loss of a battle oor Latyn

loss of a battle

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[ dētrīmentum ]
Charlton T. Lewis

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Caesar continued in order of battle till four in the afternoon, and then retreated to his camp without the loss of a man.
Eius munitionis quae ab Romanis instituebatur circuitus XI milia passuum tenebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Why should he hazard the loss of any of his men, even in a successful battle? Why should he expose soldiers to be wounded, who had deserved so well of him? Why, in short, should he tempt fortune? especially when it was as much a general's duty to conquer by tactics as by the sword.
Vitellius primum iter sicca humo aut modice adlabente aestu quietum habuit: mox inpulsu aquilonis, simul sidere aequinoctii, quo maxime tumescit Oceanus, rapi agique agmen.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They did not consider, in addition, that the contest was not decided by a vigorous attack, nor a regular battle; and that our men had suffered greater loss from their numbers and want of room, than they had sustained from the enemy.
Adiabeni cum promovere scalas et machinamenta inciperent, facile detrusi, mox erumpentibus nostris caeduntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The spirits of the barbarians were puffed up, and inflated at the success of this battle, in killing the prince, and general of the Remi; and our men were taught by this loss, to examine the country, and post their guards with more caution, and to be more moderate in pursuing a retreating enemy.
miserat amicitiam ac foedus memoraturos, et cupere novari dextras, daturumque honori Germanici ut ripam Euphratis accederet: petere interim ne Vonones in Syria haberetur neu proceres gentium propinquis nuntiis ad discordias traheret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cassivellaunus, when this battle was reported to him as so many losses had been sustained, and his territories laid waste, being alarmed most of all by the desertion of the states, sends embassadors to Caesar [to treat] about a surrender through the mediation of Commius the Atrebatian.
Rubrio crimini dabatur violatum periurio numen Augusti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Which as soon as Caesar perceived, being afraid that his men would appear not to retreat, but to be repulsed, and that greater loss might be sustained, when his men were almost half way down the hill, he encouraged them by Antonius, who commanded that legion, ordered the signal of battle to be sounded, and a charge to be made on the enemy.
adsultare ex diverso Tiridates, non usque ad ictum teli, sed tum minitans, tum specie trepidantis, si laxare ordines et diversos consectari posset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The column which took the right-hand and the shorter route, inflicted greater loss on the enemy who met them, and ventured on a battle. With much spoil and glory they returned to Mount Taunus, where Pomponius was waiting with the legions, to see whether the Chatti, in their eagerness for vengeance, would give him a chance of fighting.
Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens: Fac tibi duas tubas argenteas ductiles, quibus convocare possis multitudinem quando movenda sunt castra. (Nm 10, 1-2)latin-ancient latin-ancient
7 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.