last long oor Latyn

last long

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Piotr Szelma

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lasting very long
lasting a very long time
long lasting
that lasted very long
lasting long
long lasting


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This did not last long, as the lot strayed away to unfit persons.
Hostes maximo clamore sicuti parta iam atque explorata victoria turres testudinesque agere et scalis vallum ascendere coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Of this war, its origin and its issue, for it lasted long, I shall hereafter speak.
Ex his omnibus longe sunt humanissimi qui Cantium incolunt, quae regio est maritima omnis, neque multum a Gallica differunt consuetudine.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nothing lasts for long.
singulis ibi militibus Vitellius paratos cibos ut gladiatoriam saginam dividebat; et effusa plebes totis se castris miscuerat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Cassius hesitated long, but at last desired that the circumvallation should be leveled, and free egress given him.
Ac non studia modo curasque, sed remissiones etiam lususque puerorum sanctitate quadam ac verecundia temperabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This year at last released Rome from her long contest with the Numidian Tacfarinas.
at Silanus insidiarum nescius ac forte eo anno praetor, repente per edictum Vitellii ordine senatorio movetur, quamquam lecto pridem senatu lustroque condito.latin-ancient latin-ancient
If the laws are to bring about significant, long-lasting effects, the majority of the members of society must be adequately motivated to accept them, and personally transformed to respond.
Crassum Samarobrivae praeficit legionemque attribuit, quod ibi impedimenta exercitus, obsides civitatum, litteras publicas frumentumque omne quod eo tolerandae hiemis causa devexerat
"On the day of the funeral soldiers stood round as a guard, amid much ridicule from those who had either themselves witnessed or who had heard from their parents of the famous day when slavery was still something fresh, and freedom had been resought in vain, when the slaying of Caesar, the Dictator, seemed to some the vilest, to others, the most glorious of deeds. ""Now,"" they said, ""an aged sovereign, whose power had lasted long, who had provided his heirs with abundant means to coerce the State, requires forsooth the defence of soldiers that his burial may be undisturbed."""
Obiere eo anno viri nobiles Cn. Lentulus et L. Domitius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The battle extended over a long line of march, lasting with varying success till night parted the combatants.
exquisitum aliquid placebat, quod turbaret mentem et mortem differret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
4. Is it not right, it is often repeated, indeed, even consonant with duty, that all who invoke the name of Christ should abstain from mutual reproaches and at long last be united in mutual charity?
Interim Milo dimissis circum municipia litteris, se ea, quae faceret, iussu atque imperio facere Pompei, quae mandata ad se per Vibullium delata essent, quos ex acre alieno laborare arbitrabatur,
But now suffer it to go by; it is not the first, it is not new, and it will not be the last, if thou live long.
Huic venienti sine dubitatione Marcellus se credit atque offert; Cassius contra suis se tenet praesidiis, sive eo quod plus sibi iuris deberi quam Marcello existimabat, sive eo quod ne praeoccupatus animus Lepidi esset obsequio adversarii verebatur.Literature Literature
2 Pt 3:13; Rev 21:1); but as long as time lasts the struggle between good and evil continues even in the human heart itself.
"Et Maternus: ""perturbarer hac tua severitate, nisi frequens et assidua nobis contentio iam prope in consuetudinem vertisset."
11. From what We have just said, venerable brothers, you see the truth and justice in Our demands for ecclesiastical freedom. The Church lives and acts by this freedom, in order to arrive at the happy and lasting agreement so long and ardently desired by both powers.
Lucanum propriae causae accendebant, quod famam carminum eius premebat Nero prohibueratque ostentare, vanu adsimulatione: Lateranum consulem designatum nulla iniuria, sed amor rei publicae
Christians know that there is no need to wait for another time of salvation, since, however long the world may last, they are already living in the last times.
Blaeso super claritatem natalium et elegantiam morum fidei obstinatio
These tears, these bodily pains and tortures, the blood of the martyrs of past and present - all will bring it about that, through the powerful intervention of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, Queen of China, the Church in your native land will at long last regain its strength and in a calmer age, happier days will shine upon it.
firmarent velut foedus, quo princeps ceterarum rerum poteretur, ipse provinciam
Wherefore We first of all give profound thanks to God, the Giver of all good things, and we shall continue as long as life lasts to cherish in mind and heart gratitude for each and every favour.
Multitudinem obsessorum omnis aetatis, virile ac muliebre secus, sexcenta milia fuisse accepimus: arma cunctis, qui ferre possent, et plures quam pro numero
Meanwhile one of the enemy, acquainted with the Roman tongue, spurred his horse up to the entrenchments, and in a loud voice promised in the name of Arminius to all deserters wives and lands with daily pay of a hundred sesterces as long as war lasted.
nihil ad pedestrem pugnam tam ignavum: ubi per turmas advenere vix ulla acies obstiterit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And indeed your gifts to me will, as long as life holds out, be lasting possessions; those which you owe to me, your parks, investments, your country houses, are liable to accidents.
neque legatus aut tribunus moderator adfuit: permissa vulgo licentia atque ultio et satietas.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The last part of the motorway opened in 1980, when it was 141 km (88 mi) long.
Si Romani totum notum orbem terrarum superare nequissent, fortasse Celtae suam culturam excolere potuissent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alliances are passed along and preserved through many generations, because fathers bring their sons on their trips and families honor an association, no matter how long it has been since the last gift exchange.
Ita repente omnibus ex partibus signo dato loca superiora capiuntur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Arminius and Inguiomerus fled from the battle, the first unhurt, the other severely wounded. Their followers were slaughtered, as long as our fury and the light of day lasted.
Crebrae, ut inter vinolentos, rixae, raro conviciis, saepius caede et vulneribus transiguntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The power of the decemvirs did not last beyond two years, nor was the consular jurisdiction of the military tribunes of long duration.
Quod improviso unum pagum adortus esset, cum ii qui flumen transissent suis auxilium ferre non possent, ne ob eam rem aut suae magnopere virtuti tribueret aut ipsos despiceret. Se ita a patribus maioribusque suis didicisse, ut magis virtute contenderent quam dolo aut insidiis niterentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
His last performance was in Stella (1950); he knew he did not have long to live and collapsed twice on set, but was determined to see it through.
relictum Altini praesidium adversus classis Ravennatis <conatus>, nondum defectione eius audita.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But this joy of Our paternal heart is disturbed by many bitter anxieties, for if in most places peace is in some sort established and treaties signed, the germs of former enmities remain; and you well know, Venerable Brethren, that there can be no stable peace or lasting treaties, though made after long and difficult negotiations and duly signed, unless there be a return of mutual charity to appease hate and banish enmity.
De casu Sabini etCottae certius ex captivis
The world knows of the endless calamities, each more terrible than the last, that have fallen upon her during this long course of time - but where all purely human institutions must inevitably have succumbed, the Church has drawn from her trials only fresh strength and richer fruitfulness.
Clara alii Iudaeorum initia, Solymos, carminibus Homeri celebratam gentem, conditae urbi Hierosolyma nomen e suo
Doubtless, best of fathers, with that most loving wife at thy side, all the dues of affection were abundantly paid thee, yet with too few tears thou wast laid to thy rest, and in the light of thy last day there was something for which thine eyes longed in vain.
dites olim familiae nobilium aut claritudine insignes studio magnificentiae prolabebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
35 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.