lower oor Latyn


/ˈlaʊɚ/, /ˈlaʊə/ werkwoord, adjektief, naamwoord, bywoord
(reflexive) ( lower oneself ) To humble oneself; to do something one considers to be beneath one's dignity.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of, as temperature


[ dēmittō ]
let (something) descend by its own weight, such as a bucket or sail


let (something) descend by its own weight, such as a bucket or sail

En 19 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

inferior · adducere · declino · ferre · infernus · inferus · submitto · abicio · deicio · demergo · deterior · detraho · dēmittō · inclino · infer · inferius · infernalis · minuo · summitto

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Soortgelyke frases

lower part of the belly
drop|become lower
deductus · demissus · submissus
lower itself
subcumbo · succumbo
Lower Saxony
Saxonia Inferior · Saxonia inferior
Municipalities in Lower Saxony
Communia Saxoniae Inferioris
its lower part
Bergen, Lower Saxony
lower world
Avernus · Erebus · Styx · catonium


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Treating him with contempt, they made their way towards Lower Germany, to join Civilis.
spreto Flacco inferiorem Germaniam petivere ut Civili iungerentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Amstetten, Lower Austria
Amstetten (Badenia-Virtembergia)langbot langbot
Woltersdorf, Lower Saxony
Woltersdorflangbot langbot
Scharnhorst, Lower Saxony
Scharnhorstlangbot langbot
Elbe, Lower Saxony
Elbe (Circulus Guelpherbytensis)langbot langbot
The reason is this: the commandment of love of God and neighbour does not have in its dynamic any higher limit, but it does have a lower limit, beneath which the commandment is broken.
Haec est potius ratio: dilectionis Dei proximique mandatum in sua positiva dynamica nullum habet terminum superiorem, sed inferiorem limitem, infra quem mandatum violatur.vatican.va vatican.va
It is worn by women of royal or noble births and not women of lower castes.
Plerisque in zonis, matrimonium inter nobiles feminas et viros inferiorum castarum improbatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To Valens were entrusted the picked troops of the army of Lower Germany with the eagle of the 5th legion and the auxiliary infantry and cavalry, to the number of 40,000 armed men; Caecina commanded 30,000 from Upper Germany, the strength of his force being one legion, the 21st.
Valenti inferioris exercitus electi cum aquila quintae legionis et cohortibus alisque, ad quadraginta milia armatorum data; triginta milia Caecina e superiore Germania ducebat, quorum robur legio unaetvicensima fuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Increasing concentrations of methane, ammonia and water are found in the lower regions of the atmosphere.
Augentes methani, aquae et ammoniaci concentrationes in inferioribus atmosphaerae regionibus inveniuntur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lower Carniola
Carniola Inferior (provincia historica slovena)langbot langbot
Brotherly love is not calculated to get rid of the differences of conditions and therefore of classes - a result which is just as impossible as that in the living body all the members should have the same functions and dignity - but it will bring it to pass that those who occupy higher positions will in some way bring themselves down to those in a lower position, and treat them not only justly, for it is only right that they should, but kindly and in a friendly and patient spirit, and the poor on their side will rejoice in their prosperity and rely confidently on their help - even as the younger son of a family relies on the help and protection of his elder brother.
Cuius quidem amoris non ea certe vis est, ut conditionum ideoque ordinum distinctionem amoveat, - quod non magis potest fieri , quam uti in corpore animantis una eademque membrorum omnium actio sit ac dignitas - sed tamen efficiet, ut qui loco superiores sunt, demittant se quodammodo ad inferiores; et non solum iuste adversus eos, quod par est, sed benigne, comiter, patienter sese gerant: hi autem illorum et laetentur prosperitate et confidant auxilio; sic prorsus, uti ex familiae eiusdem filiis minor natu maioris patrocinio praesidioque nititur.vatican.va vatican.va
Please lower your voice.
Remitte vocem, quaeso.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
This fact in no way alters our justifiable anxiety that in work, whereby matter gains in nobility, man himself should not experience a lowering of his own dignity20.
