known oor Latyn


/nəun/, /nəʊn/, /nɔʊn/ adjektief, naamwoord, werkwoord
Past participle of know

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ nōtus ]
The author of these books is very well-known in Brazil.
Auctor horum librorum in Brasilia valde notus est.


A tree is known by its fruit.
Arbor ex fructu cognoscitur.


Charlton T. Lewis

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

nobilis · conclamatus · notatus · notus nobilis

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Soortgelyke frases

be well known
proclaim|declare|make known|publish|announce formally
make publicly known
pervulgo · pronuntio
clearly known
make thoroughly known
thoroughly known
make commonly known
something known beforehand
not made known


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And now, venerable brethren, in order that we may be able to gather from these holy considerations abundant and salutary fruits, We desire to reflect on and briefly contemplate the manifold affections, human and divine, of our Savior Jesus Christ which His Heart made known to us during the course of His mortal life and which It still does and will continue to do for all eternity.
vos quoque, quorum alia nunc ora, alia pectora contueor, si legatos senatui, obsequium imperatori, si mihi coniugem et filium redditis, discedite a contactu ac dividite turbidos: id stabile ad paenitentiam, id fidei vinculum erit.'
2. There is but little need to repeat here what public documents have made known to all.
Helvetios, Tulingos, Latobrigos in fines suos, unde erant profecti, reverti iussit, et, quod omnibus frugibus amissis domi nihil erat quo famem tolerarent, Allobrogibus imperavit ut iis frumenti copiam facerent; ipsos oppida vicosque, quos incenderant, restituere
She is known to everyone.
Nec ulli auspicio major fides non solum apud plebem, sed apud proceres, apud sacerdotes; se enim ministros deorum, illos conscios putant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ivan Pavlov—known best for inducing dogs to salivate in the presence of a stimulus previously linked with food—became a leading figure in the Soviet Union and inspired followers to use his methods on humans.
iam reseratam Italiam, impulsas Vitellii res audietis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Georgian ecclesiastic art is one of the most notable aspects of Georgian Christian architecture, which combines the classical dome style with the original basilica style, forming what is known as the Georgian cross-dome style.
Itaque eos in equitatum Labieni immissos turmis suorum suppetias mittit. Tum Labienus conversis equis signorum conspectu perterritus turpissime fugere contendit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is known by a thousand names in a thousand books, but can only manifest once.
Argentum quoque, magis quam aurum sequuntur, nulla affectione animi, sed quia numerus argenteorum facilior usui est promiscua ac vilia mercantibus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All this was known to Tiberius, and, to silence popular talk, he reminded the people in a proclamation that many eminent Romans had died for their country and that none had been honoured with such passionate regret.
nec ideo iram eius lenivit, pridem invisus, tamquam ducta in matrimonium Vipsania M. Agrippae filia, quae quondam Tiberii uxor filerat, plus quam civilia agitaret Pollionisque Asinii patris foreciam retineret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For it is well known, and We recall it with pleasure, that Our predecessors from Pius IV. to Clement VIII. caused to be prepared the celebrated editions of the Vulgate and the Septuagint, which, having been published by the command and authority of Sixtus V. and of the same Clement, are now in common use.
Divus Claudius auctor iterati operis, transvectis legionibus auxiliisque et adsumpto in partem rerum Vespasiano, quod initium venturae mox fortunae fuit: domitae gentes, capti reges et monstratus fatis
In the course of their history, Christians have tried to express this “knowing without knowing” by means of figures that can be represented, and they have developed images of “Heaven” which remain far removed from what, after all, can only be known negatively, via unknowing.
Saepe ex eo audivi legione una et modicis auxiliis debellari obtinerique Hiberniam posse; idque etiam adversus Britanniam profuturum, si Romana ubique arma et velut e conspectu libertas
"The knights called the seats in the theatre known as ""the juniors,"" Germanicus's benches, and arranged that their squadrons were to ride in procession behind his effigy on the fifteenth of July."
excivit ea caedes Bructeros, Tubantes, Vsipetes, saltusque, per quos exercitui regressus, insedere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There then follows the third and last phase, also known as the post-scrutiny, which comprises: 1) the counting of the votes; 2) the checking of the same; 3) the burning of the ballots.
nihil adversum haec Neroni
It was well known that on reading the will, in which he was named co-heir with Agricola's excellent wife and most dutiful daughter, he expressed delight, as if it had been a complimentary choice.
