loss oor Latyn


/lɑs/, /lɒs/, /lɔs/ naamwoord, werkwoord
an instance of losing, such as a defeat

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Besides, refusal to obey involves an often serious loss for the common good.
Praeterea oboedientiae recusatio crebro damnum grave infert ipsi bono commun.


[ dētrīmentum ]
In addition to this loss, they were prevented from getting water by the horse which Antonius had disposed along the sea-coast.
Ad hoc detrimentum accessit, ut equitibus per oram maritimam ab Antonio dispositis aquari prohiberentur.

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Soortgelyke frases

loss of a battle
suffering no damage|loss
financial|property|physical loss|damage|injury
damnum · dampnum
loss of speech
mourn loss of
causing loss
be at a loss
decontor · haereo · haesito · trepido
make up for injury|loss
that causes financial loss


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Having devastated the country in such a manner, Caesar leads back his army with the loss of two cohorts to Durocortorum of the Remi, and, having summoned a council of Gaul to assemble at that place, he resolved to hold an investigation respecting the conspiracy of the Senones and Carnutes, and having pronounced a most severe sentence upon Acco, who had been the contriver of that plot, he punished him after the custom of our ancestors.
Itaque rursus coniuratione facta paulatim ex castris discedere et suos clam ex agrisdeducere coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Winter was now approaching, and Octavius, despairing of capturing the town, after sustaining such considerable losses, withdrew to Pompey, to Dyrrachium.
in Haterium statim invectus est; Scaurum, cui inplacabilius irascebatur, silentio tramisit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He attacked it with his whole army, and took it by storm; not because it would have been difficult to carry it with a few forces; but with the design of falling immediately upon the enemy's camp, during the alarm which the loss of this fort must give them.
Sed apud priores ut agere digna memoratu pronum magisque in aperto erat, ita celeberrimus quisque ingenio ad prodendam virtutis memoriam sine gratia aut ambitione bonae tantum conscientiae pretio ducebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In fine, they did not reflect on the common casualties of war; how trifling causes, either from groundless suspicions, sudden affright, or religious scruples, have oftentimes been productive of considerable losses; how often an army has been unsuccessful either by the misconduct of the general, or the oversight of a tribune; but as if they had proved victorious by their valor, and as if no change could ever take place, they published the success of the day throughout the world by reports and letters.
pleraque manent: quaedam statim omissa sunt aut vetustas oblitteravit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In assessing the environmental impact of any project, concern is usually shown for its effects on soil, water and air, yet few careful studies are made of its impact on biodiversity, as if the loss of species or animals and plant groups were of little importance.
Acforte illis diebus oblatum Caesari anceps periculum auxit vana rumoris praebuitque ipsi materiem cur amicitiae constantiaeque Seiani magis fideret.vatican.va vatican.va
Anything which weakens those institutions has negative consequences, such as injustice, violence and loss of freedom.
mox vocato senatu deliguntur legati ad exercitus ut praetexto rei publicae concordiam pacemque suaderent.vatican.va vatican.va
While he was employed in this siege, those who, as we have said, were blockaded at Munda made a sally, but were driven back into the town with considerable loss.
Tiridates vergente iam die procul adstitit, unde videri magis quam audiri posset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the year of the consulship of Marcus Licinius and Lucius Calpurnius, the losses of a great war were matched by an unexpected disaster, no sooner begun than ended.
At non frater eius, cognomento Felix, pari moderatione agebat, iam pridem Iudaeae impositus et cuncta malefacta sibi impune ratus tanta potentia subnixo.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Among the business losses were Jose Maria Quesada's.
interim ut piaculumobicitur centurio Crispinus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the destruction of Cremona the war must be answerable; the civil strifes of former days cost the State more terrible loss and the overthrow of many cities.
Nam in hoc Collegio omnes et singuli Episcopi ipsius Iesu Christi, Pastoris boni, sollicitudinem manifestant, quam hereditate quadam acceperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He had no war at the time on his hands except against the Germans, which was rather to wipe out the disgrace of the loss of Quintilius Varus and his army than out of an ambition to extend the empire, or for any adequate recompense.
P. Sittius interim pulso exercitu Saburrae praefecti Iubae ipsoque interfecto cum iter cum paucis per Mauretaniam ad Caesarem faceret, forte incidit in Faustum Afraniumque qui eam manum habebant qua Uticam diripuerant, iterque in Hispaniam intendebant et erant numero circiter mille.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This comes about both as a result of a loss of awareness of the originality of Gospel morality and as a result of an eclipse of fundamental principles and ethical values themselves.
