lay by oor Latyn

lay by

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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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After long and careful consideration of the matter, I decree and lay down, by my apostolic authority, the following laws and norms.
iuventus flumen Adranam nando tramiserat, Romanosque pontem coeptantis
Once again, "he was scourged, a crown like that of Jesus Christ was bound about his head, he was struck heavy blows and lay wounded by a scimitar.
Brevi spatio interiecto, vix ut iis rebus quas constituissent conlocandis atque administrandis tempus daretur, hostes ex omnibus partibus signo dato decurrere, lapides gaesaque in vallum
This function of counseling can also be entrusted to other clerics, religious or lay people approved by the local ordinary.
Conclamatur ad arma, atque omnes copiae paucis praesidio relictis cohortibus exeunt rectoque ad Hiberum itinere
For, whereas Our lot has been cast in an age that is bitterly hostile to justice and truth, we have not failed, as you have been reminded by the Apostolic letter which we recently addressed to you, to do what in us lay, by Our instructions and admonitions, and by such practical measures as seemed best suited for their purpose, to dissipate the contagion of error in its many shapes, and to strengthen the sinews of the Christian life.
Dicuntur sententiae graves; ut quisque acerbissime crudelissimeque dixit, ita quam maxime ab inimicis Caesaris
In recent times difficulties have emerged, linked to individual initiatives taken by Pastors, priests and lay faithful, who, moved by generous pastoral zeal, have not always respected the tasks or responsibilities of others.
At Vercingetorix castris, prope oppidum positis, mediocribus circum se intervallis separatim singularum civitatium copias collocaverat atque omnibus eius iugi collibus occupatis, qua despici poterat, horribilem speciem praebebat; principesque earum civitatium, quos sibi ad consilium capiendum delegerat, prima luce cotidie ad se convenire iubebat, seu quid communicandum, seu quid administrandum videretur; neque ullum fere diem intermittebat quin equestri proelio interiectis sagittariis, quid in quoque esset animi ac virtutis suorum
"O son of Tydeus, bravest of the race, / why could not I have perished, too, that day / beneath thine arm, and breathed this soul away / far on the plains of Troy, where Hector brave / lay, pierced by fierce AEacide, where lay / giant Sarpedon, and swift Simois' wave / rolls heroes, helms and shields, whelmed in one watery grave?"
centurionemque Sisennam dextras, concordiae insignia, Syriaci exercitus nomine ad praetorianos ferentem variis artibus adgressus est, donec Sisenna clam relicta insula trepiduset vim metuens aufugeret.tatoeba tatoeba
"O son of Tydeus, bravest of the race, / why could not I have perished, too, that day / beneath thine arm, and breathed this soul away / far on the plains of Troy, where Hector brave / lay, pierced by fierce AEacide, where lay / giant Sarpedon, and swift Simois' wave / rolls heroes, helms and shields, whelmed in one watery grave?"
si privatus esset, cur publice loqueretur? potuisse eadem paucos post dies loco sententiae dici.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Yet the orientation of the economy has favoured a kind of technological progress in which the costs of production are reduced by laying off workers and replacing them with machines.
neque tamen id Sereno noxae fuit, quem odium publicum tutiorem
Thus, the charisms, the ministries, the different forms of service exercised by the lay faithful exist in communion and on behalf of communion.
hic pedes adstitit: equitem propinquis lucis texere ut ingressis silvam legionibus a tergo
In this work of contributing to the human family, for which the whole Church is responsible, a particular place falls to the lay faithful, by reason of their "secular character", obliging them, in their proper and irreplaceable way, to work towards the Christian animation of the temporal order.
Ipsi Britanni dilectum ac tributa et iniuncta imperii munia impigre obeunt, si iniuriae absint: has aegre tolerant, iam domiti ut pareant, nondum ut
In reality, the challenge embraced by the Synod Fathers has been that of indicating the concrete ways through which this rich "theory" on the lay state expressed by the Council can be translated into authentic Church "practice".
