in harmony with truth oor Latyn

in harmony with truth

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concordia cum veritate

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In harmony with truth.
Ita proelium restitutum est, atque omnes hostes terga verterunt nec prius fugere destiterunt quam ad flumen Rhenum milia passuum ex eo loco circiter L pervenerunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Church must bear witness to the mercy of God revealed in Christ, in the whole of His mission as Messiah, professing it in the first place as a salvific truth of faith and as necessary for a life in harmony with faith, and then seeking to introduce it and to make it incarnate in the lives both of her faithful and as far as possible in the lives of all people of good will.
Tunc contractos in principia iussosque dicta cum silentio accipere temporis ac necessitatis
As we thus become adorers of the Father "in spirit and truth,"(23) we mature in an ever fuller union with Christ, we are ever more united to Him, and-if one may use the expression-we are ever more in harmony with Him.
Statuunt, ut X milia hominum delecta ex omnibus copiis in oppidum mittantur, nec solis Biturigibus communem salutem committendam censent, quod paene in eo, si id oppidum retinuissent, summam victoriae constare
In harmony with Christ's words to Philip,112 the "vision of the Father"-a vision of God through faith finds precisely in the encounter with His mercy a unique moment of interior simplicity and truth, similar to that which we discover in the parable of the prodigal son.
si cunctatione deliqui, virtute
The non-believer also will be able to discover in Him the eloquence of solidarity with the human lot, as also the harmonious fullness of a disinterested dedication to the cause of man, to truth and to love.
nam, ut rettuli, proprium ducem tuendae Armeniae poposcerat, et adventare Caesennius Paetus
For by its very nature, theology is sustained in the search for truth by its ecclesial context 123 and by the tradition of the People of God, with its harmony of many different fields of learning and culture within the unity of faith.
At interiores, dum ea quae a Vercingetorige ad eruptionem praeparata erant proferunt, priores fossas explent, diutius in his rebus administrandis morati prius suos discessisse cognoverunt, quam munitionibus
6 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.