installment oor Latyn


/ɪnˈstɔːlmənt/ naamwoord
The act of installing; installation.

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High School Musical is a 2006 American musical television film and the first installment in the High School Musical trilogy directed by Kenny Ortega.
Postquam diutius in uno loco Scipio commorabatur et tempus diei in otio consumebatur, Caesar equitum turmas suorum iubet in hostium equitatum qui ad oppidum in statione erant, facere impressionem levemque armaturam sagittarios funditoresque eodem submittit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But heedless, blind with frenzy, one and all / up to the sacred citadel we strain, / and there the ill-omened prodigy install.
Quod ubi Caesar conspexit, Labienum ab suis copiis longius iam abscessisse, equitatus sui alam sinistram ad intercludendos hostes immisit.tatoeba tatoeba
Sandworm (installation)
Hac re ad consilium delata, ubi omnes idem sentire intellexit, posterum diem pugnae constituit.langbot langbot
Other locations for installations of HighWaterLine include Miami, Florida, where it was created with the help of volunteers (2013) and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2014).
Item M. Metius repertus et ad eum reductus est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a special way, careful and stringent checks must be made, with the help of trustworthy individuals of proven technical ability, in order to ensure that no audiovisual equipment has been secretly installed in these areas for recording and transmission to the outside.
Postquam omnes Belgarum copias in unum locum coactas ad se venire vidit neque iam longe abesse ab iis quos miserat exploratoribus et ab Remis cognovit, flumen Axonam, quod est in extremis Remorum finibus, exercitum traducere maturavit atque ibi castra
Unlimited competition utilizing the modern means of publicity incessantly launches new products and tries to attract the consumer, while earlier industrial installations which are still capable of functioning become useless.
Caesar avidas legiones quo latior populatio foret quattuor in cuneos dispertit; quinquaginta milium spatium ferro flammisque
Real-time arrival indicators have been installed at many tram stops.
claudebat pontem imposita turris et in extremam navem educta, unde tormentis ac machinis hostes propulsarentur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The coup rendered powerless the democratically elected government of Yun Bo-seon and ended the Second Republic, installing a reformist military Supreme Council for National Reconstruction effectively led by Park, who took over as Chairman after General Chang's arrest in July.
Quae dum muniunt nostri, Pharnaces aciem instruxit suo more atque instituto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As Arava Power is an environmentally conscious company, it installs solar fields only on land zoned solely for agricultural or industrial use.
temptaverat interim Civilis obsessorum animos, tamquam perditae apud Romanos res et suis victoria provenisset: circumferebantur signa vexillaque, ostentati etiam captivi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the CWP, Canadian communications and fire control systems were installed.
Fuit haec oratio non ingrata Gallis, et maxime, quod ipse animo non defecerat tanto accepto incommodo neque se in occultum abdiderat et conspectum multitudinis fugerat; plusque animo providere et praesentire existimabatur, quod re integra primo incendendum Avaricum, post deserendum censuerat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But heedless, blind with frenzy, one and all / up to the sacred citadel we strain, / and there the ill-omened prodigy install.
Nox apud barbaros cantu aut clamore, nostris per iram et minas acta.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In its center are bamboo keys installed with complete musical scales.
Quodcum animadvertisset Caesar, veritus, ne non reducti, sed reiecti viderentur, maiusque detrimentum caperetur, a medio fere spatio suos per Antonium, qui ei legioni praeerat, cohortatus tuba signum dari atque in hostes impetum fieri iussit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since the installation of Leopold I as king in 1831, Belgium has been a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.
eadem ille et s diutius, quanto maesta, ubi semel prorupere, difficilius reticentur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In particular, relying upon the expertise of two trustworthy technicians, they shall make every effort to preserve that secrecy by ensuring that no audiovisual equipment for recording or transmitting has been installed by anyone in the areas mentioned, and particularly in the Sistine Chapel itself, where the acts of the election are carried out.
quo initio invidiae non eiusdem ait mactare divo Augusto victimas et posteros eius
1410 – Astronomical clock installed in City Hall.
namque Mucianus tam celeri victoria anxius et, ni praesens urbe potiretur, expertem se belli gloriaeque ratus, ad Primum et Varum media scriptitabat, instandum coeptis aut rursus cunctandi utilitates disserens atque ita compositus ut ex eventu rerum adversa abnueret vel prospera agnosceret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Merrill, the spirits ordered him to write and publish the next two installments, Mirabell: Books of Number in 1978 (which won the National Book Award for Poetry) and Scripts for the Pageant in 1980.
cunctante ad ea Mithridate et suspectis praefecti consiliis, quod paelicem regiam polluerat inque omnem libidinem venalis habebatur, Casperius interim ad Pharasmanen pervadit, utque Hiberi obsidio decedant expostulat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Parish priests should warn their flocks that they are forbidden by divine law to listen to radio programmes which are dangerous to their Faith or morals, and they should exhort those engaged in the training of youth, to be on the watch and to instill religious principles with regard to the use of radio sets installed in the home.
ibi tres et viginti speculatores consalutatum imperatorem ac paucitate salutantium trepidum et sellae festinanter impositum strictis mucronibus rapiunt; totidem ferme milites in itinere adgregantur, alii conscientia, plerique miraculo, pars clamore et gladiis, pars silentio, animum ex eventu
Otherwise, as one can see only too clearly, the most revolutionary ideologies lead only to a change of masters; once installed in power in their turn, these new masters surround themselves with privileges, limit freedom and allow other forms of injustice to become established.
Sed tantum navium repperit, ut anguste XV milia legionariorum militum, DC equites transportari
A blue plaque, the oldest historical marker scheme in the world, is a permanent sign installed in a public place in the UK to commemorate a link between that location and a famous person or event.
Solutum, ut in quibusdam fluminum, et mutabile, ut res poscit, hinc vel illinc remigium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the present circumstances it is a case of merely applying a remedy to conditions which contain the possibilities of still greater evils than those at present existing. We have always been convinced, We are still convinced, that if Heaven should grant Us the happiness of bringing about certain definite results in this important affair that both We and you, as well as the clergy and faithful of France, ought to look on such results as merely, on one hand, an installment of that full and entire liberty which the Church must possess, not only in your country but the world over, a liberty which belongs to her and is enjoyed by divine right and which, because of her office and nature, she cannot allow to be either suppressed or diminished.
plura de extremis loqui pars ignaviae
Cilantro Engineering were appointed to work as part of a collaborative team to deliver Design and Build MEP Installations The estimated number of occupants once the development is fully complete is around 10,000.
Planities erat magna et in ea tumulus terrenus satis grandis (...) Legionem Caesar, quam equis devexerat, passibus CC ab eo tumulo constituit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Electricians may be employed in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure.
et Vibidiam, virginum Vestalium vetustissimam, oravit pontificis maximi auris adire, clementiam expetere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
22 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.