leader in battle oor Latyn

leader in battle

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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Meanwhile, among the many leaders, one superior to the rest in valour and in birth, Galgacus by name, is said to have thus harangued the multitude gathered around him and clamouring for battle:--
Hunc fugaPharitae reliquerant; artiorem illum propioremque oppido Alexandrini tuebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Of these the mother and guide, the leader and guardian is the Church; which being united to Christ her spouse in intimate and unchangeable charity is also joined to Him by a common cause of battle and of victory.
moriendum victis, moriendum deditis: id solum referre, novissimum spiritum per ludibrium et contumelias effundant an per virtutem.vatican.va vatican.va
It would have been the best policy for the army of Vitellius to rest at Cremona, and, with strength recruited by food and repose, to attack and crush the next day an enemy exhausted by cold and hunger; but now, wanting a leader, and having no settled plan, they came into collision about nine o'clock at night with the Flavianist troops, who stood ready, and in order of battle.
Audaces fortuna iuvat timidosque repellit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Then, having sent forward the baggage some short distance and placed it on a certain eminence, he says, ""Soldiers, you have the opportunity you have sought: you hold the enemy in an encumbered and disadvantageous position: display to us, your leaders, the same valor you have ofttimes displayed to your general: imagine that he is present and actually sees these exploits."" At the same time he orders the troops to face about toward the enemy and form in line of battle, and, dispatching a few troops of cavalry as a guard for the baggage, he places the rest of the horse on the wings."
Celeriter nostri clamore sublato pila in hostes immittunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
4 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.