love oor Latyn


/lʌv/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(uncountable) An intense feeling of affection and care towards another person.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


strong affection
Tom said that he loved Mary and always would love her.
Thomas dixit se Mariam amare atque semper amaturum.


[ amāre ]
To have an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person.
Tom said that he loved Mary and always would love her.
Thomas dixit se Mariam amare atque semper amaturum.


[ cāritas ]
strong affection
Love is like oxygen.
Caritas ut oxygenum est.

En 40 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

amo · diligo · amator · amatrix · italiani · agape · nulli · aestimare · appretiare · censere · taxare · diligere · ætaluta · Venus · aetaluta · cupido · Amor · adfectio · adfectus · affectio · affectus · amare amo · amatio · amos · amātor · amātrix · amō · ardor · calor · colo · complexus · cuppedo · dilectio · dilexio · diligentia · foveo · gratia · ignis · pietas · reverentia

Geskatte vertalings

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An English surname.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Proper noun
Love is more powerful than death.
Amor fortior est quam mors.
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Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

in a loving manner
in a loving|friendly manner
used in love-potions
Roman goddess of love
feast of harmony and love
Carl Jonas Love Almqvist
Carolus Ioannes Love Almqvist
love potion|charm|philter
one in love
you wil be loved.


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I love languages.
Ordinatrum est machina computandi.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I love him.
rettulit tamen ad senatum de rebus gestis multaque de virtute eius memoravit, magis in speciem verbis adornata quam ut penitus sentire crederetur.tatoeba tatoeba
44] And how can one wish to love Christ without loving the Church, if the finest witness to Christ is that of St.
Prima luce sic ex castris proficiscuntur, ut quibus esset persuasum non ab hoste, sed ab homine amicissimo Ambiorige consilium datum, longissimo agmine maximisque
Refusal of God's fatherly love and of his loving gifts is always at the root of humanity's divisions.
Ceterum ubi compositos firmis ordinibus sequi rursus videre, in fugam versi, non agminibus, ut prius, nec alius alium respectantes: rari e vitabundi in vicem longinqua atque avia
From 12 to 17 of this coming month of August you will be my representative at this Congress to be held in the City of Quito in order to promote the missionary task of the Church which, "sent by Christ to reveal and communicate the love of God to all men and to all peoples, is aware that for her a tremendous missionary work still remains to be done" (Ad Gentes, n. 10).
sane is repertus apud fretum Siciliae retractusque per centurionem nullas probabilis causas longinquae peregrinationis adferebat: mansit tamen incolumis oblivione magis quam
In his intimate life, God "is love,"36 the essential love shared by the three divine Persons: personal love is the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of the Father and the Son.
Illi imperata celeriter fecerunt, obsides ad numerum frumentumque
Nor is there any occasion to fear lest the inequality of the persons should cause some defect in the harmony of wills, since love knows nothing of reverence.
Sabinus re trepida, quod tutissimum e praesentibus, arcem Capitolii insedit mixto milite et quibusdam senatorum equitumque, quorum nomina tradere haud promptum est, quoniam victore Vespasiano multi id meritum erga partis
Indeed, his actions, and in particular his Passion and Death on the Cross, are the living revelation of his love for the Father and for others.
Ergo apud maiores nostros iuvenis ille, qui foro et eloquentiae parabatur, imbutus iam domestica disciplina, refertus honestis studiis deducebatur a patre vel a propinquis ad eum oratorem, qui principem in civitate locum
I love my language!
His paratis rebus magnum numerum levis armaturae et sagittariorum aggeremque omnem noctu in scaphas et naves actuarias imponit et de media nocte cohortes LX ex maximis castris praesidiisque deductas ad eam partem munitionum ducit, quae pertinebant ad mare longissimeque a maximis castris Caesaris aberant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
127] What is this love?
rapti qui tributo aderant milites et patibulo adfixi: Olennius infensos fuga praevenit receptus castello cui nomen Flevum; et haud spernenda illic civium sociorumque manus litora Oceani
Those of us who became fans early on love to convert the unitiated, and this song is bound to bring many more into the flock.
