lead the way oor Latyn

lead the way

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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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leading the way
lead out of the way|round about
leading the way with deeds
operibus anteire


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Lead the way.
De tertia vigilia T. Labienum, legatum pro praetore, cum duabus legionibus et iis ducibus qui iter cognoverant summum iugum montis ascendere iubet; quid sui consilii sit ostendit.tatoeba tatoeba
May the Holy Spirit, who guides the steps of believers in cooperating with the work of salvation wrought by Christ, lead the way and support the People of God so that they may contemplate the face of mercy.[
Dein iussu Augusti inpositus Artavasdes et non sine clade nostra deiectus.vatican.va vatican.va
Weeping she spake, with unavailing woe, / and poured her sorrow to the winds, when lo, / in sight comes Helenus, with fair array, / and hails his friends, and hastening to bestow / glad welcome, toward his palace leads the way; / but tears and broken words his mingled thoughts betray.
Caesar exploratis regionibus albente caeloomnes copias castris educit magnoque circuitu nullo certo itinere exercitum ducit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Weeping she spake, with unavailing woe, / and poured her sorrow to the winds, when lo, / in sight comes Helenus, with fair array, / and hails his friends, and hastening to bestow / glad welcome, toward his palace leads the way; / but tears and broken words his mingled thoughts betray.
Principibus Gallice evocatis Caesar ea quae cognoverat dissimulanda sibi existimavit, eorumque animis permulsis et confirmatis equitatu imperato bellum cum Germanis gerere constituit.tatoeba tatoeba
"Thus roused, her friends she gathers. All await / her summons, who the tyrant fear or hate. / Some ships at hand, chance-anchored in the bay / they seize and load them with the costly freight, / and far off o'er the deep is borne away / Pygmalion's hoarded pelf. A woman leads the way."
Timotheus quaesitis qui in Pontum meassent, cognoscit urbem illic Sinopen, nec procul templum vetere inter accolas fama Iovis Ditis: namque et muliebrem effigiem adsistere quam plerique Proserpinam vocent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Thus roused, her friends she gathers. All await / her summons, who the tyrant fear or hate. / Some ships at hand, chance-anchored in the bay / they seize and load them with the costly freight, / and far off o'er the deep is borne away / Pygmalion's hoarded pelf. A woman leads the way."
Labienus, cum et loci natura et manu munitissumis castris sese teneret, de suo ac legionis periculo nihil timebat; ne quam occasionem rei bene gerendae dimitteret, cogitabat.tatoeba tatoeba
The way that leads to the Kingdom of heaven is "hard and narrow", and Christ contrasts it to the "wide and easy" way that "leads to destruction"(83).
Hoc pertinet circiter mila passuum quingenta.vatican.va vatican.va
For Christ is the way that leads us to the Father in the Spirit.
pacem et concordiam victis utilia, victoribus tantum pulchra esse.vatican.va vatican.va
71 — The Congregation for the Causes of Saints deals with everything which, according to the established way, leads to the canonization of the servants of God.
utrumque in laudem Drusi trahebatur: ab eo in urbe inter coetus et sermones hominum obversante secreta patris mitigari.vatican.va vatican.va
The principle of solidarity, in a wide sense, must inspire the effective search for appropriate institutions and mechanisms, whether in the sector of trade, where the laws of healthy competition must be allowed to lead the way, or on the level of a wider and more immediate redistribution of riches and of control over them, in order that the economically developing peoples may be able not only to satisfy their essential needs but also to advance gradually and effectively.
et studiis diversis apud principem certabatur adseverantium non adeo aegram Italiam ut senatum suppeditare urbi suae nequiret.vatican.va vatican.va
In this way it speaks to people both of the beauty of fraternal communion and of the ways which actually lead to it.
Genus spectaculorum unum atque in omni coetu idem.vatican.va vatican.va
These two expressions of the Church’s lex orandi will in no way lead to a division in the Church’s lex credendi (rule of faith); for they are two usages of the one Roman rite.
nam ubi sui matrimonii certa fuit, struere maiora nuptiasque Domitii, quem ex Cn.vatican.va vatican.va
