legal state oor Latyn

legal state

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

Regnum legis

doctrine in European legal thinking, means "state based on justice and integrity"

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Moreover, global political transformations and new international legal regimes have weakened the state as the only legitimate source of rights.
"is proximo in agro scrobem effodi iussit, quam Flavus ut humilem et angustam increpans, circumstantibus militibus, ""ne hoc quidem,"" inquit, ""ex disciplina."" admonitusque fortiter protendere cervicem, ""utinam,"" ait ""tu tam fortiter ferias!"" et ille multum tremens, cum vix duobus ictibus caput amputavisset, saevitiam apud Neronem iactavit, sesquiplaga interfectum a se dicendo."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The UN-sponsored Kyoto Protocol, signed in 1997, set legally binding emissions reduction targets for ratifying states.
ergo Narcissus, adsumptis quibus idem metus, non aliam spem incolumitatis Caesaris adfirmat quam si ius militum uno illo die in aliquem libertorum transferret, seque offert suscepturum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bi-national same-sex couples were kept from legally living in the United States by DOMA's Section 3, which prevented one spouse from sponsoring the other for a green card.
ille inruptione subita territum exutumque campis Mithridaten compulit in castellum Gorneas, tutum loco ac praesidio militum, quis Caelius Pollio praefectus, centurio Casperius praeerat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nevertheless, it has been officially stated that this legally recognized syndicate does not prevent the existence, without legal status, however, of other associations made up of persons following the same calling.
Vix credibile memoratu est quantum superbiae socordiaeque Vitellio adoleverit, postquam speculatores e Syria Iudaeaque adactum in verba eius Orientem
Withdrawal from the European Union is the legal and political process whereby an EU member state ceases to be a member of the Union.
Summam imperi se consulto nulli discedentem tradidisse, ne is multitudinis studio ad dimicandum impelleretur; cui rei propter animi mollitiem studere omnes videret, quod diutius laborem ferre non possent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
a) to represent the Academy legally before any judicial or administrative authority, of either the Church or the State;
His rebus fiebat ut et minus late vagarentur et minus facile finitimis bellum inferre possent; qua ex parte homines bellandi cupidi magno dolore
When the United States gave six-month notice of its withdrawal from the treaty in July, 1939, it removed the primary legal obstacle for embargo.
probabant religionem patres, periurium arguebant; eaque velut censura in Sariolenum Voculam et Nonium Attianum et Cestium Severum acerrime incubuit, crebris apud Neronem delationibus famosos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But any State which made such a request legitimate and authorized it to be carried out would be legalizing a case of suicide-murder, contrary to the fundamental principles of absolute respect for life and of the protection of every innocent life.
Sed de his duobus generibus alterum est druidum, alterum
So I am all the more delighted at the presence of a judge who will either forbid me for the future to write verses, or who will compel me by his additional authority to do what I have long desired, to give up the petty subleties of legal causes, at which I have toiled enough, and more than enough, and to cultivate a more sacred and more stately eloquence.
sed meliorem in bello causam quam in pace habemus; nam qui deliberant, desciverunt.'latin-ancient latin-ancient
9 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.