leading away oor Latyn

leading away

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ dēductiō ]
Charlton T. Lewis

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We must learn that we cannot ask for the superficial and comfortable things that we desire at this moment—that meagre, misplaced hope that leads us away from God.
igitur Nero praetura perfunctos et experientia probatos delegit.vatican.va vatican.va
The "Our Father" leads human hearts away from enmity, hatred, violence, terrorism, discrimination-from the situations in which human dignity and human rights are trampled upon.
Ego enim cum audio antiquos, quosdam veteres et olim natos intellego, ac mihi versantur ante oculos Ulixes ac Nestor, quorum aetas mille fere et trecentis annis saeculum nostrum antecedit: vos autem Demosthenem et Hyperidem profertis, quos satis constat Philippi et Alexandri temporibus floruisse, ita tamen ut utrique superstites essent.vatican.va vatican.va
Dialogue among religions has a preeminent part, for it leads to love and mutual respect, and takes away, or at least diminishes, prejudices among the followers of various religions and promotes unity and friendship among peoples"(129).
illuc de studiis vulgi et minis Germanicarum cohortium adfertur.vatican.va vatican.va
"Thus roused, her friends she gathers. All await / her summons, who the tyrant fear or hate. / Some ships at hand, chance-anchored in the bay / they seize and load them with the costly freight, / and far off o'er the deep is borne away / Pygmalion's hoarded pelf. A woman leads the way."
ac ne, dum in urbem vehitur, ad paenitentiam a L. Vitellio et Largo Caecina mutaretur, in eodem gestamine sedem poscit adsumiturque.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Thus roused, her friends she gathers. All await / her summons, who the tyrant fear or hate. / Some ships at hand, chance-anchored in the bay / they seize and load them with the costly freight, / and far off o'er the deep is borne away / Pygmalion's hoarded pelf. A woman leads the way."
Hic inter duces duos fit contentio uter prius pontem occuparet; ex qua contentione cotidiana minuta proelia fiebant, ut modo hi, non numquam illi superiores discederent.tatoeba tatoeba
5 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.