito omnibus portis eruptione facta neque cognoscendi quid fieret neque sui colligendi hostibus facultatem
The school's motto is "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" (A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body).
et Galba reditus Lugdunensium occasione irae in fiscum verterat; multus contra in Viennensis honor: unde aemulatio et invidia et uno amne discretis conexum odium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As an incarnate spirit, that is a soul which expresses itself in a body and a body informed by an immortal spirit, man is called to love in his unified totality.
Eorum ut quisque primus venerat, sub muro consistebat suorumque pugnantium numerum
A sound mind dwells in a sound body.
quibus additis praepollebat, ni Inguiomerus cum manu clientium ad Maroboduum perfugisset, non aliam ob causam quam quia fratris filio iuveni patruus senex parere dedignabatur.tatoeba tatoeba
When they reached the gates, upon a signal being given, they were admitted; and both horse and foot raising a loud shout, after leaving some troops to guard the town, sallied in a body upon the enemy's camp.
Confligit audacius equitatus hostium succedentibus sibi peditibus, qui toto agmine subsistentes equitibus suis contra nostros ferunt auxilium.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Only in reference to the human person in his "unified totality", that is, as "a soul which expresses itself in a body and a body informed by an immortal spirit",91 can the specifically human meaning of the body be grasped.
"Igitur commotus his Vologaeses concilium vocat et proximum sibi Tiridaten constituit atque ita orditur: ""hunc ego eodem mecum patre genitum, cum mihi per aetatem summo nomine concessisset, in possessionem Armeniae deduxi, qui tertius potentiae gradus habetur (nam Medos Pacorus ante ceperat), videbarque contravetera fratrum odia et certamin[a] familiae nostrae penates rite composuisse."
All this takes place not just for the sake of humanly convenient coordination, but rather out of a concern for the other Churches, based on the fact that each Bishop is part of and assembled in a Body or College.
id Tiberii animum altius penetravit: non enim simplicis eas curas, nec adversus externos [studia] militum
When the gates were torn down, the survivors threw themselves in a body on the conquerors, and fell to a man, with their wounds in front and their faces turned towards the foe, so anxious were they even in their last hours to die with honour.
non abscessere quintani unetvicesimanique donec isdem in aestivis contracta ex viatico amicorum ipsiusque Caesaris pecunia persolveretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We have the testimony of the letters of Augustus, the testimony too of the people themselves, who, on hearing in the theatre some of Virgil's verses, rose in a body and did homage to the poet, who happened to be present as a spectator, just as to Augustus himself.
pulsus Placentia, caesis nuper auxiliis, etiam per concursum exploratorum, crebra magis quam digna memoratu proelia, inferior, propinquante Fabio Valente, ne omne belli decus illuc concederet, reciperare gloriam avidius quam consultius properabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This discovery is a particular confirmation of the spiritual greatness which in man surpasses the body in a way that is completely beyond compare.
cumperrogarent sententias consules, Vulcacius Tertullinus tribunus plebis intercessit ne quid super tanta re principe absente
Upon this, following the lead of Silius, consul-elect, whose elevation and fall I shall in due course relate, the senators rose in a body, and demanded the enforcement of the Cincian law, an old enactment, which forbade any one to receive a fee or a gift for pleading a cause.
alii occulte pepigisse interpretabantur, ut omisso utrimque bello et abeunte Vologaese Tigranes quoque Armenia abscederet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caecina indeed had not brought up his cohorts in a body, but one by one; as this was done during the battle, it increased the general confusion, because the troops who were thus divided, not being strong at any one point, were borne away by the panic of the fugitives.
nec Antonius ultra institit, memor laboris ac vulnerum, quibus tam anceps proelii fortuna, quamvis prospero fine, equites equosque adflictaverat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the mean time, when intelligence was brought that all their soldiers were in Caesar's power, they run in a body to Aristius; they assure him that nothing had been done by public authority; they order an inquiry to be made about the plundered property; they confiscate the property of Litavicus and his brothers; they send embassadors to Caesar for the purpose of clearing themselves.
legiones victrices, octava, undecima, decima tertia Vitellianarum unaetvicensima, e recens conscriptis secunda Poeninis Cottianisque Alpibus, pars monte Graio traducuntur; quarta decima legio e Britannia, sexta ac prima ex Hispania accitae.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tom discovered Mary's body in a pit.
Ipse interea, quoad legiones collocatas munitaque hiberna cognovisset, in Gallia morari constituit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In 424 BC, a regular body of horses was formed, remedying long-standing neglect when compared with the infantry.
unde Pisoni timor, et orta insidiarum in Neronem magna moles et improspera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Upon news of Caesar's approach, the senate of Auximum went in a body to Attius Varus; and told him that it was not a subject for them to determine upon: yet neither they, nor the rest of the freemen would suffer Caius Caesar, a general, who had merited so well of the republic, after performing such great achievements, to be excluded from their town and walls; wherefore he ought to pay some regard to the opinion of posterity, and his own danger.
Caesar suorum timorem consolatione et ratione minuebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After fighting from noon almost to sunset, without victory inclining in favor of either, the Germans, on one side, made a charge against the enemy in a compact body, and drove them back; and, when they were put to flight, the archers were surrounded and cut to pieces.
Augetur Gallis suspicio, atque omnes illo ad munitionem copiae traducuntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But the money required for retaining in the service so vast a body of men was immensely large.
Hanc nactus appellationis causam Quintilius circuire aciem Curionis atque obsecrare milites coepit, ne primam sacramenti, quod apud Domitium atque apud se quaestorem dixissent, memoriam deponerent, neu contra eos arma ferrent, qui eadem essent usi fortuna eademque in obsidione perpessi, neu pro his pugnarent, a quibus cum contumelia perfugae appellarentur. Huc pauca ad spem largitionis addidit, quae ab sua liberalitate, si se atque Attium secuti essent, exspectare deberent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Was there a dead body in the room?" "No, there was no body there."
sed Aphrodisiensium civitas Veneris, Stratonicensium Iovis et Triviae religionem tuebantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Vocula added to his force a thousand picked men from the fifth and fifteenth legions besieged in the Old Camp, a body of troops undisciplined and ill-affected to their officers.
Interim ad L. Vitellium servus Vergilii Capitonis perfugit pollicitusque, si praesidium acciperet, vacuam arcem traditurum, multa nocte cohortis expeditas summis montium iugis super caput hostium sistit: inde miles ad caedem magis quam ad pugnam decurrit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Furthermore and in the same way, ad limina visits aim not only at a direct sharing of information but also and especially to an increase and strengthening of a collegial structure in the body of the Church, bringing about a remarkable unity in variety.
placuit occasio invadendi incuriosos; nam id quoque
Nor are they taught various evolutions after our fashion, but are driven straight forward, or so as to make one wheel to the right in such a compact body that none is left behind another.
optumus quisque rei publicae cura maerebat: multi odio praesentium et cupidine mutationis suis quoque periculis laetabantur increpabantque Tiberium quod in tanto rerum motu libellis accusatorum insumeret operam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We become “one body”, completely joined in a single existence.
Deus Tsetseniam nōn
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