indult oor Latyn


(Catholicism) A permission or privilege granted by the church authority that excepts an individual from what is otherwise a norm of church law, such as a release from monastic vows.

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Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

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In particular, we delegate to you the power of granting, during the time of our absence, all the indults, faculties and favours which we ourself are accustomed to grant, if there is danger in delay and provided everything that should be observed is observed; likewise, if the case is particularly urgent, of making provision for the government of any diocese by appointing an Apostolic Administrator.
Fuere qui publici funeris pompam requirerent compararentque quae in Drusum patrem Germanici honora et magnifica Augustus
All privileges and indults, whether general or particular, are abrogated with these norms, but nothing is changed either regarding the vows of any physical or moral person or regarding the constitutions and rules of any approved religious congregation or institute.
consultatum inde, pro rostris an in senatu an in castris adoptio
Where particular privileges and indults have been in force until now—whether general or particular of any kind—"vacatio legis" [suspension of the law] for six months from the day of promulgation is to be regarded as granted.
Per Visitationes «ad limina» motus ille vel vitalis cursus, inter universam Ecclesiam atque particulares Ecclesias intercedens, fit aliquomodo adspectabilis, qui a theologis definitur veluti quædam perichoresis, vel motibus comparatur, quibus humani corporis sanguis a corde ad extrema usque membra dilatatur atque ab istis ad cor
Wherefore, we delegate to you our esteemed brother, who hold the office of Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, the power of granting during our absence, if there is danger in delay, having consulted the Sacred Dicastery concerned and having observed everything that should be observed, the indults, faculties and favours which we ourself are accustomed to grant. Likewise, if the case is particularly urgent and the competent Sacred Congregation of the Roman Curia requests it, the power of making provision for the government of any diocese by appointing an Apostolic Administrator.
Eitis omnibus copiis Antonius, quarum erat summa veteranarum trium legionum uniusque tironum et equitum DCCC, plerasque naves in Italiam remittit ad reliquos milites equitesque transportandos, pontones, quod est genus navium Gallicarum, Lissi relinquit, hoc consilio, ut si forte Pompeius vacuam existimans Italiam eo traiecisset exercitum, quae opinio erat edita in vulgus, aliquam Caesar ad insequendum facultatem haberet, nuntiosque ad eum celeriter mittit, quibus regionibus exercitum euisset et quid militum
In some regions, however, not a few of the faithful continued to be attached with such love and affection to the earlier liturgical forms which had deeply shaped their culture and spirit, that in 1984 Pope John Paul II, concerned for their pastoral care, through the special Indult Quattuor Abhinc Annos issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship, granted the faculty of using the Roman Missal published in 1962 by Blessed John XXIII. Again in 1988, John Paul II, with the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei, exhorted bishops to make broad and generous use of this faculty on behalf of all the faithful who sought it.
Nam quia ille robore exercitus impar, furandi melior, pluris per globos incursaret eluderetque et insidias simul temptaret, tres incessus, totidem agmina
5 sinne gevind in 1 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.