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live at same time

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Piotr Szelma

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living at the same time


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You are difficult and easy, pleasant and bitter at the same time; I can't live with or without you.
difficilis facilis iucundus acerbus es idem: nec tecum possum vivere nec sine te.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As a protection for the dignity of the human being, it may be necessary at times to denounce and to blame boldly unjust and unworthy living conditions; at the same time, however, care must be taken to guard against either making violence legitimate with the pretext of applying a remedy to the ills of the people, or admitting and favoring those rapid and violent changes of temporal conditions of society which may lead to effects that are more harmful than the evil itself which is intended to be corrected.
Ad tuendam praeterea personae humanae dignitatem, urget aliquando officium aperte denuntiandi et reprobandi iniustas atque indignas vitae condiciones; at cavendum omnino est, hisce in casibus, ne, sub praetextu malis populi medendi, violentia approbetur, neve foveantur repentinae illae ac turbulentae saecularium societatis condicionum permutationes, quae exitus habeant funestiores malis ipsis, quibus sit
Only by admitting his innate dependence can man live and use his freedom to the full, and at the same time respect the life and freedom of every other person.
Hic praesertim “mediam... partem cuiuslibet culturae occupat hominis adfectus ante maximum omnium arcanum: Dei mysterium” (IOANNIS PAULI PP. II Centesimus Annus, 24)
The specific purpose of the present Encyclical is this: to set forth, with regard to the problems being discussed, the principles of a moral teaching based upon Sacred Scripture and the living Apostolic Tradition,12 and at the same time to shed light on the presuppositions and consequences of the dissent which that teaching has met.
Hoc est proprium argumentum harum Litterarum Encyclicarum, quibus exponere cupimus de agitatis quaestionibus rationes institutionis moralis, Sacris Litteris nisae et viva apostolica Traditione (Cfr. Dei Verbum, 10), in luce ponentes antecedentia et consecutiones contentionum quae eiusmodi institutionem
In this way, the world, and the quality of life of the poorest, are cared for, with a sense of solidarity which is at the same time aware that we live in a common home which God has entrusted to us.
Hoc modo curatur mundus vitaeque pauperiorum qualitas, cum sensu solidalitatis qui eodem tempore est conscientia commorandi in communi domo quam Deus nobis
The same Council strongly encourages the lay faithful actively to live out their belonging to the particular Church, while at the same time assuming an ever-increasing "catholic" spirit: "Let the lay faithful constantly foster"-we read in the Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People- "a feeling for their own diocese, of which the parish is a kind of cell, and be always ready at their bishops' invitation to participate in diocesan projects.
Idem autem Concilium stimulos fortiter addit christifidelibus laicis ut activa navitate ostendant pertinere sese ad Ecclesiam particularem, sed assumentes pariter rationem magis “catholicam”; sic legimus in Decreto de apostolatu laicorum: “Colant iugiter sensum diœcesis, cuius paroecia velut cellula est, prompti semper, ad invitationem Pastoris sui, suas quoque vires inceptis diœcesanis
105 — The principal function of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life is to promote and supervise in the whole Latin Church the practice of the evangelical counsels as they are lived in approved forms of consecrated life and, at the same time, the work of societies of apostolic life.
105 — Congregationis munus præcipuum est praxim consiliorum evangelicorum, prout in probatis formis vitæ consecratæ exercetur, et insimul actuositatem Societatum vitæ apostolicæ in universa Ecclesia Latina promovere et
For, at the same time, this Redemption, even though it was completely achieved by Christ's suffering, lives on and in its own special way develops in the history of man.
Haec vero redemptio, etsi per Christi passionem omnino est completa, simul nihilominus suo modo in hominis historia viget et
From the earliest times, the prospect of the Judgement has influenced Christians in their daily living as a criterion by which to order their present life, as a summons to their conscience, and at the same time as hope in God's justice.
