lay on oor Latyn

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Charlton T. Lewis

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lay on the back
spread|lay on over the surface
lay one over shoulders of another and flog him
lay violent hands on
lay hands on|grasp
lay hands on
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lay to one's charge
spread or lay on top


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Naturally, the Church's gratitude also goes to deacons, who receive the laying on of hands "not for priesthood but for service."
Gratitudo Ecclesiae habetur nimirum etiam diaconis, quibus « non ad sacerdotium, sed ad ministerium » (81) manus
Without doubt you still remember that day when you were willingly and eagerly ordained a sacred minister through the laying on of hands by my Venerable Brother Louis Parisot and became a steward of the heavenly gifts.
Tenet procul dubio te illius diei memoria, cum promptus alacerque sacer minister per Venerabilis Fratris Aloisii Parisot manuum impositionem es renuntiatus idemque supernorum donorum dispensator
Our men, alarmed at such an unexpected turn of fortune, lay hold on such arms as they could find.
Nostri repentina fortuna permoti arma, quae possunt, arripiunt; alii ex castris sese incitant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tradition is the heritage of Christ's Church. This is a living memory of the Risen One met and witnessed to by the Apostles who passed on his living memory to their successors in an uninterrupted line, guaranteed by the apostolic succession through the laying on of hands, down to the bishops of today.
Traditio est Christi Ecclesiae patrimonium, viva videlicet Resuscitati memoria quocum Apostoli congressi sunt quemque testificati, et cuius deinceps vivam suis successoribus recordationem prodiderunt, tramite quodam numquam interrupto quem ipsa apostolica successio manuum per impositionem ad hodiernos usque Episcopos
30. How much thought, therefore, Venerable Brethren, must the Bishop seriously take with himself and in the presence of God before laying hands on young levites!
Quam serio igitur, Venerabiles Fratres, episcopo secum et coram Deo est reputandum, antequam novis levitis manus imponat!
Now, by contrast, we are the ones to lay our hands on things, attempting to extract everything possible from them while frequently ignoring or forgetting the reality in front of us.
E contra, nunc interest ut e rebus, quantum fieri potest, omnia extrahantur per hominis manus impositionem, qui ignorare aut oblivisci videtur res ipsas quas ante oculos
Through witness, God lays himself open, one might say, to the risk of human freedom.
In testificatione autem Deus se, ut ita dicamus, periculo hominum libertatis
It takes steps to awaken missionary vocations, whether clerical, religious, or lay, and advises on a suitable distribution of missionaries.
Vocationes missionarias sive clericales sive religiosas sive laicales suscitandas curat atque missionariorum aptæ distributioni
One's neighbor must therefore be loved, even if an enemy, with the same love with which the Lord loves him or her; and for that person's sake one must be ready for sacrifice, even the ultimate one: to lay down one's life for the brethren (cf.
Proximus ergo amari debet, etsi est inimicus, eodem amore, quo eum Dominus diligit, atque parati simus oportet grave incommodum, etiam supremum, subire, scilicet: « dare animam pro fratribus » (
And Pharaoh arose in the night, and all his servants, and all Egypt: and there arose a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house wherein there lay not one dead.
Surrexitque pharao nocte et omnes servi eius cunctaque Aegyptus, et ortus est clamor magnus in Aegypto, neque enim erat domus, in qua non iaceret mortuus.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And since there is no one who is drawn to virtue by the impulse of his own nature, every man will naturally lay hands on all he can that he may live happily on the spoils of others.
Cumque nemo unus sit, quin ad beate vivendum ipsius naturae admonitu impulsuque feratur, iure quisque detraxerit quod cuique possit, ut aliorum spoliis facultatem quaerat beate
Here too Saint Paul's irrefutable statement applies: "no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Cor 3:11).
Etiam hic firma valet sancti Pauli adfirmatio: « Fundamentum enim aliud nemo potest ponere praeter id, quod positum est, qui est Iesus Christus » (1 Cor 3,11)
Cyprian too, in the course of laying stress on the Church's unity in opposition to schism, said this: "Finally the Lord's sacrifices proclaim the unity of Christians who are bound together by a firm and unshakeable charity.
Cyprianus unitatem Ecclesiae urgens contra schisma, «Denique», inquit, «unanimitatem Christianam firma sibi atque inseparabili caritate connexam etiam ipsa Dominica sacrificia de