This affirmation of the family's sovereignty as an institution and the recognition of the various ways in which it is conditioned naturally leads to the subject of family rights.
vobis arma et animus sit: mihi consilium et virtutis vestrae regimen relinquite.vatican.va vatican.va
The Holy Spirit was then better seen, through a meditation on the mystery of the Church, as the one who points out the ways leading to the union of Christians, indeed as the supreme source of this unity, which comes from God himself and to which St. Paul gave a particular expression in the words which are frequently used to begin the Eucharistic liturgy: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 7
Finis vitae eius nobis luctuosus, amicis tristis, extraneis etiam ignotisque non sine cura fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Finally, fellowship in prayer leads people to look at the Church and Christianity in a new way.
Item alia in parte diversae duae legiones, XI. et VIII., profligatis Viromanduis, quibuscum erant congressae, ex loco superiore in ipsis fluminis ripis proeliabantur.vatican.va vatican.va
The role of evangelization is precisely to educate people in the faith in such a way as to lead each individual Christian to live the sacraments as true sacraments of faith- and not to receive them passively or reluctantly.
ceteri venerantes regemArtaxiam consalutavere, quod illi vocabulum indiderant ex nomine urbis.vatican.va vatican.va
Along the way that leads to full unity, ecumenical dialogue works to awaken a reciprocal fraternal assistance, whereby Communities strive to give in mutual exchange what each one needs in order to grow towards definitive fullness in accordance with God's plan (cf.
unde tenuioribus statim inrogata supplicia, adversum inlustris dissimulatum ad praesens et mox redditum odium.vatican.va vatican.va
Yet closer scrutiny shows that even in the philosophical thinking of those who helped drive faith and reason further apart there are found at times precious and seminal insights which, if pursued and developed with mind and heart rightly tuned, can lead to the discovery of truth's way.
et utrisque adfuit fortuna.vatican.va vatican.va
When prayed well in a truly meditative way, the Rosary leads to an encounter with Christ in his mysteries and so cannot fail to draw attention to the face of Christ in others, especially in the most afflicted.
Congressus enim et clamor, quibus rebus maxime hostis conterretur, in conlatu pari erat condicione.vatican.va vatican.va
From all these truths, the mind is led to acknowledge the existence of a truly propaedeutic path to faith, one which can lead to the acceptance of Revelation without in any way compromising the principles and autonomy of the mind itself.90
mox castris in loco communitis valida manu montem occupat angustum et aequali dorso continuum usque ad proximum castellum quod magna vis armata aut incondita tuebatur.vatican.va vatican.va
On this way leading from Christ to man, on this way on which Christ unites himself with each man, nobody can halt the Church.
hunc vitae finem habuit septimo et tricensimo aetatis anno.vatican.va vatican.va
Man in the full truth of his existence, of his personal being and also of his community and social being-in the sphere of his own family, in the sphere of society and very diverse contexts, in the sphere of his own nation or people (perhaps still only that of his clan or tribe), and in the sphere of the whole of mankind-this man is the primary route that the Church must travel in fulfilling her mission: he is the primary and fundamental way for the Church, the way traced out by Christ himself, the way that leads invariably through the mystery of the Incarnation and the Redemption.
Eo celeriter confecto negotio rursus in hiberna legiones reduxit.vatican.va vatican.va
It may sometimes even happen that we are mistaken in judging what is happening, because divine Providence has its own ways to lead men, their society, nations and the Church.
Quo cum esset postero die ventum, magna utrimque multitudo convenit, magnaque erat exspectatio eius rei, atque omnium animi intenti esse ad pacem videbantur.vatican.va vatican.va
We have no wish at all to pass over in silence the difficulties, at times very great, which beset the lives of Christian married couples. For them, as indeed for every one of us, "the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life."
quod salutare non modo partibus Vespasiani, sed rei publicae fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
78 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.