intense oor Latyn


/ɪnˈtɛns/ adjektief
Strained; tightly drawn; kept on the stretch; strict; very close or earnest; as, intense study or application; intense thought.

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The intensity of the episode of the agony in the Garden of Olives passes before our eyes.
Nostro in conspectu transit vehementia ipsa illius eventus in hortu Olivarum, nempe Christi agoniae.


[ intēnsus ]
Piotr Szelma


The Jubilee Year has been a year of more intense prayer, both personal and communal.
Fuit scilicet iubilaris Annus tempus intentioris precis tam in singulis quam in tota communitate.
Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

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become stronger or more intense
amplus · intensivus
accantus · accentus · ardor · intensitas · magnitudo · profunditas · vehementia
summe · valde
lose vigor|intensity
increase in intensity
not intense|potent
increase in force or intensity
increase in power|effectiveness|intensity|frequency


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To this Tiridates advanced, and having slain the customary victims, he removed the crown from his head, and set it at the foot of the statue; whereupon all felt a deep thrill of emotion, rendered the more intense by the sight which yet lingered before their eyes, of the slaughter or siege of Roman armies.
ad quam progressus Tiridates, caesis ex more victimis, sublatum capiti diadema imagini subiecit, magnis apud cunctos animorum motibus, quos augebat insita adhuc oculis exercituum Romanorum caedes aut obsidio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The love between husband and wife and, in a derivatory and broader way, the love between members of the same family-between parents and children, brothers and sisters and relatives and members of the household-is given life and sustenance by an unceasing inner dynamism leading the family to ever deeper and more intense communion, which is the foundation and soul of the community of marriage and the family.
Amor inter virum et mulierem in matrimonio et, ratione inde manante et amplificata, am or inter ipsius familiae participes — inter parentes ac filios, inter fratres et sorores, inter propinquos et familiares — animatur atque impellitur intimo perennique vigore dynamico, qui familiam perducit ad communionem in dies arctiorem impensioremque, quae est fundamentum et vis communitatis coniugalis et
These community actions, when they express self-giving love, can also become intense spiritual experiences.
Hae communes actiones, cum amorem exprimunt qui se donat, converti possunt in celsas experientias
In the sick person the sense of anguish, of severe discomfort, and even of desperation brought on by intense and prolonged suffering can be a decisive factor.
In aegrotante plurimum valere potest sensus ipse anxietatis et acerbitatis, immo etiam desperationis, quem aliquis acrem diuturnumque expertus dolorem
The Church must therefore promote better and more intensive programs of marriage preparation, in order to eliminate as far as possible the difficulties that many married couples find themselves in, and even more in order to favor positively the establishing and maturing of successful marriages.
Quare Ecclesia aptiores amplioresque rationes praeparationis ad matrimonium provehat oportet ut, quantum fieri possit, amoveantur difficultates, quibus plurimi coniuges premuntur, atque etiam amplius certe foveatur ortus et auctus matrimoniorum, quae felicem exitum
If social justice be satisfied, the result will be an intense activity in economic life as a whole, pursued in tranquillity and order. This activity will be proof of the health of the social body, just as the health of the human body is recognized in the undisturbed regularity and perfect efficiency of the whole organism.
Si igitur iustitiae sociali provisum fuerit, ex oeconomicis rebus uberes enascentur actuosae navitatis fructus, qui in tranquillitatis ordine maturescent, Civitatisque vim firmitudinemque ostendent; quemadmodum humani corporis valetudo ex imperturbata, plena fructuosaque eius opera
The terrible events of 11 September 2001 were intensely felt by the Synod Fathers, with the dreadful fate of countless innocent victims and for the appearance in our world of grave new situations of uncertainty and fear, both for human civilization and the peaceful coexistence of nations.
In animo Patrum synodalium adhuc viva repercutiebatur terribilium eventuum memoria illius diei XI mensis Septembris eiusdem anni MMI, qui innumeris insontibus victimis acerbo fuerunt exitio et in mundo nova pergraviaque discrimina haesitationis et metus ut orirentur fecerunt pro ipso humano cultu et pacifico populorum
