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Charlton T. Lewis


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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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laying open


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Through witness, God lays himself open, one might say, to the risk of human freedom.
In testificatione autem Deus se, ut ita dicamus, periculo hominum libertatis
War will of itself discover and lay open the hidden and rankling wounds of the victorious party. And, indeed, your vigilance, economy, and wisdom, do not inspire me with greater confidence of success than do the indolence, ignorance, and cruelty of Vitellius.
aperiet et recludet contecta et tumescentia victricium partium vulnera bellum ipsum; nec mihi maior in tua vigilantia parsimonia sapientia fiducia est quam in Vitellii torpore inscitia saevitia.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thence the way easily opened, though to them it lay open most miserably, for denying and discarding all things and the powers of man: then insolently denying that there was any authority which emanated from God or even that there was a God, they at length lapsed into absurd theories of Idealism and Materialism.
Inde praeceps via patebat, patuit autem illis miserrime, ad omnia inficianda et amandanda quae sunt supra naturam rerum et captum hominis posita : tum auctoritatem esse ullam, quae a Deo dimanet, ipsumque Deum esse, impudentius pernegaverunt ; delapsi postremo in commenta et Idealismi insulsa et Materialismi
Those beginnings, however, were the more remarkable in that, considering the times and the position of their territories, they lay dangerously open to the lamentable separation from the Roman Church which was breaking out among the Easterners.
Quae quidem initia tanto praestantiora extiterunt, quanto et tempora et loca periculosius patebant funesto cum Ecclesia romana dissidio ab orientalibus
Such initiatives should be encouraged, sustained, increased in number, and of course are also open to lay people who intend to use their professional skills (medical, legal, psychological, social or educational) to help the family.
Haec incepta fovenda, sustinenda, multiplicanda et aperienda sunt, utliquet, etiam laicis, qui ad utilitatem familiae operam conferant pro munere sibi proprio (medico, iuridico, psychologico, sociali, paedagogico)
With a politic prudence he refrained from demanding capital punishment in any case; yet, fearing that he might lay himself more open to suspicion by concealment of his feelings, he censured a few persons, well aware that in civil wars the soldiers have more license than the generals.
ille utili moderatione non supplicium cuiusquam poposcit, ac ne dissimulans suspectior foret, paucos incusavit, gnarus civilibus bellis plus militibus quam ducibus licere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There is also a need for greater cooperation between neighbouring Dioceses in offering efficient and competent services and in training priests and lay workers who are particularly generous and open to this demanding work, above all when it involves legal problems associated with enabling these persons to fit into a new social structure.292
Necesse est etiam cooperationi inter Dioeceses finitimas favere, ut efficacius et aptius vindicetur servitium, quo etiam consulatur ut sacerdotes et operatores laici, praecipui munifici et prompti, formentur ad hoc necessarium servitium, id maxime quod afficit quaestiones naturae legalis quae surgere possunt ex harum personarum locatione in novo ordine
Accordingly, having poured upon us a great quantity of darts and fire, and destroyed a considerable part of the rampart, they opened the gate which lay over against and within view of Pompey's camp, and sallied out with all their forces, carrying with them fascines to fill up the ditch; hooks and fire to destroy and reduce to ashes the barracks, which the soldiers had built mostly of reeds to defend them from the winter; and some silver and rich apparel to scatter among the tents, that while our men should be employed in securing the plunder, they might fight their way through and escape to Pompey; who, in expectation that they would be able to effect their design, had crossed the Rio Salado with his army, where he continued all night in order of battle, to favor their retreat.
Ita igne telorumque multitudine iacta cum bene magnam partem operum consumpsissent, portam quae e regione et in conspectu Pompei castrorum fuerat aperuerunt, copiaeque totae eruptionem fecerunt secumque extulerunt virgulta crates ad fossas complendas et harpagones ad casas quae stramenticiae ab nostris hibernorum causa aedificatae erant, diruendas et incendendas, praeterea argentum vestimenta, ut dum nostri in praeda detinentur, illi caede facta ad praesidia Pompei se reciperent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Apart from the ideological confrontation officially separating the various champions of Marxism-Leninism in their individual interpretations of the thought of its founders, and apart from the open opposition between the political systems which make use of its name today, some people lay down distinctions between Marxism's various levels of expression.
Praeter doctrinarum concertationem, quae publice dividit formas diversas marxismi-leninismi in ipsa interpretatione mentis conditorum, et extra apertas illas contentiones inter plura genera publicae rei administrandae, quae ab eadem doctrina hodie repetuntur, nonnulli discrimina ponunt inter multiplices declarandi marxismi
Likewise the spread of the gospel will be particularly incisive, because in sharing fully in the unique conditions of the life, work, difficulties and hopes of their sisters and brothers, the lay faithful will be able to reach the hearts of their neighbors, friends, and colleagues, opening them to a full sense of human existence, that is, to communion with God and with all people.
Sicuti agitur etiam de irradiatione peculiariter efficaci, quandoquidem inter fratres in ipsa plena conditionum vitae participatione, in qua idem est labor, eaedem difficultates, una atque eadem spes, christifideles laici penetrare valent in vicinorum, amicorum vel collegarum cor, idque dilatare in universaliorem rerum conspectum, in profundiorem ipsius exsistentiae sensum: communionem nempe cum Deo et inter
Following the path marked out by the Council and remaining open to the light of the experience of persons and communities from the whole Church, the Fathers, enriched by preceding Synods, treated in a specific and extensive manner the topic of the vocation and mission of the lay faithful in the Church and in the world.
Patres, in viam Concilii ingressi, eam lucem conspicientes, quae ex experientia personarum et communitatum in universa Ecclesia exoritur, atque ampliore doctrina ex superioribus Synodis locupletati, illud argumentum quod est de vocatione et missione laicorum in Ecclesia et in mundo singulari et peramplo modo
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