long lasting oor Latyn

long lasting

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Piotr Szelma

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last long
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lasting long


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If the laws are to bring about significant, long-lasting effects, the majority of the members of society must be adequately motivated to accept them, and personally transformed to respond.
Ut norma iuridica afferat quaedam gravia mansuraque, necesse est maiorem partem societatis sodalium eam recepisse incipiendo a congruis rationibus, et iuxta personalem transformationem se gerat.vatican.va vatican.va
4. Is it not right, it is often repeated, indeed, even consonant with duty, that all who invoke the name of Christ should abstain from mutual reproaches and at long last be united in mutual charity?
Nonne – dictitari solet – aequum est, immo etiam cum officio consentaneum, quotquot Christi nomen invocant, eos et a mutuis criminationibus abstinere sesti et mutua tandem aliquando caritate coniungi?vatican.va vatican.va
This did not last long, as the lot strayed away to unfit persons.
neque id diu mansit, quia sors deerrabat ad parum idoneos.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cassius hesitated long, but at last desired that the circumvallation should be leveled, and free egress given him.
Ne pugnetur interdicit; ad exeundum Cassium invitat fidemque suam in re omni interponit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Of this war, its origin and its issue, for it lasted long, I shall hereafter speak.
id bellum cum causis et eventibus (etenim longius provectum est) mox memorabimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
These tears, these bodily pains and tortures, the blood of the martyrs of past and present - all will bring it about that, through the powerful intervention of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, Queen of China, the Church in your native land will at long last regain its strength and in a calmer age, happier days will shine upon it.
Hae lacrimae, hae affiictationes, una cum cruciatibus et sanguine Martyrum qui fuerunt et nunc sunt, veluti pretiosa pignora, efficient, ut Ecclesia in patria vestra potentissimo interposito patrocinio Deiparae Virginis Mariae, Sinarum Reginae, tandem aliquando revirescat, ac mitescente saeculo laetiores ei dies illucescant.vatican.va vatican.va
The battle extended over a long line of march, lasting with varying success till night parted the combatants.
pugnatum longo agmine et incerto Marte, donec proelium nox dirimeret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nothing lasts for long.
Nihil diuturnum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
2 Pt 3:13; Rev 21:1); but as long as time lasts the struggle between good and evil continues even in the human heart itself.
2 Pe 3, 13; Apg 21, 1); sed perdurante ipso tempore boni malique luctatio in medio fervet hominis animo.vatican.va vatican.va
Wherefore We first of all give profound thanks to God, the Giver of all good things, and we shall continue as long as life lasts to cherish in mind and heart gratitude for each and every favour.
Primum igitur bonorum omnium largitori Deo grates habemus maximas, acceptaque ab eo singula, quamdiu vita suppeditet, mente animoque tuebimur.vatican.va vatican.va
Christians know that there is no need to wait for another time of salvation, since, however long the world may last, they are already living in the last times.
Hinc igitur novit Christianus se haud debere aliud exspectare tempus quandoquidem terrarum orbis, quantacumque sit temporis ipsius longinquitas, iam extremo in tempore vivit.vatican.va vatican.va
This year at last released Rome from her long contest with the Numidian Tacfarinas.
Is demum annus populum Pomanum longo adversum Numidam Tacfarinatem beilo absolvit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meanwhile one of the enemy, acquainted with the Roman tongue, spurred his horse up to the entrenchments, and in a loud voice promised in the name of Arminius to all deserters wives and lands with daily pay of a hundred sesterces as long as war lasted.
inter quae unus hostium, Latinae linguae sciens, acto ad vallum equo voce magna coniuges et agros et stipendii in dies, donec bellaretur, sestertios centenos, si quis transfugisset, Arminii nomine pollicetur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But now suffer it to go by; it is not the first, it is not new, and it will not be the last, if thou live long.
Sed nunc dimitte transire: non est primum nec novum nec ultmum erit, si diu vixeris.Literature Literature
And indeed your gifts to me will, as long as life holds out, be lasting possessions; those which you owe to me, your parks, investments, your country houses, are liable to accidents.
nec mihi tela et manus tuae defuissent in armis agenti; sed quod praesens condicio poscebat, ratione consilio praeceptis pueritiam, dein iuventam meam fovisti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Alliances are passed along and preserved through many generations, because fathers bring their sons on their trips and families honor an association, no matter how long it has been since the last gift exchange.