primum enim aliter utimur propriis, aliter commodatis, longeque interesse manifestum est, possideat quis quae profert an mutuetur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
One known Ancient (later named Ayiana by the researchers who discovered her perfectly preserved in Antarctica) was left behind.
casus prima ab infantia ancipites; nam proscriptum patrem exul secutus, ubi domum Augusti privignus introiit, multis aemulis conflictatus est, dum Marcellus et Agrippa, mox Gaius Luciusque Caesares viguere; etiam frater eius Drusus prosperiore civium amore erat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A fervent horsewoman, she rode every day for hours on end, becoming probably the world's best, as well as best-known, female equestrian at the time.
Sunt illis haec quoque carmina, quorum relatu, quem baritum vocant, accendunt animos, futuraeque pugnae fortunam ipso cantu augurantur: terrent enim trepidantve, prout sonuit acies.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa (commonly known as the African Association), founded in London on 9 June 1788, was a British club dedicated to the exploration of West Africa, with the mission of discovering the origin and course of the Niger River and the location of Timbuktu, the "lost city" of gold.
Quibus rebus cognitis Caesar maturandum sibi censuit, si esset in perficiendis pontibus periclitandum, ut prius quam essent maiores eo coactae copiae dimicaret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And so we reach the year 988 when Prince Vladimir, the nephew of the above-mentioned Olga decided to make the Christian faith known to the inhabitants of his state and he ordered all the inhabitants of the chief city to be baptised publicly and collectively in the river Broysthene (Dnieper) in the presence of himself, his family, and the Greek Clergy.
Quam ob rem huiusmodi compositione peculiaria quædam rerum lineamenta et grave officiorum momentum exoriuntur, quæ nil prorsus æquale habent in ullo alio civilis societatis ambitu, cum qua Romana Curia suapte natura omnimodo comparari nequit: hic propterea principalis innititur ratio illius laboris communitatis ab iis omnibus constitutæ, qui, una eademque fide caritateque nutriti veluti «cor unum et anima una» (Act 4, 32), illas memoratas adiutricis operæ conformationes
The eucharistic celebration is enhanced when priests and liturgical leaders are committed to making known the current liturgical texts and norms, making available the great riches found in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the Order of Readings for Mass.
egressi consules firmatos adloquio adulescentulos deductos que ante Caesarem
Her best-known works are a novel, Agnes von Lilien, and a biography of Friedrich Schiller, her brother-in-law.
Adolescebat interea lex maiestatis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although the term acropolis is generic and there are many other acropoleis in Greece, the significance of the Acropolis of Athens is such that it is commonly known as "The Acropolis" without qualification.
sanguine Capitonis [se] cruentaverat eoque et postulantibus manifestior et punienti vilior fuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We base Our hope on your proven zeal and your well-known diligence and on the Brazilian people themselves, who are inclined to piety both by character and by custom.
Res sacra
This proposal, which your Episcopate has thus made known, appealed strongly to us.
hinc in ducem clamor pugnam poscentium; et minari
In fact, priests are to be found among all peoples whose customs are known, except those compelled by violence to act against the most sacred laws of human nature. They may, indeed, be in the service of false divinities; but wherever religion is professed, wherever altars are built, there also is a priesthood surrounded by particular marks of honor and veneration.
Pompeius eo proelio imperator est
The array of problems which today need to be tackled demands a joint effort—approached, it is true, with different methods—so that the truth may once again be known and expressed.
idemque cum postero ad quaestionem retraheretur, eo nisu proripuit se custodibus saxoque caput adflixit ut statim
The Taveuni beetle (Xixuthrus terribilis) is known from the island of Taveuni in the Fiji, and is one of the largest living insect species, with specimens around 14 cm long, excluding legs, antennae, or mandibles.
Caesar singulis legionibus singulos legatos et quaestorem praefecit, uti eos testes suae quisque virtutis haberet; ipse a dextro cornu, quod eam partem minime firmam hostium esse animadverterat, proelium commisit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And it is well known that concerning this question there not only arise many frustrations and conflicts in the relations of man with God, but it also happens that people reach the point of actually denying God.
Interim Caesar a mari non digredi neque mediterranea petere propter navium errorem equitatumque in navibus omnem continere, ut arbitror ne agri vastarentur; aquam in naves iubet
203 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.