in two parts oor Latyn

in two parts

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

Geskatte vertalings

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in two parts|divisions|ways|directions
in two parts|divisions|ways
that is divided in two parts
bipartitus · bipertitus
divided in two parts
bifidatus · bifidus · bifissus
divide in two parts
bipartio · bipertio
in two parts|places|ways


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The ISO 19125 standard comes in two parts.
Itaque ii omnes Scipionis milites cum fidem Caesaris implorarent, inspectante ipse Caesare et a militibus deprecante uti eis parcerent, ad unum sunt interfecti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ne this confiderans anys part in two,
hi discordes et rebus minoribus sibi quisque tendentes, circa consilium eligendi successoris in duas factiones scindebantur.Literature Literature
That, in essence, is what the two main parts of this Letter are about, and they are profoundly interconnected.
is rumor ab exploratoribus Vitellii dispersus, an in ipsa Othonis parte seu dolo seu forte surrexerit, parum
There might be two generations per year in the southern part of the range.
Non enim Tiberius, non accusatores fatiscebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The centre of gravity in the Hail Mary, the hinge as it were which joins its two parts, is the name of Jesus.
augebat famam ipsius Titi ingenium quantaecumque fortunae capax, decor oris cum quadam maiestate, prosperae Vespasiani res, praesaga responsa, et inclinatis ad credendum animis loco ominum etiam
Already in their time certain differences between Constantinople and Rome had begun to appear as pretexts for disunity, even though the deplorable split between the two parts of the same Christian world was still in the distant future.
Idem hoc fit a principibus Hispaniae, quos evocaverant et secum in castris habebant obsidum
About a third part of their army being dismissed in two days, Caesar ordered two of his legions, to go before, the rest to follow the vanquished enemy; that they should encamp at a small distance from each other.
Magnetes a Sipylo proximi damno ac remedio habiti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Both in catechesis and in the actual manner of celebration, one must avoid giving the impression that the two parts of the rite are merely juxtaposed.
tum progressus Lucilius auctorem se palam
33. As to those who mean to take part in public affairs, they should avoid with the very utmost care two criminal excesses: so-called prudence and false courage.
sed in tanta mole belli plerumque cunctatio; et Vespasianus modo in spem erectus, aliquando adversa reputabat: quis ille dies foret quo sexaginta aetatis annos et duos filios iuvenes bello permitteret? esse privatis cogitationibus progressum et, prout velint, plus minusve sumi ex fortuna: imperium cupientibus nihil medium inter summa aut
In this work, and the deliberations on it, two days were spent. By the third day a considerable part of Caesar's work was finished.
sequebantur et Garamantum legati, raro in urbe visi, quosTacfarinate caeso perculsa gens set culpae nescia ad satis faciendum populo Romano miserat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meantime the number of galleys and transports increased daily; the new-levied legions flocked in to him from all parts; among the rest the fifth, a veteran legion, and about two thousand horse.
non expectavit militum ardor vocem imperatoris; bonum haberet animum iubebant: superesse adhuc novas viris, et ipsos extrema passuros ausurosque.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In their confusion, as they shrank back, they overturned the lamp on the table at his side, and in the darkness, now to him the gloom of death, he aimed two blows at a vital part.
Multis in civitatibus harum rerum exstructos tumulos locis consecratis conspicari licet; neque saepe accidit, ut neglecta quispiam religione aut capta apud se occultare aut posita tollere auderet, gravissimumque ei rei supplicium cum cruciatu constitutum est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Triaria's recklessness was rendered more intolerable by an immediate contrast with the exemplary virtue of Galeria, the Emperor's wife, who took no part in these horrors, and with Sextilia, the mother of the two Vitellii, a woman equally blameless, and of the old type of character.
Regio enim quam hi duo populi habitant bonam partem testis fuit apostolatus Sanctorum Cyrilli et Methodii et extremum spiritum atque exanimatum corpus excepit horum Fratrum maioris natu.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar, being informed of this, and perceiving that he had met with good success in all parts of Gaul, and reflecting that, in former campaigns [Celtic] Gaul had been conquered and subdued; but that he had never gone in person to Aquitania, but had made a conquest of it, in some degree, by Marcus Crassus, set out for it with two legions, designing to spend the latter part of the summer there.
Causa transeundi fuit quod ab Suebis complures annos exagitati bello premebantur et agri cultura prohibebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Have you not heard that the cohorts at Brundusium are composed of invalids? The forces which you now behold, have been recruited by levies lately made in Hither Spain, and the greater part from the colonies beyond the Po; moreover, the flower of the forces perished in the two engagements at Dyrrachium."" Having so said, he took an oath, never to return to his camp unless victorious; and he encouraged the rest to do the like."