That is why I urge that all pastoral agents are to be adequately trained for this apostolate. "The formation of clergy, religious and laity, imparted in the areas of their apostolate, should lay emphasis on the social teaching of the Church.
Eam ob rem necessitati insistimus omnes operatores pastorales apte formandi huius apostolatus prospectu: “Cleri, religiosorum et laicorum institutio in propriis eorum apostolatus provinciis impertita, Ecclesiae doctrinam socialem
Some attempted, usually unsuccessfully, to replace Catholic missions with those of lay people. On the other hand those apostolic men Francis Xavier and John de Brito contributed not only to the spiritual salvation of souls, but also to the greater expansion of the fortunes of Portugal.
Siquidem, dum laicorum hominum missiones, ut aiunt, quas nonnulli in catholicarum Missionum locum subdere conati sunt, paene nullos edidere fructus, at contra apostolici illi viri, ut Franciscus Xaverius, ut Ioannes de Brito, non modo ad spiritualem animarum salutem, sed ad auctiorem etiam Lusitaniae fortunam tantopere
These men aspire unjustly, and with their might strive, to gain control over public affairs and lay hands on the rudder of the State, in order that the legislation may the more easily be adapted to these principles, and the morals of the people influenced in accordance with them.
Expetunt vero atque omni ope contendunt capessere res publicas et ad gubernacula sedere civitatum, quo sibi facilius liceat ad has doctrinas dirigere leges moresque fingere
Service to society on the part of the lay faithful finds its essence in the socio-economic question, which depends on the organization of work.
Servitium erga societatem ex christifidelium laicorum parte in quaestione oeconomico-sociali elementum habet essentiale cuius clavis il labore humano ordinando
As mentioned, this reason based on ecclesiology explains, on one hand, the "right" of lay associations to form, and on the other, the necessity of "criteria" for discerning the authenticity of the forms which such groups take in the Church.
Adspectus ipse ecclesiologicus, de quo supra, explicat hinc “ius” sese aggregandi quod christifidelium laicorum proprium est, hinc vero necessitatem “criteriorum” per quae de authenticitate ecclesiali harum formarum aggregationis discerni
He lay at anchor one night, and calling together his friends in Amphipolis, and collecting a sum of money for his necessary expenses, upon advice of Caesar's approach, set sail from that place, and arrived in a few days at Mitylene.
Ipse ad ancoram unam noctem constitit et vocatis ad se Amphipoli hospitibus et pecunia ad necessarios sumptus corrogata, cognito Caesaris adventu, ex eo loco discessit et Mytilenas paucis diebus venit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Their cohorts were cut up at the village of Marcodurum, where they lay in careless security, presuming on their distance from the river-bank.
caesae cohortes eorum in vico Marcoduro incuriosius agentes, quia procul ripa aberant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the first place, then, it is necessary that in acknowledging and in conferring various ministries, offices and roles on the lay faithful, the Pastors exercise the maximum care to institute them on the basis of Baptism in which these tasks are rooted.
Itaque oportet in primis Pastores, in agnoscendis et conferendis christifidelibus laicis diversis ministeriis, officiis et muneribus, maximam curam adhibeant ad illos docendos harum functionum imam baptismalem
Explorer-naturalists such as Alexander von Humboldt investigated the interaction between organisms and their environment, and the ways this relationship depends on geography—laying the foundations for biogeography, ecology and ethology.
Exploratores et naturalistae sicut Alexander de Humboldt actionem inter organismos et eorum circumiecta et quomodo haec coniunctio in geographiam nitatur investigabant, fundamenta biogeographiae, oecologiae, ethologiaeque iacentes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Triton, Cymothoe from the rock's sharp brow / push off the vessels. Neptune plies amain / his trident-lever, lays the sandbanks low, / on light wheels shaves the deep, and calms the billowy flow.
Cymothoë simul et Triton annixus acuto / detrudunt naves scopulo; levat ipse tridenti, / et vastas aperit Syrtes, et temperat aequor, / atque rotis summas levibus perlabitur undas.tatoeba tatoeba
Pius XII once stated: "The Faithful, more precisely the lay faithful, find themselves on the front lines of the Church's life; for them the Church is the animating principle for human society.
Ac superioribus temporibus Pius XII haec asserebat: “Christifideles, et magis concrete laici, in prima vitae Ecclesiae inveniuntur acie; per illos Ecclesia societatis humanae vitale est
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