Therefore since our pastoral activity, the proclamation of the Word and the whole of the priestly ministry depend upon the intensity of our interior life, that activity must also find sustenance in assiduous study.
Si ergo pastoralis actio nostra, si Verbi annuntiatio totumque sacerdotale ministerium in ardore interioris vitae nostrae sunt posita, haec vita pariter sedulo studio est
Let us live this Jubilee intensely, begging the Father to forgive our sins and to bathe us in his merciful “indulgence.”
Studiose vivamus Iubilaeum, exorantes a Patre veniam peccatorum extensionemque eius miserantis
As they become better acquainted with the consecrated life, they will be able with greater awareness to thank Almighty God for this great gift.In an attitude of heartfelt openness towards the Synod Fathers, I have carefully considered the valuable contributions made during the intense work of the Assembly, at which I made a point of being present throughout.
Animum nostrum benigne quidem Synodi sodalibus aperientes, fructuose utiliterque usi sumus sententiis praestantibus quae per actuosas Synodi sessiones prodierunt, quibus assidue interesse
To many it seemed that this intense participation, amplified by the media to reach the very ends of the planet, was like a unanimous appeal for help addressed to the Pope by today's humanity which, upset by uncertainties and fears, was questioning itself on its future.
Multis quidem visa est haec intenta communicatio, propagata usque ad orbis fines per communicationis socialis instrumenta veluti chorus ad Pontificem directus et auxilium expetens pro hominibus nostri temporis qui dubiis timoribusque conturbati sua interrogant de aetate
That spring, after three weeks of intensive training, Bold participated in her first annual minesweeping exercise.
Quoque triginta anni vivendus erant et prius exercitum paucos annos servindus erant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But above all there was begun a well organized and intense apostolic activity among the very poor, in the countryside, where there existed particularly sad situations of dependence and indigence and where the need for the liberating message of Gospel charity was most urgently felt.
Sed ante omnia inita est accurata et impensa actio apostolica apud pauperes, in campis, ubi condiciones exsistebant servitutis et acerbissimae indigentiae et potior animadvertebatur necessitas nuntii liberatoris caritatis
It is a story of intense religious significance, a hymn to the Creator of the universe, pointing to him as the only Lord in the face of recurring temptations to divinize the world itself.
De quadam descriptione agitur amplissimae significationis religiosae, de carmine ad universitatis Conditorem, qui unicus indicatur Dominus adversus crebra invitamenta ut mundus ipse divinus
This is the dialogue of love which knows no interruption, yet is never monotonous. In fact, it employs the different registers of love, from the ordinary and indirect to those more intense, which the words of Scripture and the witness of so many mystics do not hesitate to describe in imagery drawn from the experience of married love.
Amoris enim diverbium est quod numquam interpellatur, neque tamen unius tantum sonitus est: enodatur enim variis amoris numeris et sonis, ab ordinariis atque indirectis declarationibus usque ad intentissimas quas verba Scripturae proindeque testimonia tot mysticorum describere non dubitant imaginibus ex amoris nuptialis experimento
Such prayer has become much more intense after the Council, but it must increase still more, involving an ever greater number of Christians, in unison with the great petition of Christ before his Passion: "Father ... that they also may all be one in us" (Jn 17:21).
Haec multum post Concilium aucta est, sed plus etiam augescere debet pluresque cotidie continere christianos secundum amplam illam Christi precationem ante Passionem: “Pater . . . ut et ipsi in nobis unum sint” (Io. 17, 21)
Thus the revision of the liturgical year and the norms which follow logically from this restoration have no other purpose than to permit the faithful to communicate in a more intense way, through faith, hope and love, in "the whole mystery of Christ which she unfolds within the cycle of a year."( 9)
Quam ob rem anni liturgici recognitio, normaeque eius instaurationem consequentes, ad nihil aliud pertinent, nisi ut fideles per fidem, spem, caritatem ardentius cum toto Christi mysterio per anni circulum esplicato (Cf ibid.)
In a variety of ways she joyfully experiences the constant fulfilment of the promise: “Lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt 28:20), but in the Holy Eucharist, through the changing of bread and wine into the body and blood of the Lord, she rejoices in this presence with unique intensity.
