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Charlton T. Lewis

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ability to be know|understood|recognized


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We know that recognizing evil in ourselves sometimes demands a great effort.
Constat interdum magnum negotium esse in se agnoscere
To his former disciple, our predecessor of blessed memory Eugene III, he wrote these words which reflect at once his exceeding great love and reverence and that familiarity which becomes the saints: "Parental love knows nothing of lordship, it recognizes not a master but a child even in him who wears the tiara . . .
Siquidem Decessori Nostro beatae memoriae Eugenio III, qui olim disciplinae suae alumnus fuerat, haec scribit, quae suam erga eum caritatem reverentiamque impensissimam sapiunt, cum ea animi libertate coniunctam, quae Sanctos addecet: « Amor dominum nescit, agnoscit filium et in infulis
In this sign the Church recognizes an image of her own mystery: present in history, she knows that she transcends history, inasmuch as she constitutes on earth the "seed and beginning" of the Kingdom of God.
Quo deinde in ostento sui ipsius arcani speciem deprehendit Ecclesia: in res gestas hominum coniecta novit illa se eam transcendere, quatenus in terris “germen et initium” continet Dei Regni (Lumen Gentium, 5)
Spanish (español)—officially recognized in the constitution as Castilian (castellano)—is the official language of the entire country, and it is the right and duty of every Spaniard to know the language.
Ei lingua propria Gallaica est, similis et communis originis cum Lusitana, et officialitatem cum Hispanica, quae officialis tota in Hispania est, partitur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since it is inconceivable that such a sublime task would not be matched by the necessary qualities to adequately fulfill it, we must recognize that Joseph showed Jesus "by a special gift from heaven, all the natural love, all the affectionate solicitude that a father's heart can know."(
Quando concipi mente non potest muneri adeo excelso dotes non respondere necessarias illud convenienter ad perficiendum, concedi oportet coluisse Iosephum in Iesum “peculiari Caeli largitione universum illum naturae amorem omnemque sollicitudinis affectum quem patris cognoscere posset animus” (PII XII Nuntius radiophonicus ad alumnos transmissum in scholis Catholicis Foederatum Americae Civitatum discentes, die 19
Finally, We know from reliable information that flows into this Center of Christendom from all parts of the world, that the Communists themselves, where they are not utterly depraved, recognize the superiority of the social doctrine of the Church, when once explained to them, over the doctrines of their leaders and their teachers.
Ac vel ipsi communistae, — quod ex certis comperimus nuntiis, qui ad hoc catholici orbis veluti centrum undecumque confluunt — si modo ad corruptos mores nondum omnino prolapsi sunt, cum socialem Ecclesiae disciplinam propositam sibi habeant, eam profitentur suorum magistrorum ac capitum praecepta longe prorsus
Even in Catholic countries there are still too many who are Catholics hardly more than in name. There are too many who fulfill more or less faithfully the more essential obligations of the religion they boast of professing, but have no desire of knowing it better, of deepening their inward conviction, and still less of bringing into conformity with the external gloss the inner splendor of a right and unsullied conscience, that recognizes and performs all its duties under the eye of God.
Etenim vel in ipsis catholicorum regionibus nimium multi habentur, qui tales fere nomine tenus dici possint; nimium multi qui, quamvis huius religionis, quam se profiteri gloriantur, opera maxime omnium necessaria plus minusve fideliter expleant, eam tamen altius in dies intellegere non curent, neque intimam sinceramque eius persuasionem assequi nitantur: eoque minus efficiant, ut externae religionis speciei internus rectae intemerataeque conscientiae splendor respondeat; illius inquimus conscientiae quae officia omnia sub divino obtutu reputet atque
13. You, Venerable Brethren, understand how much this question is in Our mind, and We desire that Our children should also know, not only those who belong to the Catholic community, but also those who are separated from Us: if these latter humbly beg light from heaven, there is no doubt but that they will recognize the one true Church of Jesus Christ and will, at last, enter it, being united with us in perfect charity.
Hoc, Venerabiles Fratres, intellegitis quam Nobis sit in votis, idque sciant cupimus fui Nostri, non modo quotquot sunt ex orbe catholico, sed etiam quotquot a Nobis dissident: qui si humili prece caelestia lumina imploraverint, sane non est dubium quin unam Iesu Christi veram Ecclesiam sint agnituri eamque tandem ingressuri, perfecta nobiscum caritate
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