Prospectus Iudicii iam a primordiis animos christianorum in eorum vita cotidiana permovit tamquam regula ad vitam praesentem temperandam, tamquam monitum ad eorum conscientiam simulque tamquam spes de divina
Moved, therefore, by the impulse of a living faith, we must have confidence in the Divine Justice, which is at the same time Mercy, and we must have confidence in this same Mercy in which Justice is shown at the end.
Impulsu igitur fidei vivae nos acti confidere debemus Iustitiae Divinae, quae simul vero Misericordia est, atque huic eidem confidere Misericordiae in qua ostendetur ad extremum
At the same time, Isaac was walking along the way to the well which is called Of the living and the seeing: for he dwelt in the south country.
Isaac autem venerat a regione putei Lahairoi et habitabat in terra Nageb.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In bringing their lives into an organic synthesis, which is, at one and the same time, the manifestation of the unity of "who they are" in the Church and society as well as the condition for the effective fulfilment of their mission, the lay faithful are to be guided interiorly and sustained by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of unity and fullness of life.
In hac synthesi organica suae vitae maturanda, quae simul expressio est unitatis eorum indolis et conditio pro eorum missione efficaciter implenda, christifideles laici a Spiritu Sancto, tamquam ab unitatis et vitae plenae Spiritu, intus ducentur et
We see them trying to eliminate every ill, to remove every obstacle which offends man's dignity. They are continually striving to exercise greater personal responsibility; to do more, learn more, and have more so that they might increase their personal worth. And yet, at the same time, a large number of them live amid conditions which frustrate these legitimate desires.
Nostris hisce diebus dum homines id appetere videmus, ut exploratius inveniant quo alantur, quo aegroti curentur, quo firmiter occupati teneantur; ut ab omni vexatione tuti, ab omnique liberi deformitate, hominis dignitatem labefactante, maiora in dies de se praestare possint; ut se doctrina magis expoliant: hoc est, ut magis operentur, discant, possideant, ut ideo pluris valeant; interea magnam eorum partem videmus in eiusmodi vitae condicionibus versari, quae iustas eorum appetitiones
Properly understood, this is an exhortation to live in the truth, that is, according to the dictates of an upright conscience, and at the same time it is a profession of faith in the Spirit of truth as the one who gives life.
Si rem bene consideramus, haec est hortatio ad vivendum secundum veritatem. id est secundum praecepta rectae conscientiae, et est pariter professio fidei Spiritus veritatis, ut eius qui
At the same time she is "suffering the pangs and anguish of childbirth" (Rev 12:2) like Eve "the mother of all the living" (Gen 3:20).
Eodem autem tempore “in dolore parit filios” (Ibid. 12, 2) haud secus atque Eva “mater . . . cunctorum viventium” (Gen. 3, 20)
For example, it seems that they are all united by a common attitude towards the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are living in extreme poverty and are even dying of hunger, while at the same time vast sums are being spent on the production of nuclear weapons, the stocks of which at this very moment are capable of bringing about humanity's self-destruction.
Videntur exempli gratia inter se devinciri aequali prorsus iudicio et sensu de hoc: quod centena hominum milia versantur in maxima egestate, quin immo inedia intereunt, dum eodem simul tempore incredibiles pecuniarum summae impenduntur in atomica fabricanda arma, quorum cumulata copia iam nunc importare potest sui ipsius destructionem ipsi hominum
The Church receives and at the same time expresses what she herself is in the seven sacraments, thanks to which God's grace concretely influences the lives of the faithful, so that their whole existence, redeemed by Christ, can become an act of worship pleasing to God.
Ecclesia in septem sacramentis suscipitur simul ac exprimitur, quorum ope Dei gratia re fidelium exsistentiam afficit, ut vita tota, a Christo redempta, a Deo acceptus cultus
However, before devoting a further part of our considerations to this subject, that is to say, to establishing the meaning of the vocabulary and the content proper to the concept of mercy," we must note that Christ, in revealing the love - mercy of God, at the same time demanded from people that they also should be guided in their lives by love and mercy.
