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last of life

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Charlton T. Lewis

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Kesnick thought it would be the last day of his life.
Hic est nuntius ultimus de vita eius.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His major work, Audi, Filia, a classic of spirituality, is his most systematic treatise, wide-ranging and complete; its definitive edition was completed by the author in the last years of his life.
Praecipuum eius scriptum nempe Audi, filia, praestantissimum quidem opus traditum de spirituali doctrina, tractatus est potiore methodo, amplitudine ac perfectione digestus, cuius definitivam editionem postremis vitae annis ipse auctor
He devoted the last years of his life principally to making further translations of the Sacred Scriptures, the liturgical books, the works of the Fathers of the Church and also the collection of ecclesiastical and Byzantine civil laws called the Nomocanon.
Extremis vitae annis praesertim alias partes Sacrae Scripturae librorumque liturgicorum, opera Patrum Ecclesiae atque etiam collectanea legum ecclesiasticarum et civilium Byzantinarum, quae nomine Nomocanonis comprehendebantur, in Slavicum
Scottish-born writer Robert Louis Stevenson spent the last four years of his life here, and is buried on Mt Vaea, overlooking both the city and the home he built, Vailima, now a museum in his honour.
Robertus Ludovicus Stevenson, scriptor inclutus, quattuor annos Apiam habitavit, hic obiit, et sepultus est super Montem Vaeam, qui prospicit in urbem et suam domum, Vailimam, nunc museum ad memoriam suam dicatum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This spiritual doctrine has been passed on to us primarily by her autobiography which, taken from three manuscripts she wrote in the last years of her life and published a year after her death with the title Histoire d'une âme (Lisieux 1898), has aroused an extraordinary interest down to our day.
De eius vitae propria narratione haec prodita est spiritalis doctrina, quam tres codices ab ea extremis vitae annis manu conscripti atque anno post mortem editi cum inscriptione Histoire d'une Âme (Lexovii an. MDCCCXCVIII) collegerunt, summumque ad haec nostra tempora studium
To examine into the nature and to promote the effects of those manifestations of His wondrous love which, like rays of light, stream forth from Jesus Christ - this, as befits Our sacred office, has ever been, and this, with His help, to the last breath of Our life will ever be Our earnest aim and endeavour.
Mirae caritatis in hominum salutem exempla, quae a Iesu Christo praelucent, Nos quidem pro sanctitate officii inspicere et persequi adhuc studuimus, ad extremumque vitae spiritum, ipso opitulante,
Indeed, there exists an ecumenism of daily life, made up of mutual acceptance, listening and cooperation, the last of which is singularly effective.
Est enim quidam oecumenismus vitae cotidianae, constitutus mutua hospitalitate, auditione et cooperatione, qui singularem sortitur
This process of intellectual formation must last all one's life, especially in modern times, which are marked—at least in many parts of the world by the widespread development of education and culture.
Haec ratio excolendi ingenium totius vitae cursum debet complecti, maxime his temporibus nostris quorum – saltem in multis orbis terrarum regionibus – proprium est publicae institutionis et humani cultus universale
Her last words, "My God, I love you", are the seal of her life.
Vitam sic signant novissima eius effata "Te amo, Deus meus"
The plan of life given to the first Adam finds at last its fulfilment in Christ.
Vitae propositum primo Adamo traditum in Christo tandem
Mental Disorders in Modern Life, etc. (First published under the title The Last of the Taboos.).
Aniconismi fons maximi momenti est interdictio imaginum in Vetere Testamento, imprimis prima decalogi tabula (Ex.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It arises whenever there comes into being the conjugal covenant of marriage, which opens the spouses to a lasting communion of love and of life, and it is brought to completion in a full and specific way with the procreation of children: the "communion" of the spouses gives rise to the "community" of the family.
Tum enim enascitur, cum matrimonii coniugale perficitur foedus, quo ad plenam amoris vitaeque communionem coniuges aperiuntur, ac plene consummatur proprieque liberorum generatione: coniugum “communio” familiarem gignit “communitatem”
And so they arrive at life's end in such a condition that, lest all hope of salvation be lost, the priest is obliged to give in the last few moments of life a summary teaching of religion, a time which should be devoted to stimulating the soul to greater love for God. And even this as too often happens only when the dying man is not so sinfully ignorant as to look upon the ministration of the priest as useless, and then calmly faces the fearful passage to eternity without making his peace with God.