Per idem tempus legati Parthorum ad expetendum, ut rettuli, Meherdaten missi senatum ingrediuntur mandataque in hunc modum incipiunt: non se foederis ignaros nec defectione a familia Arsacidarum venire, set filium Vononis, nepotem Pharaatis accersere adversus dominationem Gotarzis nobilitati plebique iuxta intolerandam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her trust is based on him who, being the Spirit-love, is also the Spirit of peace and does not cease to be present in our human world, on the horizon of minds and hearts, in order to "fill the universe" with love and peace.
digressu consularium uni Antonio vis ac potestas in utrumque exercitum fuit, cedentibus collegis et obversis militum
It had at this time no king, Vonones having been expelled, but the nation's likings inclined towards Zeno, son of Polemon, king of Pontus, who from his earliest infancy had imitated Armenian manners and customs, loving the chase, the banquet, and all the popular pastimes of barbarians, and who had thus bound to himself chiefs and people alike.
Agebatur huc illuc Galba vario turbae fluctuantis impulsu, completis undique basilicis ac templis, lugubri prospectu.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I think that to a large extent the future of humanity is decided along the paths of this love, initially youthful love, which you and she, you and he discover along the paths of your youth.
Galbam consensus generis humani, me Galba consentientibus vobis Caesarem
Tom loves music.
Fecundiora igitur nemora lucosque, sicut Orientis secretis, ubi thura balsamaque sudantur, ita Occidentis insulis terrisque inesse, crediderim; quae vicini solis radiis expressa atque liquentia in proximum mare labuntur, ac vi tempestatum in adversa littora exundant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Moreover, ideologies which are alien to the faith can stimulate the believing members of the family to grow in faith and in the witness of love.
Rhenus, Rhaeticarum Alpium inaccesso ac praecipiti vertice ortus, modico flexu in occidentem versus, septentrionali Oceano
Nobody loves me.
mox vocato senatu deliguntur legati ad exercitus ut praetexto rei publicae concordiam pacemque suaderent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I loved you and trusted you.
Item ex finitimis regionibus quas potest contrahit cohortes ex delectibus Pompeianis; in his Camerino fugientem Lucilium Hirrum cum sex cohortibus, quas ibi in praesidio habuerat, excipit; quibus coactis XII efficit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
For it is written "Loving kindness I desire, not sacrifice."
Hunc cum obliquo itinere cetrati peterent, conspicatus equitatus Caesaris in cohortes impetum fecit; nec minimam partem temporis equitum vim cetrati sustinere potuerunt omnesque ab eis circumventi in conspectu utriusque exercitus interficiuntur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Heads of Nations, people from every social class and especially young people gathered round his mortal remains, laid on the bare ground, in an unforgettable embrace of love and admiration.
Immotum adversus eos sermones fixumque Tiberio fuit non omittere caput rerum neque se remque publicam in casum
I love apples.
Postquam eo ventum est ut sibi uterque eorum confideret, Caesar Pharon classe circumvehitur adversasque navis hostibus constituit: in dextro cornu Rhodias collocat, in sinistro Ponticas.tatoeba tatoeba
The Church is aware that in the love that Christ receives from consecrated persons, the love of the entire Body is directed in a special and exceptional way towards the Spouse, who at the same time is the Head of this Body.
corpus, insigne oculis comaque et torvitate vultus, in Asiam atque inde Romam pervectum
In view of this, the pastoral work of promoting vocations should make use of suitable help, such as spiritual direction, in order to nourish that personal response of love of the Lord which is the necessary condition for becoming disciples and apostles of his Kingdom.
repetundarum criminibus sub Claudio ac Nerone ceciderant: placuit ignoscentibus verso nomine, quod avaritia fuerat, videri maiestatem, cuius tum odio etiam bonae leges
Finally to strengthen you always to respond zealously to your noble Franciscan vocation, with the loving sentiments of a father we impart to you here present and to your entire religious family the Apostolic Blessing.
Hi neque vultum fingere neque interdum lacrimas tenere poterant: abditi in tabernaculis aut suum fatum querebantur aut cum familiaribus suis commune periculum
Let us note straight away that the Greek Old Testament uses the word eros only twice, while the New Testament does not use it at all: of the three Greek words for love, eros, philia (the love of friendship) and agape, New Testament writers prefer the last, which occurs rather infrequently in Greek usage.
neque Silius flagitii aut periculi nescius erat: sed certo si abnueret exitio et non nulla fallendi spe, simul magnis praemiis, operire futura et praesentibus frui pro solacio
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