Hoc vero nequaquam sollicitudinem, qua merito angimur, aufert, eo pertinentem ne in labore, quo materia nobilitatur, homo ipse quoad dignitatem vilior fiat (20).vatican.va vatican.va
26. And so too are all they seriously mistaken who, occupying themselves with the welfare of the people, and especially upholding the cause of the lower classes, seek to promote above all else the material well-being of the body and of life, but are utterly silent about their spiritual welfare and the very serious duties which their profession as Christians enjoins upon them.
Illi etiam valde falluntur qui in collocandis publice beneficiis, praesertim popularium causam agentes, quae ad corporis victum cultumque pertinent ea maxime curant, animorum salutem et christianae professionis officia gravissima silentio praetereunt.vatican.va vatican.va
They defended the lower parts of the town by very high towers of ten stories: besides which, they had likewise contrived a kind of moving towers, which consisted of the same number of stories, and which being fitted with ropes and wheels, could, by means of horses, as the streets of Alexandria were quite even and level, be conveyed wherever their service was necessary.
Praeterea alias ambulatorias totidem tabulatorum confixerant subiectisque eas rotis funibus iumentisque obiectis derectis plateis in quamcumque erat visum partem movebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Lower Austria
Austria Inferiorlangbot langbot
If man were merely the fruit of either chance or necessity, or if he had to lower his aspirations to the limited horizon of the world in which he lives, if all reality were merely history and culture, and man did not possess a nature destined to transcend itself in a supernatural life, then one could speak of growth, or evolution, but not development.
Si homo tantummodo fructus esset casualitatis vel necessitatis, aut si aspirationes reducere deberet ad angustum ambitum ubi vitam gerit, si omnia tantum historia et cultura circumscriberentur, et natura hominis non vergeret ad transcendentiam vitae supernaturalis, tunc tractari posset de incremento vel evolutione, non vero de progressione.vatican.va vatican.va
Lower Peninsula of Michigan
Paeninsula Michiganensis Inferiorlangbot langbot
In democracy, the lower class grows bigger and bigger.
Et in quaque facultate sunt gradus minores et maiores.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lower Lusatia
Lusatia inferiorlangbot langbot
But almost in the middle of the hill, the Gauls had previously built a wall six feet high, made of large stones, and extending in length as far as the nature of the ground permitted, as a barrier to retard the advance of our men; and leaving all the lower space empty, they had filled the upper part of the hill, as far as the wall of the town, with their camps very close to one another.
A medio fere colle in longitudinem, ut natura montis ferebat, ex grandibus saxis sex pedum murum qui nostrorum impetum tardaret praeduxerant Galli, atque inferiore omni spatio vacuo relicto superiorem partem collis usque ad murum oppidi densissimis castris compleverant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The social teachings of Christianity, then, contain sure and sound principles which will make very adequate provision for the rights of the lower classes if those who endeavor to defend these rights only put those principles into practice.
Ii igitur iam habent, qui aerariae plebis iura tueri contendunt, in christiana de re sociali dottrina certas rectasque normas, quas si modo debitaque ratione ad rem adduxerint, satis iam iisdem iuribus provisum erit.vatican.va vatican.va
3. to extend the competence of lower tribunals;
3° tribunalium inferiorum competentiam prorogare;vatican.va vatican.va
The Manetho of the Hibeh Papyri has no title and this letter deals with affairs in Upper Egypt not Lower Egypt where our Manetho is thought to have functioned as a chief priest.
Inscriptio in Hibeh Papyri caret, et haec epistula res in Aegypto superiori tractat, non in Aegypto inferiori, ubi Manetho principalis sacerdos fuisse putatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1854 – An agreement for reciprocal lowering of trade barriers is reached between British North America and the United States.
1775 - Pugna Lexingtoniensis et Concordiensis inter Americanos et Britanniam factae sunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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