last supper oor Latyn

last supper

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ultima cena

The priesthood, which has its beginning in the Last Supper, enables us to share in this essential transformation of man's spiritual history.
Nobis permittit sacerdotium, cuius principium in Ultimam Cenam incidit, ut necessariam hanc mutationem spiritalis hominum historiae simul etiam geramus.

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Last Supper

naamwoord, eienaam
(Christianity) The Passover meal that Jesus ate with his disciples on the night before his death.

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Ultima Cena

The priesthood, which has its beginning in the Last Supper, enables us to share in this essential transformation of man's spiritual history.
Nobis permittit sacerdotium, cuius principium in Ultimam Cenam incidit, ut necessariam hanc mutationem spiritalis hominum historiae simul etiam geramus.
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The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci)
Ultima Cena (Leonardus)langbot langbot
Last Supper
Ultima Cenalangbot langbot
This leads us to reflect on the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper.
Ad cogitandum de constituta Eucharistia in Novissima Cena hoc modo
Did Jesus not institute the Eucharist in a family-like setting during the Last Supper?
Nonne Ipse familiariter Eucharistiam inter postremam cenam instituit?
That disciple, the Apostle John, was with Christ at the Last Supper.
Discipulus ille, Ioannes apostolus, una erat cum Christo Ultimae Cenae
Did the Apostles who took part in the Last Supper understand the meaning of the words spoken by Christ?
Qui Ultimae Cenae participes fuerunt Apostoli, intellexeruntne verborum significationem ex Christi labiis provenientium?
There is no indication that the Mother of Christ was present in the Upper Room at the Last Supper.
Ultimae Cenae tempore adfueritne Christi Mater in Cenaculo necne haud
The Last Supper and the words he spoke there contain all the power and wisdom of the sacrifice of the Cross.
Novissima in ipsius Cena verba tunc enuntiata, Crucis sacrificii virtutem sapientiamque penitus
Christ's farewell discourse at the Last Supper stands in particular reference to this "giving" and "self-giving" of the Holy Spirit.
Supremus sermo, a Christo in Cena paschali habitus, peculiari modo ad hoc « donare » et « se donare », quod est Spiritus Sancti,
The priesthood, which has its beginning in the Last Supper, enables us to share in this essential transformation of man's spiritual history.
Nobis permittit sacerdotium, cuius principium in Ultimam Cenam incidit, ut necessariam hanc mutationem spiritalis hominum historiae simul etiam
Depictions of the Last Supper in Christian art date back to early Christianity and can be seen in the Catacombs of Rome.
Gestus in Christianitate antiqua communis fuit, nam in arte Christiana prima saepe videri potest, gestum Christi in cruce Christianis repraesentans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ministerial Priesthood was born at the Last Supper, together with the Eucharist, as my Venerable Predecessor John Paul II so frequently emphasized.
Sacerdotium quippe ministeriale in Cenaculo una cum Eucharistia enatum est, quemadmodum saepenumero confirmavit Decessor Noster Ioannes Paulus Secundus, veneratae
In the light of that prediction, we also grasp the full meaning of what Jesus says, also at the Last Supper, about his new "coming."
Illius nuntii habita ratione, id etiam plenum intellectum habet, quod lesus, in suprema illa Cena, ait de novo suo « adventu »
5) At the Last Supper Jesus prayed to the Father for the unity of the Apostles and of those who through their word would believe in him.(
5) In novissima cena Iesus Patrem pro unitate Apostolorum ipsorumque qui in eum per eorum verbum credituri sunt deprecatur.(
This drawing together and this union, the prototype of which is the union of the Apostles about Christ at the Last Supper, express the Church and bring her into being.
Haec autem hominum appropinquatio et consociatio, cuius prototypus Apostolorum est congregatio circum Christum in ultima Cena, exprimit Ecclesiam et ad effectum
Do not forget the words of Jesus at the Last Supper: 'By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another' (Jn 13:35).
Ne obliviscamini verba Iesu in Cena novissima: “In hoc cognoscent omnes quia mei discipuli estis: si dilectionem habueritis ad invicem” (Io 13,35)
Together with you, I wish to receive this text from the altar of the one and eternal Priesthood of the Redeemer, which in a sacramental way became our portion at the last Supper.
Hunc textum vobiscum exoptamus accipere ex altari illius redemptoris sacerdotii unius et aeterni, quod in ultima Cena sacramentaliter est pars nostra
At every celebration of the Eucharist, we are spiritually brought back to the paschal Triduum: to the events of the evening of Holy Thursday, to the Last Supper and to what followed it.
Et dum in eucharistica Celebratione id facimus, mentis oculi ad Triduum Paschale reducuntur: ad id nempe quod vespere Feriae Quintae in Cena Domini, Ultimae Cenae tempore, et postea est
For one and all the earnest prayer of Jesus at the Last Supper, "That all may be one" (Jn 17-21), ought to become daily a required and undeniable programme of life and action.
singulis diebus, exigens et irrecusabile vitae et actionis fieri debet
The gestures of Jesus in this account are his gestures at the Last Supper, with the clear allusion to the "breaking of bread", as the Eucharist was called by the first generation of Christians.
Iesu gestus hac in narratione iidem sunt quos ipse in Novissima Cena gessit, cum luculenta sit «fractionis panis» denotatio, quemadmodum in prima Christianorum progenie nominabatur
Reading the account of the institution of the Eucharist in the Synoptic Gospels, we are struck by the simplicity and the “solemnity” with which Jesus, on the evening of the Last Supper, instituted this great sacrament.
Quicumque narrationem institutionis eucharisticae apud Evangelia synoptica perlegit, commovetur ipsa simplicitate atque "gravitate", qua Iesus illo tempore Ultimae Cenae magnum Sacramentum
In the course of this history the secondary elements have undergone certain changes, but there has been no change in the essence of the "Mysterium" instituted by the Redeemer of the world at the Last Supper.
Qua quidem volvente historia in elementa secundaria certae quacdam mutationes sunt inductae; verum tamen nihil mutata est essentia Mysterii, quod mundi Redemptor eadem in novissima Cena
For, as the Evangelists narrate, at the Last Supper "he took bread, and blessed and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is my body, given for you; do this for a commemoration of me.
Ut enim Evangelistae narrant, in novissima Cena accepto pane, gratias egit, et fregit, et dedit eis dicens: Hoc est corpus meum, quod pro vobis datur: hoc facite in meam
Gathering at the altar in so many places throughout the world, we celebrate in a special way the memorial of the Last Supper in the midst of the community of the People of God whom we serve.
Tot huius terrae in locis sacras circum aras collecti celebramus peculiari omnino modo Ultimae Cenae memoriam illam intra Populi Dei communitatem cui iure
What must Mary have felt as she heard from the mouth of Peter, John, James and the other Apostles the words spoken at the Last Supper: “This is my body which is given for you” (Lk 22:19)?
Quo modo percipiendi sunt sensus Mariae, dum ex ore Petri, Ioannis, Iacobi ceterorumque Apostolorum verba audivit Ultimae Cenae: "Hoc est corpus meum, quod pro vobis datur" (Lc 22, 19)?
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