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This mission lasted less than a year.
Haec officia minus quam unum annum tenuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Life is short, even if it lasts more than a hundred years.
Vita brevis est, etiamsi supra centum annos duret.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Traded to the Cincinnati Reds in 1911, he batted just .223, his last year as a starter.
Rosenberg anno 1915 uxorem primam duxit, cum qua anno 1923 divortium fecit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It admits of no discussion that the motion picture has achieved these last years a position of universal importance among modern means of diversion.
Quibus in ludicris, ut omnibus perspectum est, cinematographea maximi momenti sunt, cum nostra hac aetate ad universas gentes
Indeed, the growth of the Church in Africa over the last hundred years is a marvelous work of divine grace.
Quod Africana Ecclesia iam centum hosce annos aucta est, hoc est mirum quoddam Dei beneficio
Every Christian who receives the sacrament of Orders commits himself to celibacy with full awareness and freedom, after a training lasting a number of years, and after profound reflection and assiduous prayer.
Quilibet Christianus, Ordinis recepturus sacramentum, officio sese caelibatus obstringit plena quidem cum conscientia ac libertate, postquam plurium annorum praeparationem absolvit in eamque rem deliberationem accuratam et precem plurimam
Tom and Mary bought a house in Boston last year.
Praeterito anno, Didymus et Maria domum Bostoniae emerunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In the light of these considerations, we easily arrive at a clearer picture of the last twenty years and a better understanding of the conflicts in the northern hemisphere, namely between East and West, as an important cause of the retardation or stagnation of the South.
Quibus consideratis, expeditius et clarius hos in postremos viginti annos inspici potest necnon dissensiones facilius intelleguntur, quae partis orbis terrarum septentrionalis sunt propriae, inter Orientem scilicet et Occidentem, tamquam causa haud postrema tarditatis ac torporis, quibus meridianae afficiuntur orbis
It is not surprising then that such a great number of heretics returned to the Church because of his work and that, following the guidance of such a teacher, so many of the faithful have, during the last three hundred years, attained a truly high degree of perfection.
Non est igitur cur miremur, ab eo tam plurimos numero haereticos ad Ecclesiam revocatos esse, eodemque magistro ac duce tot fideles, hoc trium saeculorum intervallo, perfectum vitae institutum
This spiritual doctrine has been passed on to us primarily by her autobiography which, taken from three manuscripts she wrote in the last years of her life and published a year after her death with the title Histoire d'une âme (Lisieux 1898), has aroused an extraordinary interest down to our day.
De eius vitae propria narratione haec prodita est spiritalis doctrina, quam tres codices ab ea extremis vitae annis manu conscripti atque anno post mortem editi cum inscriptione Histoire d'une Âme (Lexovii an. MDCCCXCVIII) collegerunt, summumque ad haec nostra tempora studium
The resonance makes a single solar day on Mercury last exactly two Mercury years, or about 176 Earth days.
Ob Mercurii 3:2 resonantiam orbitae centrifugae, dies solaris (longitudo inter duos meridianos Solem transeuns) per circa 176 Telluricos dies durat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The last local elections ( municipal council, county council ) for a term of five years was on June 7 of 2009.
Status ultimus provinciae politice die 7 Iunii anno 2009 expletabitur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For they remembered that they lay under the same difficulties last year in Spain, and yet by labor and patience had concluded a dangerous war.
Sed tamen haec singulari patientia milites ferebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sahgal attended a number of schools as a girl, given the turmoil in the Nehru family during the last years (1935–47) of the Indian freedom struggle.
Fernández inter alia multos annos cum turma Universitario de Deportes lusit et Turmae Nationalis Peruviae (1935 - 1945) lusor fuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mindful of your pastoral duty and moved by your love of neighbor, you wrote to me last year concerning the frequent practice among your people of a private, individual contest called dueling.
As in the First Order, there has been a peculiar gift of unity which has enabled it to last undivided for seven hundred years.
Erat quoque Veleiae forum, qui aedem deo ignoto ad septentione habebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since the Synod of Bishops was celebrated last October during the Marian Year, its work was entrusted in a very special way to the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redeemer.
Synodus Episcoporum, mense octobris, perdurante Anno Mariano, celebrata, suos labores, modo prorsus speciali, intercessioni Mariae Sanctissimae Redemptoris Matris
Bevan's last decade saw his political position weaken year by year as he failed to find a winning issue that would make use of his skills.
Ultimo decennio vitae, Hobbesio nihil licuit in lucem proferre, quod civitatem vel philosophiam politicam attingeret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Such was the state of the Roman world, when Servius Galba, consul for the second time, with T. Vinius for his colleague, entered upon a year, which was to be the last of their lives, and which well nigh brought the commonwealth to an end.
hic fuit rerum Romanarum status, cum Servius Galba iterum Titus Vinius consules inchoavere annum sibi ultimum, rei publicae prope supremum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The same line was followed in the work of the last ordinary session of the Synod of the Bishops, held about a year before the death of Pope Paul VI and dedicated, as is known, to catechesis.
Eundem servavit modum Synodus Episcoporum in postrema ordinaria sessione, quae uno fere anno acta est, antequam Paulus VI est mortuus, et, ut constat, de catechesi
Last year We received your letter joyfully announcing the addition of a new ecclesiastical province and the founding of four new bishoprics. - This new indication of apostolic solicitude in your nation was certainly cause for rejoicing.
Litteras a vobis superiore anno accepimus, communis laetitiae gratique animi nuncias de hierarchia apud vos paulo ante amplificata, altera videlicet ecclesiastica instituta provincia sedibusque episcopalibus quatuor adiectis. — De nova hac Apostolicae in gentem vestram sollicitudinis significatione sane fuit
Finally, in the last days of the year, an enjoyable occasion was the meeting with the world of entertainment, which exercises such a powerful influence on people.
Iucunda tandem, postremis anni diebus, cum iis congressio fuit qui artem scaenicam agunt, unde tanta in populi animum oritur attractiva
His major work, Audi, Filia, a classic of spirituality, is his most systematic treatise, wide-ranging and complete; its definitive edition was completed by the author in the last years of his life.
Praecipuum eius scriptum nempe Audi, filia, praestantissimum quidem opus traditum de spirituali doctrina, tractatus est potiore methodo, amplitudine ac perfectione digestus, cuius definitivam editionem postremis vitae annis ipse auctor
38 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.