laying-waste oor Latyn


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Piotr Szelma

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ravage|devastate|destroy|lay waste
depopulo · depopulor
lay waste utterly
plundering|pillaging|sacking|marauding|ravaging|laying waste
laying waste
depopulatio · populabundus · populatio · vastatio
demolish|destroy|lay waste
demolio · demolior · dimolio · dimolior
lay waste
demelior · depasco · depascor · depopulor · detondeo · devasto · diripio · excido · mando · pervasto · populo · populor · rapio · vasto


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Accordingly, with a considerable force which had been collected, partly by entreaty, partly by force, he began to lay waste the province.
ministri fuere P. Celer eques Romanus et Helius libertus, rei familiari principis in Asia impositi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After putting many citizens to death, you still furnished him with forces, and even urged him to lay waste the country and province.
Dum haec ad Gergoviam geruntur, Aedui primis nuntiis ab Litavicco acceptis nullum sibiad cognoscendum spatium relinquunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
[He asserts] that this might be affected if the Aedui would lead their forces into the territories of the Bellovaci, and begin to lay waste their country.
is postera die auctores seditionis morte adfecit: tanta illi exercitui diversitas inerat licentiae patientiaeque.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the other side he sends the Gabali and the nearest cantons of the Arverni against the Helvii; he likewise sends the Ruteni and Cadurci to lay waste the territories of the Volcae Arecomici.
sedin regressu dispar fortuna fuit, quia navium quasdam quae mari remeabant in litora Taurorum delatas circumvenere barbari, praefecto cohortis et plerisque auxiliarium interfectis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Italy, abandoned by the Emperors of Byzantium, had been left a prey of the still unsettled Lombards who roamed up and down the whole country laying waste everywhere with fire and sword and bringing desolation and death in their train.
ira illa numinum in res Romanas fuit, quam non, ut in cladibus exercituum aut captivitate urbium, semel edito transire
While he thus lay wasting his powers in sloth among the woods of Aricia, he was startled by the treachery of Lucilius Bassus and the defection of the fleet at Ravenna. Then came the news about Caecina, and he heard with a satisfaction mingled with distress, first, that he had revolted, and then, that he had been put in irons by the army.
magna et misera civitas, eodem anno Othonem Vitellium passa, inter Vinios Fabios Icelos Asiaticos varia et pudenda sorte agebat, donec successere Mucianus et Marcellus et magis alii homines quam alii mores.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Therefore, after staying a short time before the town, and laying waste the country of the Remi, when all the villages and buildings which they could approach had been burned, they hastened with all their forces to the camp of Caesar, and encamped within less than two miles [of it]; and their camp, as was indicated by the smoke and fires, extended more than eight miles in breadth.
Petierunt uti sibi concilium totius Galliae in diem certam indicere idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere quasdam res quas ex communi consensu ab eo petere vellent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For in what was that war like this? The Cimbri, after laying Gaul waste, and inflicting great calamities, at length departed from our country, and sought other lands; they left us our rights, laws, lands, and liberty.
Lucceius Albinus a Nerone Mauretaniae Caesariensi praepositus, addita per Galbam Tingitanae provinciae administratione, haud spernendis viribus agebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Finding a ford there, they endeavored to lead a part of their forces over it; with the design, that, if they could, they might carry by storm the fort which Q. Titurius, Caesar's lieutenant, commanded, and might cut off the bridge; but, if they could not do that, they should lay waste the lands of the Remi, which were of great use to us in carrying on the war, and might hinder our men from foraging.
et opplebantur terrae: eadem freto litori campis facies, neque discemi poterant incerta ab solidis, brevia a profundis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Having divided the army, he orders T. Labienus to proceed with three legions toward the ocean into those parts which border on the Menapii; he sends C. Trebonius with a like number of legions to lay waste that district which lies contiguous to the Aduatuci; he himself determines to go with the remaining three to the river Sambre, which flows into the Meuse, and to the most remote parts of Arduenna, whither he heard that Ambiorix had gone with a few horse.
advertere proximi, deinde plures: hinc per omnem aciem miraculum et questus et saevissimi belli execratio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So Germanicus, with increased energy, advanced into the country, laying it waste, and utterly ruining a foe who dared not encounter him, or who was instantly defeated wherever he resisted, and, as we learnt from prisoners, was never more panic-stricken.
id Caecinae per ipsos compertum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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