Parvum et ridiculum fortasse videbitur quod dicturus sum, dicam tamen, vel ideo ut
It is thus that the lay faithful are formed by the Church andin the Church in a mutual communion and collaboration of all her members: clergy, religious and lay faithful.
accessere cum regno Sohaemus haud spernendis viribus, Antiochus vetustis opibus ingens et servientium regum
Certain forms of the lay apostolate are given explicit recognition by the hierarchy, though in different ways.
Itaque quo haec celerius conciperent, dabat operam ut legiones non in uno loco contineret, sed per causam frumentandi huc atque illuc rapsaret, ideo quod hostium copias ab se suisque vestigium non discessuras
Considerable help can be given to families by lay specialists (doctors, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, consultants, etc.) who either as individuals or as members of various associations and undertakings offer their contribution of enlightenment, advice, orientation and support.
Forte inter Padum viamque patenti campo duae legiones congressae sunt, pro Vitellio unaetvicensima, cui cognomen Rapaci, vetere gloria insignis, e parte Othonis prima Adiutrix, non ante in aciem deducta, sed ferox et novi decoris
In addition, there is a steadily growing interest being shown in the theological sciences, not only among the clergy but also by lay people, who are attending theological schools in increasing numbers. These schools have, as a consequence, greatly multiplied in recent times.
ac ne bello quidem Italico, mox civili omissum quin multa et diversa sciscerentur, donec L. Sulla dictator abolitis vel conversis prioribus, cum plura addidisset, otium eius rei haud in longum paravit, statim turbidis Lepidi rogationibus neque multo post tribunis reddita licentia quoquo vellent populum
Therefore, not simply the words coming directly from him, but also those transmitted by the various departments of the Holy See call for a loving and receptive hearing by the lay faithful.
sed cecidisse in inritum labores si praemia periculorum soli adsequantur qui periculis non
The Second Vatican Council seems to connect the moral dimension of culture with the participation of the lay faithful in the kingly mission of Christ: "Let the lay faithful by their combined efforts remedy the institutions and conditions of the world when the latter are an inducement to sin, that all such things may be conformed to the norms of justice, and may favor the practice of virtue rather than hindering it.
Ita operosis Alexandrinorum machinationibus maximisque conatibus non longi temporis labore occursum
Without doubt you still remember that day when you were willingly and eagerly ordained a sacred minister through the laying on of hands by my Venerable Brother Louis Parisot and became a steward of the heavenly gifts.
At Caesar cognita morte legati, ne provincia sine rectore foret, A. Didium
Accordingly, with a considerable force which had been collected, partly by entreaty, partly by force, he began to lay waste the province.
His rebus cognitis Caesar summo studio militum ante ortum solis in castra pervenit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cassius, having sent his army into winter quarters, fixed his residence at Corduba, for the administration of justice. Being greatly in debt, he resolved to pay it by laying heavy burdens upon the province: and, according to the custom of prodigals, made his liberalities a pretense to justify the most exorbitant demands.
mox adversum artes Tacfarinatis haud dissimili modo belligeratum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This demands that the lay faithful always be more animated by a real participation in the life of the Church and enlightened by her social doctrine.
Adnotabant periti non alium ducem opportunitates locorum sapientius
In my Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte I encouraged the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours by the lay faithful in the ordinary life of parish communities and Christian groups;(39) I now wish to do the same for the Rosary.
Eodem anno saepius audita vox principis, parem vim rerum habendam a procuratoribus suis iudicatarum ac si ipse
Thus within the lay state diverse "vocations" are given, that is, there are different paths in the spiritual life and the apostolate which are taken by individual members of the lay faithful.
ut tamen miles otium exueret, inter Mosam Rhenumque trium et viginti milium spatio fossam perduxit, qua incerta Oceani
The vocation to holiness must be recognized and lived by the lay faithful, first of all as an undeniable and demanding obligation and as a shining example of the infinite love of the Father that has regenerated them in his own life of holiness.
orbari se fortissimorum virorum auxilio; veteresillos et tot bellorum victores, postquam in conspectu sit hostis, velut ex acie
A bishop who wishes to provide for such requests of the lay faithful, but is prevented by various reasons from doing so, can refer the matter to the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, which will offer him counsel and assistance.
paucos ante dies discesserat Apinius Tiro donisque ac pecuniis acerbe per municipia conquirendis plus invidiae quam virium partibus
133 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.