Peccato autem quid nequitiae insit quid turpitudinis nullo pacto aestimatur; unde nec eius vitandi nec deponendi sollicitudo ulla: sicque ad supremum usque diem venitur, ut sacerdos, ne spes absit salutis, extrema agentium animam momenta, quae fovendae maxime caritati in Deum impendi oporteret, edocendo summatim religionem tribuat: si tamen, quod fere usuvenit, usque adeo culpabili ignorantia moriens non laboret ut et sacerdotis operam supervacaneam arbitretur et, minime placato Deo, tremendam aeternitatis viam securó animo ingrediendam
We are asked to love and honour the life of every man and woman and to work with perseverance and courage so that our time, marked by all too many signs of death, may at last witness the establishment of a new culture of life, the fruit of the culture of truth and of love.
Rogamur ut cuiusque hominis et mulieris vitam diligamus et observemus atque ut constanter animoseque operemur, ut nostra aetate, quam nimis multa mortiferorum signorum tangunt, nova vitae cultura tandem restituatur quam veritatis amorisque cultus
Nevertheless, if such efforts are to have lasting effects, they must be based on values rooted in the truth of human life.
Attamen, ut conatus hi stabiles effectus habeant, opus est ut in bonis innitantur, quae in vitae veritate radices
For one and all the earnest prayer of Jesus at the Last Supper, "That all may be one" (Jn 17-21), ought to become daily a required and undeniable programme of life and action.
singulis diebus, exigens et irrecusabile vitae et actionis fieri debet
He had devoted himself to the religious life since his youth in Germany, and he experienced the dangers of the apostolic life among barbarian peoples. Thus he understood that he would reap no lasting fruit without the consent and approval of the Apostolic See and unless he received his mission and mandate from it.
Diuturno siquidem vitae religiosae tirocinio instructus, quod puer innocentissimus inierat in patria, atque aliquod etiam periculum apostolicae vitae inter barbaras gentes veluti exploratoris in modum expertus, id Bonifacius intellexit et certum apud se statuit nullum posse colligi magnum stabilemque fructum, nisi consensio et approbatio, atque adeo propria missio seu mandatum Apostolicae Sedis
For all their difference of method and content, both disciplines point to that “path of life” (Ps 16:11) which, as faith tells us, leads in the end to the full and lasting joy of the contemplation of the Triune God.
Utraque, licet instrumentis diversis ac doctrinis, hanc "viam vitae" (cfr Ps 16 [15],11) respicit quae, perinde ac praecipit nobis fides, novissimum repperit suum egressum plena in laetitia ac perpetua ex Dei Unius ac Trini
Either alone or in association with others, they constitute a special eschatological image of the Heavenly Bride and of the life to come, when the Church will at last fully live her love for Christ the Bridegroom.
Solae aut consociatae, singularem praebent eschatologicam Sponsae caelestis imaginem vitaeque venturae, cum denique amorem plenissime erga Christum sponsum vivet
(67) On their journey to the Father, communion in the Body and Blood of Christ appears as the seed of eternal life and the power of resurrection: "Anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day" (Jn 6:54).
67) In transgressu ad Patrem, Corporis Sanguinisque Christi communio ostenditur sicut vitae aeternae semen potentiaque resurrectionis: « Qui manducat meam carnem et bibit meum sanguinem habet vitam aeternam, et ego resuscitabo eum in novissimo die » (Io 6,54)
This doctrine points definitively to the New Man, to the “last Adam [who] became a life-giving spirit” (1 Cor 15:45), the principle of the charity that “never ends” (1 Cor 13:8).
Doctrina haec tandem ad Hominem novum revertitur, ad novissimum « Adam in Spiritum vivificantem » (1 Cor 15, 45) qui est principium caritatis quae « numquam excidit » (1 Cor 13, 8)
During the last fifty years, the Church in China has never lacked an abundant flowering of vocations to the priesthood and to consecrated life.
Postremis his quinquaginta annis Sinensi in Ecclesia tam ad sacerdotium quam ad vitam consecratam vocationum uber flos numquam
"In that battle, when the eagle-bearer was dangerously wounded, and began to grow weak, having got sight of our horse, he said to them, ""This eagle have I defended with the greatest care for many years, at the hazard of my life, and now in my last moments restore it to Caesar with the same fidelity."
"In eo proelio cum gravi vulnere esset affectus aquilifer et a viribus deficeretur, conspicatus equites nostros, ""hanc ego,"" inquit, ""et vivus multos per annos magna diligentia defendi et nunc moriens eadem fide Caesari restituo."latin-ancient latin-ancient
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