lay to rest oor Latyn

lay to rest

(idiomatic) To bury one who has died.

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Piotr Szelma



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she who lays to rest


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Close by the water, in a sheltered bay, / a few guardians of the oars we choose, / then stretched at random on the beach we lay / our limbs to rest, and on the toil-worn crews / sleep steals in silence down, and sheds her kindly dews.
Scribit Labieno, si rei publicae commodo facere posset, cum legione ad fines Nerviorum veniat. Reliquam partem exercitus, quod paulo aberat longius, non putat exspectandam; equites circiter quadringentos ex proximis hibernis colligit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
On the next day Pompey beheaded seventy-four persons supposed to be favorers of Caesar's cause, ordering the rest who lay under the same suspicion to be carried back to the town, of whom a hundred and twenty escaped to Caesar.
Namque per ludibrium adsidere clausis horreis et emere ultro frumenta ac luere pretio cogebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When these affairs were dispatched, Caesar, sparing the town more out of regard to their renown and antiquity than to any claim they could lay to his favor, left two legions in garrison there, sent the rest to Italy, and set out himself for Rome.
Prima luce magnum numerum impedimentorum ex castris mulorumque produci deque his stramenta detrahi mulionesque cum cassidibus equitum specie ac simulatione collibus circumvehi iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar, being informed of the ambuscade of Labienus by deserters, delayed there a few days, till the enemy, by repeating the practice often, had abated a little of their circumspection. Then suddenly, one morning ordering eight veteran legions with part of the cavalry to follow him by the Decuman gate, he sent forward the rest of the cavalry; who, coming suddenly upon the enemy's light-armed foot, that lay in ambush among the valleys, slew about five hundred, and put the rest to flight.
Illi equitatu atque essedis ad flumen progressi ex loco superiore nostros prohibere et proelium committere coeperuut.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And when he was come to a certain place, and would rest in it after sunset, he took of the stones that lay there, and putting under his head, slept in the same place.
incedebat muliebre et miserabile agmen, profuga ducis uxor, parvulum sinu filium gerens, lamentantes circum amicorum coniuges quae simul trahebantur necminus tristes qui manebant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And he said to them: This is what the Lord hath spoken: To morrow is the rest of the sabbath sanctified to the Lord. Whatsoever work is to be done, do it; and the meats that are to be dressed, dress them; and whatsoever shall remain, lay it up until the morning.
maius aliquid et excelsius a principe postulatur; et cum recte factorum sibi quisque gratiam trahant, unius invidia ab omnibus peccatur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
This position fortified one side of his camp by the banks of the river, rendered the country which lay in his rear secure from the enemy, and furthermore insured that provisions might without danger be brought to him by the Remi and the rest of the states.
sensit ludibrium miles, disiectisque qui tribunal tuebantur extrema vis parabatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
7 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.