Cum laetitia multiplicibus formis illa experitur quomodo promissio continenter impleatur: "Ecce ego vobiscum sum omnibus diebus usque ad consummationem saeculi" (Mt 28, 20); verum sacra in Eucharistia propter panis vinique conversionem in Corpus ac Sanguinem Domini gaudet ipsa singulari quadam vehementia de hac
The terrible intensity of the malady was increased by the belief that he had been poisoned by Piso.
tum Seleuciam degreditur, opperiens aegritudinem, quae rursum Germanico acciderat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Let us strive to deepen ever more our unity; let us strive to live ever more intensely the sacred Triduum of the Passover of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nitamur unitatem nostram magis magisque firmare; nitamur ex hoc Sacro Triduo Paschae Domini Nostri Iesu Christi etiam ardentius
What will happen if the rivalry is rendered more intense by such a marriage? For you are mistaken, Sejanus, if you think that you will then remain in the same position, and that Livia, who has been the wife of Caius Caesar and afterwards of Drusus, will have the inclination to pass her old age with a mere Roman knight.
sic quoque erumpere aemulationem feminarum, eaque discordia nepotes suos convelli: quid si intendatur certamen tali coniugio? 'falleris enim, Seiane, si te mansurum in eodem ordine putas, et Liviam, quae G. Caesari, mox Druso nupta fuerit, ea mente acturam ut cum equite Romano senescat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
His suffering has human dimensions; it also has unique in the history of humanity—a depth and intensity which, while being human, can also be an incomparable depth and intensity of suffering, insofar as the man who suffers is in person the only-begotten Son himself: " God from God".
Habet enim dolor eius rationes humanas, habet etiam – semel in generis hominum historia – altitudinem ac vim, quae, licet humanae sint, incomparabilis cuiusdam esse possunt profunditatis et acerbitatis dolorum, quatenus Homo patiens ut persona est ipse Filius unigenitus: “Deus de Deo”
At the close of their assembly, the Synod Fathers presented me with a long list of proposals in which they had gathered the fruits of their reflections, which had matured over intense days of work, and they asked me unanimously to be a spokesman before humanity of the Church's lively care for the family and to give suitable indications for renewed pastoral effort in this fundamental sector of the life of man and of the Church.
Synodi Patres, Coetus finem facientes, amplam nobis exhibuerunt indicem propositionum, quo fructus considerationum suarum collegerant, quibus per plures dies impense transactos institerant, et unanimi sententia nos rogaverunt ut coram hominum genere nuntii essemus acris sollicitudinis Ecclesiae de familia, et ut opportunas traderemus normas eo pertinentes ut renovatum susciperetur officium pastorale in hac primaria parte vitae humanae et
83. This divine charity is the most precious gift of the Heart of Christ and of His Spirit: It is this which imparted to the Apostles and martyrs that fortitude, by the strength of which they fought their battles like heroes till death in order to preach the truth of the Gospel and bear witness to it by the shedding of their blood; it is this which implanted in the Doctors of the Church their intense zeal for explaining and defending the Catholic faith; this nourished the virtues of the confessors, and roused them to those marvelous works useful for their own salvation and beneficial to the salvation of others both in this life and in the next; this, finally, moved the virgins to a free and joyful withdrawal from the pleasures of the senses and to the complete dedication of themselves to the love of their heavenly Spouse.
Haec divina caritas est Cordis Christi eiusque Spiritus pretiosissimum donum; quae Apostolis et Martyribus fortitudinem illam impertiit, qua roborati ad mortem usque, heroum more obitam, certaverunt, ut Evangelii veritatem praedicarent effusoque sanguine testarentur ; quae Ecclesiae Doctoribus studium incensissimum indidit catholicae fidei illustrandae tutandaeque; quae Confessorum virtutes aluit, eosque ad utilissima mirandaque excitavit opera suae ceterorumque saluti aeternae ac temporariae profutura; quae denique Virginibus suasit ut sponte iucundeque sensuum voluptatibus abstinerent, seseque omnino caelestis Sponsi amori
Thus the Christian family's actual participation in the Church's life and mission is in direct proportion to the fidelity and intensity of the prayer with which it is united with the fruitful vine that is Christ the Lord.[ 157]
Proinde actuosa communicatio vitae munerisque Ecclesiae in mundo respondet fidelitati atque studio precationis, qua familia christiana fecundae coniungitur Viti, quae Christus est Dominus (157)
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