Verum tamen, prius quam ulteriorem nos tram deliberationem eodem in argumento consumamus, ut videlicet verborum decernamus vim significationemque propriam ipsius conceptus « misericordiae », denotetur oportet Christum, cum amorem misericordiam Dei revelaret, eadem opera ab hominibus poposcisse, ut sua in vita se insuper sinerent amore ac misericordia
At the same time, it becomes natural to bring to this encounter with the sacred humanity of the Redeemer all the problems, anxieties, labours and endeavours which go to make up our lives.
Eodem autem tempore natura fit ut ad hanc cum sancta Redemptoris humanitate congressionem aliae difficultates et curae, fatigationes et proposita adferantur quibus vita nostra
At the same time We wish by this letter to declare publicly that so many testimonies of devotion and love have gone very far towards lightening Our burden, and the remembrance of them will live always in Our mind.
Simul vero expetit animus per has littera publice testari, id quod facimus, quemadmodum tot obsequii,: humanitatis, et amoris testimonia ad leniendas curas molestiasque Nostras consolatione non mediocri valuerunt, ita eorum et memoriam in Nobis et gratiam semper esse victuram. — Sed maius ac sanctius restat
The Church lives these realities, she lives by this truth about man, which enables him to go beyond the bounds of temporariness and at the same time to think with particular love and solicitude of everything within the dimensions of this temporariness that affect man's life and the life of the human spirit, in which is expressed that never-ending restlessness referred to in the words of Saint Augustine: "You made us for yourself, Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you"125.
Hanc realitatem Ecclesia vivendo experitur, ex hac veritate ad hominem attinente vivit; unde licet ei brevis huius temporis spatium superare et pariter singulari amore et cura rebus omnibus consulere, quae, huius finiti temporis ducta ratione, magnum momentum habent ad vitam hominis, ad vitam spiritus humani, qui illa perenni sollicitudine movetur, quam Sanctus Augustinus his verbis expressit : Domine, « fecisti nos ad te et inquietum est cor nostrum, donec requiescat in te ».(
It expresses at the same time the "great mystery" described in the Letter to the Ephesians: the bride united to her Bridegroom; united, because she lives his life; united, because she shares in his threefold mission (tria munera Christi); united in such a manner as to respond with a "sincere gift" of self to the inexpressible gift of the love of the Bridegroom, the Redeemer of the world.
Simul vero in ea “mysterium magnum” Epistulae ad Ephesios declaratur: Sponso suo iuncta Sponsa, coniuncta idcirco quod eius ducit vitam, consociata quia ipsius tria participat munera (tria munera Christi), eo modo copulata ut per “donum sincerum” sui ipsius respondeat ineffabili amoris Sponsi dono, Redemptoris
Therefore in those people there is fulfilled the Gospel of suffering, and, at the same time, each of them continues in a certain sense to write it: they write it and proclaim it to the world, they announce it to the world in which they live and to the people of their time.
In iis igitur Evangelium doloris adimpletur simulque unusquisque eorum illud quodammodo scribere pergit: illud scribit et nuntiat mundo, illud nuntiat, ubi vivit, et hominibus nostrae
As the history of the Church bears witness, members of the religious orders under the inspiration of God's love, have often gone to such lengths in their work of preaching the Gospel that they have given up their lives for the salvation of souls, thus by their death spreading the unity of the faith and the doctrine of Christian brotherhood and at the same time extending farther and farther the boundaries of the Kingdom of Christ.
Qua in re, ut ecclesiasticae historiae monumenta testantur, eo usque, divina urgente caritate, saepe sunt progressi, ut in Evangelii praedicatione pro animarum salute vitam profunderent, et sua ipsorum morte Christi regni fines, fidei unitate christianaeque fraternitatis propagata,
31 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.