make pointed oor Latyn

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Piotr Szelma


Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma


Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma

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Democracy cannot be idolized to the point of making it a substitute for morality or a panacea for immorality.
Populare profecto regimen re eo efferri non potest ut vicem gerat moralitatis vel remedium fiat
As for "being with him," with the bishop, the bishop should make a point of visiting them often and in some way "being" with them as a way of giving significant expression to his responsibility for the formation of candidates for the priesthood.
Quod vero ad illud attinet «esse cum eo», cum episcopo, mire et egregie significatur episcopi auctoritatis momentum eiusque proprium illud officium respondendi de candidatorum sacerdotii formatione, saepius scilicet eos visitando et aliquo modo «cum iis manendo»
Using this "contemplation" as a starting point and making continual reference to it, the synod fathers reflected on the problem of priestly formation in present - day circumstances.
Atque ex hac potissimum «contemplatione» reputaverunt Patres synodales totam suam reflexionem de formatione presbyterorum in hodiernis
Thus, with love as its point of departure and making constant reference to it, the recent Synod emphasized four general tasks for the family:
Hac ex parte exordium sumens ab amore ad eumque continenter respiciens, quattuor generalia munera familiae recens Synodus in lumine posuit; quae
"Why don't you go to the Master? He likes, as you know, to carry things we leave up to his study, or to give them to someone who can return them to us." "You make a good point, how forgetful I am, not to have thought of that!"
"Cur non adis præceptorem? solet (ut scis) aut ferre ea quae relicta sunt a nobis in museolum, aut dare alicui qui reddat." "Mones bene, quam obliviosus sum, qui non cogitaveram istud!"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In adoption there is nothing that need bias the judgment, and if you wish to make a choice, an unanimous opinion points out the man.
nam generari et nasci a principibus fortuitum, nec ultra aestimatur: adoptandi iudicium integrum et, si velis eligere, consensu monstratur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A special commitment is needed with regard to certain aspects of the Gospel's radical message which are often less well understood, even to the point of making the Church's presence unpopular, but which nevertheless must be a part of her mission of charity.
Peculiare munus afficere debet quosdam exigentiae evangelicae aspectus, qui saepe parum intelleguntur, ita ut Ecclesiae interventus reddantur impopulares, qui tamen hanc ob causam nequeunt minus praesentes esse in ecclesialibus rebus agendis de
Precisely at this point the "revealing of man to himself and making his supreme vocation clear" is particularly indispensable.
Hac ipsa in re omnino necessarium est ut “homo homini manifestetur eique altissima eius vocatio patefiat”
At the same time, these attempts try to avoid making market mechanisms the only point of reference for social life, and they tend to subject them to public control which upholds the principle of the common destination of material goods.
Eodem tempore ipsi contendunt prohibere ne mercatus machinae novissimus finis habeantur pro tota hominis vita et publicae vigilantiae subicere eas volunt, unde terrae bonorum communis destinationis principium efficaciter
In industrial change, which demands speedy and constant adaptation, those who will find themselves injured will be more numerous and at a greater disadvantage from the point of view of making their voices heard.
Ac revera, si ad mutationes attendatur per machinales structuras invectas, quae postulant, ut iis vitae ratio cito assidueque accommodetur, facile cernimus eos, quibus inde nocumentum inferatur, numero fieri crebriores eosdemque minus valere ad vocem interponendam
Agricultural work involves considerable difficulties, including unremitting and sometimes exhausting physical effort and a lack of appreciation on the part of society, to the point of making agricultural people feel that they are social outcasts and of speeding up the phenomenon of their mass exodus from the countryside to the cities and unfortunately to still more dehumanizing living conditions.
Opus agreste non leves prae se fert difficultates, quales sunt continuus corporis nisus, qui interdum plane conficit vires, minor aestimatio, qua labor ille sic a communi tate iudicatur ut homines agrorum culturae addicti in secundarias societatis partes se sentiant detrudi utque hac de causa plurimi eo rum rure festinent fugere in urbes, ac quidem, pro dolor, in vitae condiciones multo magis humanam deicientes
In my Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte I pointed out the need to ''make the Church the home and the school of communion''.91 This remark had a vast resonance and was taken up by the Synodal Assembly.
In Epistula Apostolica Novo millennio ineunte necessitatem extulimus « ex Ecclesia domum scholamque communionis » 91 exstruendi. Quae res late divulgata est et a synodali Congressione est
Thus, Baby Tai's auto-biography is just not personal account of a woman's life history but it is a deeply political and a critical record of the making of the nation from the vantage point of a very precarious social location.
Structura socialis in scientiis socialibus est exemplares collocationes sociales in societate humana quae ex actionibus hominum singulorum emergunt et quas determinant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This present exhortation seeks to gather the results of the work of the synod, setting out some established points, indicating some essential goals, making available to all the wealth of experiences and training programs which have already been tried and found worthwhile.
