intent oor Latyn


/ɪnˈtɛnt/ adjektief, naamwoord
The purpose of something that is intended.

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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis


For this same intention the Bishops and priests in the different places will pray together with you.
Eandem ob intentionem precantur etiam vobiscum Episcopi ac Sarcerdotes variis in locis.
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with intent to deceive
pursue with hostile intent
insecto · insector
be intent
make known intention to
intent on
cogitatio · commentum · consilium · destinatum · institutum · intentio · mens · propositum
special intent
dolus specialis


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Again, is there an accomplishment, the fame and glory of which are to be compared with the distinction of the orator, who is an illustrious man at Rome, not only with the busy class, intent on public affairs, but even with people of leisure, and with the young, those at least who have a right disposition and a worthy confidence in themselves? Whose name does the father din into his children's ears before that of the orator? Whom, as he passes by, do the ignorant mob and the men with the tunic oftener speak of by name and point out with the finger? Strangers too and foreigners, having heard of him in their towns and colonies, as soon as they have arrived at Rome, ask for him and are eager, as it were, to recognise him.
Quid? fama et laus cuius artis cum oratorum gloria comparanda est? Quid? Non inlustres sunt in urbe non solum apud negotiosos et rebus intentos, sed etiam apud iuvenes vacuos et adulescentis, quibus modo recta indoles est et bona spes sui? Quorum nomina prius parentes liberis suis ingerunt? Quos saepius vulgus quoque imperitum et tunicatus hic populus transeuntis nomine vocat et digito demonstrat? Advenae quoque et peregrini iam in municipiis et coloniis suis auditos, cum primum urbem attigerunt, requirunt ac velut adgnoscere concupiscunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"A thousand troopers, Tiridates said, ""would be his escort; what force of every kind was to be with Corbulo, he did not prescribe, provided they came in peaceful fashion, without breastplates and helmets."" Any human being, to say nothing of an old and wary general, would have seen through the barbarian's cunning, which assigned a limited number on one side and offered a larger on the other, expressly with a treacherous intent; for, were they to be exposed to a cavalry trained in the use of arrows, with the person undefended, numbers would be unavailing."
cuicumque mortalium, nedum veteri et provido duci, barbarae astutiae patuissent: ideo artum inde numerum finiri et hinc maiorem offerri, ut dolus pararetur; nam equiti sagittarum usu exercito si detecta corpora obicerentur, nihil profuturam multitudinem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Shion reveals that the revived Gold Saints' true intentions were of giving Saori her own Cloth, and gives it to Seiya's group before dying once again.
Shion indicat quod Sancti Aurei resurrecti vere volebant dare vestem propriam Saoriae, sed ea occisa, nunc Seiyae dat antequam remoritur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So the enemy, apprised of their heedlessness, prepared two detachments, one of which was to attack the plunderers, the other, to fall on the Roman camp, not with the hope of taking it, but to hinder the din of the other battle from being heard by our soldiers, who, with shouts and missiles around them, would be all intent on their own peril.
igitur hostes incuria eorum comperta duo agmina parant quorum altero populatores invaderentur, alii castra Romana adpugnarent, non spe capiendi sed ut clamore, telis suo quisque periculo intentus sonorem alterius proelii non acciperet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They should pray and work for priestly vocations; they should help priests wholeheartedly, with filial love and ready collaboration; they should have the firm intention of offering them the consolation of a joyous response to their pastoral labors.
Omnes igitur preces Deo admoveant; nitantur eos iuvare, qui divinitus ad sacerdotium sunt vocati; sacerdotibus obsequio et studio, quae filios decent, opitulentur, ac sociam docilemque navent operam, eo permoti consilio, ut solacium iis afferant, eorundem pastoralibus curis libenter
A mound sixty feet high was raised; on it was erected a turret of ten stories, not with the intention that it should be on a level with the wall (for that could not be effected by any works), but to rise above the top of the spring.
Exstruitur agger in altitudinem pedum sexaginta, collocatur in eo turris decem tabulatorum, non quidem quae moenibus aequaret (id enim nullis operibus effici poterat), sed quae superare fontis fastigium posset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He tells those who seek inner healing to go on searching: if their intention is upright and their way is honest, in the end the Father's face will let itself be recognized, engraved as it is in the depths of the human heart.
Interiorem sanationem quaerentem, is admonet ut quaerere pergat: si recta est voluntas ratioque honesta, tandem aliquando vultum suum Pater demonstrabit, qui in intimo hominum impressus est
Effectively the laws give Catholics an easy way of seeking to amend the condition and order of the State and to desire and will a constitution which, if not favourable and well-intentioned towards the Church, shall at least, as justice requires, be not harshly hostile.
Ad haec, bene catholicis per leges suppetit medium quo conditionem habitumque rei publicae meliorem fieri expostulent, atque eum optent velintque statum, qui et Ecclesiae et sibi, si minus obsecundet et gratificetur, quod multo esset aequissimum, at non adversetur
Manslaughter is non-intentional homicide.
Homicida numquam deprehensus est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This general analysis, which is religious in nature, can be supplemented by a number of particular considerations to demonstrate that among the actions and attitudes opposed to the will of God, the good of neighbor and the "structures" created by them, two are very typical: on the one hand, the all-consuming desire for profit, and on the other, the thirst for power, with the intention of imposing one's will upon others.
Huic inquisitioni vagae indolis religiosae nonnullae addi possunt subtiliores indagationes, ut animadvertatur ex actibus et habitibus, qui Dei voluntati obsistunt et bono proximi, et « structuris », quas ii inducunt, duos praecipue hodie magis proprios videri: hinc solam quaestus cupiditatem et illinc dominii sitim cum proposito ceteris imponendi propriam
