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In triple time genres such as the waltz it is oom-pah-pah.
In generibus tempore triplice ordinatis, sicut valsa, exemplar oompah-pah describitur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Church performs this ministry by sharing in the "triple office" belonging to her Master and Redeemer.
139) Ecclesia suum hoc munus exsequitur eo quod « triplex officium » Magistri sui Redemptoris cum eodem
Since an early period, it has always had a place in the triple enthronement of an Archbishop of Canterbury.
Ex primis temporibus, in triplice Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis consecratione semper adhibetur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5. But among the truths that shine out in the triple poem of Alighieri as in his other works We think that these things may serve as teaching for men of our times.
Ad haec magni etiam ab eo fiunt scripturae doctorum Augustini et aliorum quos,inquit, a Spiritu Sancto adiutos qui dubitat, fructus eorum vel omnino non vidit, vel, si vidit, minime degustavit
It tripled in size in 1981, before finally closing in 1989.
Non prius quam anno 1989 finis aperta est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For when we become aware that we share in Christ's triple mission, his triple office as priest, as prophet and as king140, we also become more aware of what must receive service from the whole of the Church as the society and community of the People of God on earth, and we likewise understand how each one of us must share in this mission and service.
Cum enim triplicis ministerii Christi nos esse participes intellegimus, triplicis nempe eius muneris: sacerdotalis, prophetici et regalis,(140) magis etiam intellegimus ea, quibus Ecclesia, ut societas et communitas Populi Dei in terra, serviat oportet, simul mente comprehendentes quomodo unusquisque nostrum huius missionis et ministerii esse particeps
In the light of this pressing command from the Lord, ''we may reread the triple munus entrusted to us in the Church: munus docendi, sanctificandi et regendi ...
Sub lumine huius instantis invitationis Domini « possumus respicere triplex munus nobis ab Ecclesia commissum: munus docendi, sanctificandi et regendi
Let the triple torment of the father be in this.
Sint et in hoc parenti triplicata supplicia.Literature Literature
Over and above the specific meaning of this passage, so important for Peter's mission, none can fail to recognize the beauty of this triple repetition, in which the insistent request and the corresponding reply are expressed in terms familiar from the universal experience of human love.
Ultra propriam huius loci significationem, qui tantum ad Petri munus valet, neminem sane pulchritudo praeterit, cuius triplicis repetitionis, ubi instans rogatio ac responsio reddita vocabulis bene notis in universali humani amoris experimento
Danish companies have been influential in the shipping industry with the design of the largest and most energy efficient container ships in the world, the Maersk Triple E class, and Danish engineers have contributed to the design of MAN Diesel engines.
Danicae societates in industria navium pondus habuere cum designatione maximarum et efficientissimarum exceptotiorum navium in toto orbe terrarum, et Danici ingeniarii ad motrorum MAN Diesel designationem attulere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
C. Valerius Procillus, as he was being dragged by his guards in the fight, bound with a triple chain, fell into the hands of Caesar himself, as he was pursuing the enemy with his cavalry.
C. Valerius Procillus, cum a custodibus in fuga trinis catenis vinctus traheretur, in ipsum Caesarem hostes equitatu insequentem incidit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And at the close of the first year marking the anniversary of Our reception of the triple Tiara, in the sermon which We delivered on that solemn occasion We mentioned as among the happiest events of Our Pontificate the day, October 10th, on which over four hundred missionaries gathered in the most holy Vatican Basilica to receive from Our hands the crucifix, image of Jesus Christ Crucified, before leaving for distant parts of the world to illumine them with the light of Christianity.
V idus Octobres, in Sacrosanctam Vaticanam Basilicam plusquam quingenti Evangelii praecones convenerant, imagines Iesu Christi cruci affixi e Nostris manibus recepturi, antequam in longinquas regiones christiana luce collustrandas se
The mission of the People of God is carried out through the sharing in the office and mission of Jesus Christ himself, which, as we know, has a triple dimension: it is the mission and office of Prophet, Priest and King.
Missio Populi Dei impletur per communicationem muneris et officii Iesu Christi ipsius quod – ut constat – triplicem habet proprietatem: est missio et munus Prophetae et Sacerdotis et
The decree Optatam Totius would seem to indicate a triple path to be covered: a faithful meditation on the word of God, active participation in the Church's holy mysteries and the service of charity to the "little ones."
Conciliare decretum «Optatam Totius» triplicem designare viam videtur cum haec deinceps innuit: «Fidelem verbi Dei meditationem; active in sacrosanctis Ecclesiae mysteriis interesse; caritatis servitia erga tenuiores vel "parvulos" amplecti»
He himself, meanwhile, drew up on the middle of the hill a triple line of his four veteran legions in such a manner, that he placed above him on the very summit the two legions, which he had lately levied in Hither Gaul, and all the auxiliaries; and he ordered that the whole mountain should be covered with men, and that meanwhile the baggage should be brought together into one place, and the position be protected by those who were posted in the upper line.
Ipse interim in colle medio triplicem aciem instruxit legionum quattuor veteranarum; in summo iugo duas legiones quas in Gallia citeriore proxime conscripserat et omnia auxilia conlocavit, ita ut supra se totum montem hominibus compleret; impedimenta sarcinasque in unum locum conferri et eum ab iis qui in superiore acie constiterant muniri iussit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
While our men were working at the trenches, Pharnaces drew up his army in order of battle, forming his front into one line, according to the custom of the country, and securing his wings with a triple body of reserves.
Quae dum muniunt nostri, Pharnaces aciem instruxit suo more atque instituto.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So spake the seer, and shipward bids his friends / rich gifts convey, and store them in the hold. / Gold, silver plate, carved ivory he sends, / with massive caldrons of Dodona's mould; / a coat of mail, with triple chain of gold, / and shining helm, with cone and flowing crest, / the arms of Pyrrhus, glorious to behold.
Quæ postquam vates sic ore effatus amico est, / dona dehinc auro gravia sectoque elephanto / imperat ad naves ferri, stipatque carinis / ingens argentum Dodonæosque lebetas, / loricam consertam hamis auroque trilicem, / et conum insignis galeæ cristasque comantes, / arma Neoptolemi.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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