Familiae Limenitidinae et Biblidinae inter eas aliquando ponuntur ut tribus additae, cum Melitaeini subfamilia distincta aliquando habentur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
11. From what We have just said, venerable brothers, you see the truth and justice in Our demands for ecclesiastical freedom. The Church lives and acts by this freedom, in order to arrive at the happy and lasting agreement so long and ardently desired by both powers.
Ex his autem, quae ediximus, videtis, Venerabiles Fratres, quam vere iusteque declaratum a Nobis fuerit, ad faustam stabilemque concordiam, summis votis tamdiu expeditam, inter potestatem utramque ineundam, opus esse latas leges ita componi, ut necessaria ad vivendum agendumque libertas Ecclesiae salva supersit.vatican.va vatican.va
Arminius and Inguiomerus fled from the battle, the first unhurt, the other severely wounded. Their followers were slaughtered, as long as our fury and the light of day lasted.
Arminius integer, Inguiomerus post grave vulnus pugnam deseruere: vulgus trucidatum est, donec ira et dies permansit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"On the day of the funeral soldiers stood round as a guard, amid much ridicule from those who had either themselves witnessed or who had heard from their parents of the famous day when slavery was still something fresh, and freedom had been resought in vain, when the slaying of Caesar, the Dictator, seemed to some the vilest, to others, the most glorious of deeds. ""Now,"" they said, ""an aged sovereign, whose power had lasted long, who had provided his heirs with abundant means to coerce the State, requires forsooth the defence of soldiers that his burial may be undisturbed."""
die funeris milites velut praesidio stetere, multum inridentibus qui ipsi vierant quique a parentibus acceperant diem illum crudi adhuc servitii et libertatis inprospere repetitae, cum occisus dictator Caesar aliis pessimum, aliis pulcherrimum facinus videretur: nunc senem principem, longa potentia, provisis etiam heredum in rem publicam opibus, auxilio scilicet militari tuendum, ut sepultura eius quieta foret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The last part of the motorway opened in 1980, when it was 141 km (88 mi) long.
Linea B, anno 2014 inaugurata, 19.1 chiliometra longa est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The power of the decemvirs did not last beyond two years, nor was the consular jurisdiction of the military tribunes of long duration.
dictaturae ad tempus sumebantur; neque decemviralis potestas ultra biennium, neque tribunorum militum consulare ius diu valuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
His last performance was in Stella (1950); he knew he did not have long to live and collapsed twice on set, but was determined to see it through.
Anno 1906, pictura eius ultima (visionem Ezechielis depingenti) non completa, caecitate affectus est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The world knows of the endless calamities, each more terrible than the last, that have fallen upon her during this long course of time - but where all purely human institutions must inevitably have succumbed, the Church has drawn from her trials only fresh strength and richer fruitfulness.
Nemo enim unus ignorat, asperitatem rerum hac temporis diuturnitate in eam incubuisse et plurimas et maximas; atque, ubi virtutem non humana maiorem deficere necesse fuisset, Ecclesiam inde validiorem semper auctioremque emersisse.vatican.va vatican.va
But this joy of Our paternal heart is disturbed by many bitter anxieties, for if in most places peace is in some sort established and treaties signed, the germs of former enmities remain; and you well know, Venerable Brethren, that there can be no stable peace or lasting treaties, though made after long and difficult negotiations and duly signed, unless there be a return of mutual charity to appease hate and banish enmity.
At vero hanc ipsam paterno conceptam animo laetitiam nimis multa eademque acerbissima perturbant ; nam si fere ubique bellum aliqua ratione compositum est, et pacis quaedam conventiones subscriptae, reliqua sunt tamen antiquarum semina inimicitiarum ; vosque probe tenetis, Venerabiles Fratres, nullam pacem consistere, nulla pacis f oedera posse vigere, quamvis diutinis laboriosisque consultationibus constituta sancteque firmata, nisi per caritatis mutuae reconciliationem odia simul inimicitiaeque conquiescant.vatican.va vatican.va
Meanwhile Scipio, with Damasippus and Torquatus, and Plaetorius Rustianus, having embarked on board some galleys, with the intention of making for the coast of Spain; and being long and severely tossed by contrary winds, were at last obliged to put into the port of Hippo, where the fleet commanded by P. Sitius chanced at that time to be.
Scipio interim cum Damasippo et Torquato et Plaetorio Rustiano navibus longis diu multumque iactati cum Hispaniam peterent, ad Hipponem Regium deferuntur, ubi classis P. Sitti ad id tempus erat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
35 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.