structi et arcus circum latera templi Martis Vltoris cum effigie Caesarum, laetiore Tiberio quia pacem sapientia firmaverat quam si bellum per acies confecisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nero had squandered in presents two thousand two hundred million sesterces. It was ordered that each recipient should be sued, but should be permitted to retain a tenth part of the bounty.
mihi quanto plura recentium seu veterum revolvo tanto magis ludibria rerum mortalium cunctis in negotiis obversantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This proposal receiving general approbation, and all being forced to take the oath, on the next day the cavalry were divided into three parts, and two of these divisions made a demonstration on our two flanks; while one in front began to obstruct our march.
Legionibus collectis VI et equitum II milibus, ut quaeque prima legio venerat, in naves longas imponebatur, equites autem in onerarias.latin-ancient latin-ancient
9. Those who reside outside Rome, in whatever part of the world they may live,must pay two visits at prescribed intervals to three churches to be appointed by you, Venerable Brethren, your Vicars or Officials, on your or their command, by those who have the charge of souls; or three visits if there are only two churches, or six visits if there is only one; and also must comply with all the conditions already laid down above.
multae in vicem clades, crebrius infestiusque quam ut tantum propter Neronem Galbamque
But the enemy, after they had made the discovery of their intended departure by the noise during the night and their not retiring to rest, having placed an ambuscade in two divisions in the woods, in a suitable and concealed place, two miles from the camp, waited for the arrival of the Romans: and when the greater part of the line of march had descended into a considerable valley, they suddenly presented themselves on either side of that valley, and began both to harass the rear and hinder the van from ascending, and to give battle in a place exceedingly disadvantageous to our men.
unde metus et ex metu consilium, posse imputari Vespasiano quae apud Vitellium excusanda erant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Many veterans, from all parts, who had served in Pompey's armies, were invited to his standard by the hopes of rewards and promotions. Several officers belonging to the two legions, which had been delivered up by Caesar, were sent for.
ac primo boves ipsos, mox agros, postremo corpora coniugum aut liberorum servitio tradebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Having pronounced this decree between [the contending parties], he exhorted the Aedui to bury in oblivion their disputes and dissensions, and, laying aside all these things, devote themselves to the war, and expect from him, on the conquest of Gaul, those rewards which they should have earned, and send speedily to him all their cavalry and ten thousand infantry, which he might place in different garrisons to protect his convoys of provisions, and then divided his army into two parts: he gave Labienus four legions to lead into the country of the Senones and Parisii; and led in person six into the country of the Arverni, in the direction of the town of Gergovia, along the banks of the Allier. He gave part of the cavalry to Labienus and kept part to himself.
His praeficit fratrem Eporedorigis bellumque inferri Allobrogibus iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As this village was divided into two parts by a river, he granted one part of it to the Gauls, and assigned the other, which had been left by them unoccupied, to the cohorts to winter in.
Scipio suis male acceptis occisis convulneratisque intra suas continere se munitiones coepit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the two actions of this day, Caesar lost nine hundred and sixty rank and file, several Roman knights of distinction, Felginas Tuticanus Gallus, a senator's son; Caius Felginas from Placentia; Aulus Gravius from Puteoli; Marcus Sacrativir from Capua; and thirty-two military tribunes and centurions. But the greatest part of all these perished without a wound, being trodden to death in the trenches, on the ramparts and banks of the river by reason of the terror and flight of their own men.
dieque pacto prior Corbulo socias cohortes et auxilia regum pro cornibus, medio sextam legionem constituit, cui accita per noctem aliis ex castris tria milia tertianorum permiscuerat, una cum aquila, quasi eadem legio spectaretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He had the emblems and standards of thirteen legions, but of those on whom he trusted for support two were natives which had deserted from Trebonius; one was formed out of the Roman colonies in those parts; and a fourth, belonging to Afranius, he had brought with him from Africa; the rest were for the most part made up of fugitives and deserters; in light-armed foot and cavalry we far exceeded him in both courage and numbers.
Est animadveraum ab legionibus, qui dextram partem operis administrabant, ex crebris hostium eruptionibus magno sibi ease praesidio posse, si ibi pro castello ac receptaculo turrim ex latere sub muro fecissent Quam primo ad repentinos incursus humilem parvamque fecerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Vice-Camerlengo, the Auditor General of the Apostolic Camera and two members of each of the Colleges of Protonotaries Apostolic de Numero Participantium, of Prelate Auditors of the Roman Rota and of Prelate Clerics of the Apostolic Camera will take part in the procession."
A dextro interim cornu funditores sagittariique concita tela in elephantos frequenter iniciunt. Quo facto bestiae stridore fundarum, lapidum plumbique + itata + perterritae sese convertere et suos post se frequentes stipatosque proterere et in portas valli semifactas ruere
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