Caesar having discovered his intention, after spending several days to no purpose, left the city, in order that he might not lose any more time, and went to Transalpine Gaul, without effecting what he had intended.
Cuius cognito consilio Caesar frustra diebus aliquot consumptis, ne reliquum tempus amittat, infectis eis, quae agere destinaverat, ab urbe proficiscitur atque in ulteriorem Galliam pervenit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The hostile armies being arranged in this manner, each seemed determined to adhere to his first intention: Caesar not to hazard a battle, unless forced to it; Afranius to interrupt Caesar's works.
Tali instructa acie tenere uterque propositum videbatur: Caesar, ne nisi coactus proelium committeret; ille, ut opera Caesaris impediret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They are surely to be commended for their zeal, but how many are there who read these works and take from them a fruit commensurate with the labor and intention of the writers?
Quotus tamen quisque est, qui eiusmodi volumina verset, fructumque inde hauriat auctorum labori atque optatis respondentem?
Intentional community
Communitas intentionalislangbot langbot
The Rosary is then ended with a prayer for the intentions of the Pope, as if to expand the vision of the one praying to embrace all the needs of the Church.
Terminatur deinde prece secundum Pontificis mentem ut precantis oculi in latissimum prospectum aperiantur Ecclesiae totius
He omitted all mention of Claudius. Thereupon he was pointedly asked by Lucius Asprenas before the Senate, whether the omission had been intentional, and it was only then that the name of Claudius was added.
et Messalinum quidem L. Asprenas senatu coram ercontatus est an prudens praeterisset; ac tum demum nomen Claudii adscriptum est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The qualities of most fundamental importance, in Our view, are the spirit of reflection and of right intention in one's conduct, the free personal choice of good, even of the greatest good, and the control over the will and senses.
In quibus dotibus praecipuum obtinere locum existimamus tum animi inclinationem ad meditandum, tum rectam in agendo voluntatem, tum facultatem libere et per se eligendi id quod bonum, immo melius est, tum suae voluntatis suique corporis
Matti Vanhanen's two cabinets followed suit until autumn 2008, when the state became a major shareholder in the Finnish telecom company Elisa with the intention to secure the Finnish ownership of a strategically important industry.
Duo Matthiae Vanhanen consilium ministrorum idem fecere usque ad autumnum anni 2008, cum civitas principalis Finnicae telecommunicativae societatis Elisa actionarius facta est ut confirmaretur Finnica proprietas strategice praecipuae industriae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But the consideration of these consequences, and also of intentions, is not sufficient for judging the moral quality of a concrete choice.
Horum vero consectariorum – necnon intentionum – consideratio haud satis est ad qualitatem moralem definitae optionis
In harmony with the Second Vatican Council, this inspiration and intent establish and express the steadfast activity of the renewed Curia, as in these words of the Council: "In exercising his supreme, full and immediate authority over the universal Church, the Roman Pontiff employs the various departments of the Roman Curia, which act in his name and by his authority for the good of the Churches and in service of the sacred pastors."
Hæ mens atque cogitatio, Concilio Vaticano II congruentes, renovatæ Romanæ Curiæ actuositatem firmant et exprimunt. Quæ quidem hisce Concilii enuntiatur verbis: «In exercenda suprema, plena et immediata potestate in universam Ecclesiam, Romanus Pontifex utitur Romanæ Curiæ Dicasteriis, quæ proinde nomine et auctoritate illius munus suum explent in bonum Ecclesiarum et in servitium Sacrorum Pastorum»
Therefore, there is reason to fear such judgment as being in accordance with the laic intentions of the laws and their authors.
Atque adeo timendum profecto est ne arbitrii huius sententia factiosis legis legumlatorumque propositis omnino
18. To bring about such a union of minds and uniformity of action - not without reason so greatly feared by the enemies of Catholicism - the main point is that a perfect harmony of opinion should prevail; in which intent we find Paul the Apostle exhorting the Corinthians with earnest zeal and solemn weight of words: "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no schisms among you: but that you be perfectly in the same mind, and in the same judgment."( 21)
Ad hanc vero coniunctionem animorum similitudinemque agendi, inimicis catholici nominis non sine caussa formidolosam, primum omnium concordia est necessaria sententiarum: ad quam ipsam videmus Paulum Apostolorum Corinthios cohor tantem vehementi studio et singulari gravitate verborum: Obsecro autem vos, fratres, per nomen Domini nostri Iesu Christi, ut idipsum dicatis omnes, et non sint in vobis schismata: sitis autem perfecti in eodem sensu et in eadem sententia (I
It is not enough to recall principles, state intentions, point to crying injustice and utter prophetic denunciations; these words will lack real weight unless they are accompanied for each individual by a livelier awareness of personal responsibility and by effective action.
Satis quidem non est generalia quaedam praecepta in hominum mentes revocare, proposita tantum declarare, graves iniustitias condemnare, iudicia prophetico quodam ausu proferre: haec omnia nullius sane ponderis erunt, nisi in unoquoque homine cum vividiore proprii officii conscientia atque cum certa et definita actione
Simplicity ought to be in the intention, purity in the affection.
Simplicitas debet esse in intentione, puritas in affectione.Literature Literature
CNEIUS Domitius and Camillus Scribonianus had entered on the consulship when the emperor, after crossing the channel which divides Capreae from Surrentum, sailed along Campania, in doubt whether he should enter Rome, or, possibly, simulating the intention of going thither, because he had resolved otherwise.
Cn. Domitius et Camillus Scribonianus consulatum inierant, cum Caesar tramisso quod Capreas et Surrentum interluit freto Campaniam praelegebat, ambiguus an urbem intraret, seu, quia contra destinaverat, speciem venturi simulans.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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