Et aliis Germanorum populis usurpatum rara et privata cujusque audentia apud Chattos in consensum vertit, ut primum adoleverint, crinem barbamque submittere, nec, nisi hoste caeso, exuere votivum obligatumque virtuti oris habitum.vatican.va vatican.va
This "domination" indicates the disturbance and loss of the stability of that fundamental equality which the man and the woman possess in the "unity of the two": and this is especially to the disadvantage of the woman, whereas only the equality resulting from their dignity as persons can give to their mutual relationship the character of an authentic "communio personarum".
ubi pulsum Caecinam pergere Cremonam accepit, aegre coercitam legionem et pugnandi ardore usque ad seditionem progressam Bedriaci sistit.vatican.va vatican.va
And I would approve of this opinion (for honor is a powerful motive with me), could I foresee no other loss, save that of life; but let us, in adopting our design, look back on all Gaul, which we have stirred up to our aid.
Cum utrimque exspectatio fieret neque Caesar sese moveret et cum suorum paucitate contra magnam vim hostium artificio magis quam viribus decernendum videret, subito adversariorum equitatus sese extendere et in latitudinem promovere collesque complecti et Caesaris equitatum extenuare simulque ad circumeundum comparare se coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The loss of the sense of sin is thus a form or consequence of the denial of God: not only in the form of atheism but also in the form of secularism.
People suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) often report that they make attempts to avoid thoughts associated with their traumatic experience.vatican.va vatican.va
In this action a quinquereme was taken, and a bireme, with all the soldiers and mariners on board, besides three sunk, without any loss on our side.
Cum utrimque exspectatio fieret neque Caesar sese moveret et cum suorum paucitate contra magnam vim hostium artificio magis quam viribus decernendum videret, subito adversariorum equitatus sese extendere et in latitudinem promovere collesque complecti et Caesaris equitatum extenuare simulque ad circumeundum comparare se coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The loss of forests and woodlands entails the loss of species which may constitute extremely important resources in the future, not only for food but also for curing disease and other uses.
quorum Andecavos Acilius Aviola legatus excita cohorte quae Lugduni praesidium agitabat coercuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Labienus too retreated to his camp, after having thoroughly fatigued his troops with the pursuit: in which, besides a great number wounded, his loss amounted to about three hundred men.
Itaque nostri ad dimicandum procedunt, id quod adversarios existimabamus esse facturos. Qui tamen a munitione oppidi longius non audebant procedere, in quo sibi prope murum adversarii constituebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After he had arrived there, he was greatly at a loss to know by what means he could reach his army.
igitur consultantibus placuit pertemptari animum cohortis, quae in Palatio stationem agebat, nec per ipsum Galbam, cuius integra auctoritas maioribus remediis servabatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For this reason the Church is firmly opposed to an often widespread form of imparting sex information dissociated from moral principles. That would merely be an introduction to the experience of pleasure and a stimulus leading to the loss of serenity-while still in the years of innocence-by opening the way to vice.
Peucinorum Vene dorumque et Fennorum nationes Germanis an Sarmatis ascribam, dubito: quanquam Peucini, quos quidam Bastarnas vocant, sermone, cultu, sede ac domiciliis, ut Germani, agunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The loss of jobs also has a negative impact on the economy “through the progressive erosion of social capital: the network of relationships of trust, dependability, and respect for rules, all of which are indispensable for any form of civil coexistence”.[
Eo cum venisset,ea quas fore suspicatus erat facta cognovit: missas legationes ab non nullis civitatibus ad Germanos invitatos eos uti ab Rheno discederent: omnia quae[que] postulassent ab se fore parata.vatican.va vatican.va
His et pluribus in eundem modum perpulerant ut ne legati quidem ac duces partium restingui posse iracundiam exercitus arbitrarentur, cum haud ignari discriminis sui Viennenses, velamenta et infulas praeferentes, ubi agmen incesserat, arma genua vestigia prensando flexere militum animos; addidit Valens trecenos singulis militibus sestertios.langbot langbot
Great glory, equal to that of our old victories, was won on that day. Some indeed say that there fell little less than eighty thousand of the Britons, with a loss to our soldiers of about four hundred, and only as many wounded.
capita ut hostium ipsi interfectores ad Othonem tulere; neque eos aut Otho praemio adfecit aut puniit Vitellius, in multa conluvie rerum maioribus flagitiis permixtos.latin-ancient latin-ancient
pro Plancina cum pudore et flagitio disseruit, matris preces obtendens, in quam optimi cuiusque secreti questus magis ardescebant.vatican.va vatican.va
In particular, in the light of the revealed mystery of the Trinity, we understand that true openness does not mean loss of individual identity but profound interpenetration.
Item ex finitimis regionibus quas potest contrahit cohortes ex delectibus Pompeianis; in his Camerino fugientem Lucilium Hirrum cum sex cohortibus, quas ibi in praesidio habuerat, excipit; quibus coactis XII efficit.vatican.va vatican.va
190 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.