Hinc est quod Adhortatio, cum colligere quodammodo intendat laborum synodalium fructus, constabilire primum debeat quaedam puncta nullatenus movenda; designare dein metas quasdam omnino assequendas; commonstrare omnibus et offerre experientiarum divitias et varietatem methodorum, experimento alicubi
All these observations are connected with another point which solicitously, We wish to make with a fatherly heart. It is necessary that you hold the religious vows in highest esteem and that you attach the greatest importance to their religious function and practice.
Haec omnia cum alia re conectuntur, de qua paterno et sollicito animo vos monemus: scilicet oportet plurimi faciatis vota religiosa eorumque usui et exercitationi magnum momentum
They kept no watch; they did not strengthen the weak points of the fortifications; but, making each pleasant spot ring with the noise of their daily and nightly dissipation, they dispersed their soldiers on errands which were to minister to their luxury, and never spoke of war, except at their banquets.
non vigilias agere, non intuta moenium firmare: noctu dieque fluxi et amoena litorum personantes, in ministerium luxus dispersis militibus, de bello tantum inter convivia loquebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is precisely this respect which makes legitimate, at the service of responsible procreation, the use of natural methods of regulating fertility. From the scientific point of view, these methods are becoming more and more accurate and make it possible in practice to make choices in harmony with moral values.
Quae omnino observantia, conscio procreandi officio proveniens, legitimum reddit usum naturalium rationum fecunditatis moderandae: in dies perfectius usque definiuntur sub aspectu scientifico, atque finitas tribuunt facultates optionum moralibus cum principiis
The profession of the evangelical counsels, which makes a person totally free for the service of the Gospel, is important also from this point of view.
Evangelicorum consiliorum professio, quae pro Evangelii causa liberat plane personam, hoc pariter in prospectu pondus suum
After praying to the Lord, we feel the need of your prayers to gain that indispensable, heavenly strength that will make it possible for us to take up the work of our predecessors from the point where they left off.
Post Nostras ad Deum factas precationes, vestris etiam precationibus Nos indigere sentimus, ut illud pernecessarium impetremus adiumentum supernum, quo opus Decessorum Nostrorum pergere valeamus eo loco, quo ab eodem
The Council Fathers laid such stress on this point, not just to embellish ecclesiology with a kind of spiritual veneer, but to make the call to holiness an intrinsic and essential aspect of their teaching on the Church.
Huic argumento si conciliares Patres tantum adsignaverunt momentum, non sane addere voluerunt ipsi ecclesiologiae solummodo spiritalem quendam afflatum, verum interiorem eius ac propriam extollere dynamicam
Developing further what the Magisterium before me has taught, I intend in this final section to point out certain requirements which theology—and more fundamentally still, the word of God itself—makes today of philosophical thinking and contemporary philosophies.
Clarius quae antea edixit Magisterium ostendentes, novissima hac in parte quaedam postulata enuntiare volumus, quae theologia — immo, antehac Dei verbum — philosophicae cogitationi ac recentioribus philosophicis hodie
The missionary is required to "renounce himself and everything that up to this point he considered as his own, and to make himself everything to everyone." 172 This he does by a poverty which sets him free for the Gospel, overcoming attachment to the people and things about him, so that he may become a brother to those to whom he is sent and thus bring them Christ the Savior.
A missionario petitur ut velit “renuntiare sibi et omnibus quae hucusque sua habuit, et omnibus omnia sese facere” (Ad Gentes, 24): in paupertate, quae liberum eum reddit pro Evangelio, in abalienatione ab hominibus bonisque sui loci ut fratrem se praebeat iis ipsis, ad quos est missus, quibus scilicet Christum portet
There are situations of acute poverty, anxiety or frustration in which the struggle to make ends meet, the presence of unbearable pain, or instances of violence, especially against women, make the choice to defend and promote life so demanding as sometimes to reach the point of heroism.
Casus identidem peculiaris inopiae anxietatis vel desperationis incidunt, ubi de exsistentia labor, dolor ferme intolerabilis redditus, violationes acceptae, praesertim feminas adficientes, faciunt ut consilia de protegenda ac promovenda vita aliquid flagitent nonnumquam quod virtutem quandam prae se ferat
It knows how to overcome the division between East and West, and above all the one between North and South, to the point - and this is more serious - of pushing its way into the different sections which make up the southern hemisphere.
Eadem mercatura valet ad division em supergrediendam inter Orientem et Occidentem, necnon praesertim inter Septentriones et Meridiem, adeo ut, quod peius est, se in varias partes insinuet, ex quibus australis constat orbis
This aspect of the priest's obedience demands a marked spirit of asceticism, both in the sense of a tendency not to become too bound up in one's own preferences or points of view and in the sense of giving brother priests the opportunity to make good use of their talents, and abilities, setting aside all forms of jealousy, envy and rivalry.
Hic aspectus oboedientiae sacerdotalis non qualemcumque asceticam postulat contentionem; idque ita est intellegendum ut presbyter nunquam nimis propriis placitis vel personali suo rerum prospectui adhaereat, et sciat praeterea locum sodalibus concedere ut ipsi quoque talenta et facultates sine zelotypia, sine invidia, sine aemulatione
35 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.